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- 1 – STEMS
The following list includes those Greek and Latin words occurring most frequently in this Dictionary, arranged alphabetically under their English combining forms as rubrics. The dash appended to a combining form indicates that it is not a complete word and, if the dash precedes the combining form, that it commonly appears as the terminal element of a compound. Infrequently a combining form is both preceded and followed by a dash, showing that it usually appears between two other elements. Closely related forms are shown in one entry by the use of parentheses: thus carbo(n)-, showing it may be either carbo-, as in carbohydrate, or carbon-, as in carbonuria.Following each combining form the first item of information is the Greek or Latin word, identified by [Gr.] or [L.], from which it is derived. Occasionally both a Greek and a Latin word are given. Presence of a dash before or after such an element indicates that it does not occur as an independent word in the original language. Information necessary to the understanding of the form appears next in parentheses. Then the meaning or meanings of the word are given, followed where appropriate by reference to a synonymous combining form. Finally, an example is given to illustrate use of the combining form in a compound English derivative.If this list is used in close conjunction with the etymological information given in the body of the Dictionary, no confusion should be caused by the similarity of elements in such words as melalgia, melancholia, and melicera, where the similarity is only apparent and the derivation of each word is different.
Prefix | Meaning |
a-1 | a- [Gr.] (n is added before words beginning with a vowel) negative prefix. Cf. in-3. ametria |
a-2 | a- [L.] separation, away from. avulsion |
ab- | ab [L.] away from. Cf. apo-. abducent |
abdomin- | abdomen, abdominis [L.] abdomen. abdominoscopy |
abs- | abs [L.] variant of ab. abscess |
ac- | See ad-. accretion |
acanth- | akantha [Gr.] thorny, spiny. acanthocyte |
acar- | akari [Gr.] mite. acarodermatitis |
acet- | acetum [L.] vinegar. acetic acid |
acid- | acidus [L.] sour. aciduric |
acou- | akouō [Gr.] hear. acoustic. (Also spelled acu-) |
acr- | akron [Gr.] extremity, peak. acromegaly |
act- | ago, actus [L.] do, drive, act. reaction |
actin- | aktis, aktinos [Gr.] ray, radius. Cf. radi-. Actinobacillus |
acu- | See acou-. dysacusis |
ad- | ad [L.] (d changes to c, f, g, p, s, or t before words beginning with those consonants) to. adrenal |
-AD1 | -ad [L.] toward. cephalad |
-AD2 | -as, ados [Gr.] group, derivation from, connection with. pseudomonad |
-adelphus | adelphos [Gr.] brother. deradelphus |
aden- | adēn [Gr.] gland. Cf. gland-. adenoma |
adip- | adeps, adipis [L.] fat. Cf. lip- and stear-. adipocellular |
aer- | aēr [Gr.] air. anaerobiosis |
af- | See ad-. afferent |
ag- | See ad-. agglutinant |
agam- | agamos [Gr.] unmarried. agamous |
-agogue | agōgos [Gr.] leading, inducing. galactagogue |
-agra | agra [Gr.] catching, seizure. podagra |
-AL1 | -alis [L.] pertaining to, characterized by. arterial, diarrheal |
-AL2 | -alia [L.] act, process. denial |
alb- | albus [L.] white. Cf. leuk-. albiduria |
alg- | algos [Gr.] pain. neuralgia |
algesi- | algēsis [Gr.] sense of pain. analgesia, algesimeter |
all- | allos [Gr.] other, different. allergy |
allant- | allas, allantos [Gr.] sausage. allantiasis, allantoid |
allel- | allēlōn [Gr.] of one another. allelic |
allotri- | allotrios [Gr.] strange. allotriogeustia |
alve- | alveus [L.] trough, channel, cavity. alveobronchiolitis |
alveol- | alveolus, dim. of alveus [L.] alveolus. alveolitis |
ambi- | ambi- [L.] (i may be dropped before words beginning with a vowel) on all sides. ambidexterity |
ambly- | amblys [Gr.] dull. amblyopia |
ambo- | ambo [L.] both. ambosexual |
ameb- | amoibē [Gr.] change. ameboid |
amni- | amnion [Gr.] bowl, membrane enveloping the fetus. amniocentesis |
amphi- | amphi [Gr.] (i is dropped before words beginning with a vowel) on both sides. amphicentric |
ampho- | amphō [Gr.] both. amphogenic |
amygdal- | amygdalē [Gr.] almond. amygdalin, amygdaloid |
amyl- | amylon [Gr.] starch. amyluria |
an-1 | See a-1. aniridia |
an-2 | See ana-. anode |
ana- | ana [Gr.] (final a is dropped before words beginning with a vowel) up, positive. anabolism |
ancyl- | See ankyl-. ancylostomiasis |
andr- | anēr, andros [Gr.] man. androgen |
angi- | angeion [Gr.] vessel. Cf. vas-. angioma |
anis- | anisos [Gr.] unequal, uneven. anisocoria |
ankyl- | ankylos [Gr.] crooked, looped. ankylosis. (Also spelled ancyl-) |
anomal- | anōmalos [Gr.] irregular. anomalous |
ant- | See anti-. antacid |
ante- | ante [L.] before. anteflexion |
anthrac- | anthrax [Gr.] coal, charcoal. anthracosilicosis |
anthrop- | anthrōpos [Gr.] man, human being. anthropomorphism |
anti- | anti [Gr.] (i may be dropped before words beginning with a vowel) against, counter. Cf. contra. antipruritic |
antr- | antron [Gr.] cavern. antrocele |
ap-1 | See apo-. apeidosis |
ap-2 | See ad-. appendage |
aph- | haptō, haph- [Gr.] touch. dysaphia. (See also hapt-) |
apic- | apex [L.] top, summit. apicoectomy |
apo- | apo [Gr.] (o may be dropped before words beginning with a vowel) away from, detached. Cf. ab-. apolipoprotein |
appendic- | appendix, appendicis [L.] appendix. appendicitis |
arachn- | arachnē [Gr.] spider. arachnodactyly |
arch- | archē [Gr.] beginning, origin. archenteron |
arteri- | arteria [Gr.] (i is sometimes dropped) windpipe, artery. arteriosclerosis, periarteritis |
arteriol- | arteriola, dim. of arteria [L.] arteriole. arteriolopathy |
arthr- | arthron [Gr.] joint. Cf. articul-. synarthrosis |
articul- | articulus [L.] joint. Cf. arthr-. disarticulation |
as- | See ad-. assimilation |
asthen- | asthenēs [Gr.] weak. asthenocoria |
astr- | astron [Gr.] star. astrocyte |
at- | See ad-. attenuate |
atel- | atelēs [Gr.] incomplete. atelocardia |
ather- | athērē [Gr.] gruel. atherosclerosis |
atlant- | atlas, atlantos [Gr.] atlas. atlantoaxial |
atm- | atmos [Gr.] steam, vapor. atmosphere |
atret- | atrētos [Gr.] not perforated. atretostomia |
atri- | atrium [L.] atrium. atrioventricular |
atroph- | atrophia [Gr.] ill-fed. atrophoderma |
audi- | audire [L.] to hear. audiometry |
aur- | auris [L.] ear. Cf. ot-. aurinasal |
aut- | autos [Gr.] self. autoimmunity |
aux- | auxō [Gr.] increase. auxotrophic |
ax- | axōn [Gr.] or axis [L.] axis. axolemma |
axon- | axōn [Gr.] axis. axonopathy |
ba- | bainō, ba- [Gr.] go, walk, stand. abasia |
bacill- | bacillus [L.] small staff, rod. Cf. bacter-. actinobacillosis |
bacter- | bactērion [Gr.] small staff, rod. Cf. bacill-. bacteriophage |
balan- | balanos [Gr.] acorn. balanitis |
ball- | ballō, bol- [Gr.] throw. ballismus. (See also bol-) |
bar- | baros [Gr.] weight. barosinusitis |
bas- | See basi-. basophil |
basi- | basis [Gr.] base. basioglossus, basihyoid |
bath(y)- | bathys [Gr.] deep. bathorhodopsin, bathypnea |
bi-1 | bios [Gr.] life. Cf. vit-. aerobic |
bi-2 | bi- [L.] (an n may be added before words beginning with a vowel) two. bicornuate. (See also di-1) |
bil- | bilis [L.] bile. Cf. chol-. biliary |
bin- | See bi-2. binocular |
bis- | bis [L.] twice. bisferious |
blast- | blastos [Gr.] bud, child, a growing thing in its early stages. Cf. germ-. blastoma, monoblast |
blenn- | blenna [Gr.] mucus. blennorrhea |
blep- | blepō [Gr.] look, see. monoblepsia |
blephar- | blepharon [Gr.] (from blepō; see blep-) eyelid. Cf. cili-. blepharitis |
bol- | See ball-. embolism |
brachi- | brachiōn [Gr.] arm. brachiocephalic |
brachy- | brachys [Gr.] short. brachydactyly |
brady- | bradys [Gr.] slow. bradycardia |
breph- | brephos [Gr.] embryo, newborn infant. brephoplastic |
brevi- | brevis [L.] short. brevicollis |
brom- | brōmos [Gr.] stench. bromhidrosis |
bronch- | bronchos [Gr.] windpipe. bronchoscopy |
bronchiol- | bronchiolus, dim. of bronchus [Gr.] bronchiole. bronchiolectasis |
bry- | bryō [Gr.] be full of life. embryonic |
bucc- | bucca [L.] cheek. buccoclusion |
bulb- | bulbus [L.] bulb. bulbospiral |
butyr- | boutyron [Gr.] butter. butyroid |
cac- | kakos [Gr.] bad, abnormal. Cf. mal-. cacogeusia. (See also dys-) |
calc-1 | calx, calcis [L.] stone (cf. lith-), limestone, lime. calcipexy |
calc-2 | calx, calcis [L.] heel. calcaneodynia |
calor- | calor [L.] heat. Cf. therm-. calorimeter |
campt- | camptos [Gr.] bent. camptodactyly |
cancr- | cancer, cancri [L.] crab, cancer. Cf. carcin-. cancroid. (Also spelled chancr-) |
canth- | kanthos [Gr.] foreign. canthoplasty |
capit- | caput, capitis [L.] head. Cf. cephal-. decapitation |
capn- | kapnos [Gr.] smoke. capnography |
caps- | capsa [L.] (from capio; see cept-) container. capsule |
carbo(n)- | carbo, carbonis [L.] coal, charcoal. carbohydrate, carbonic acid |
carcin- | karkinos [Gr.] crab, cancer. Cf. cancr-. carcinoma |
cardi- | kardia [Gr.] heart. lipocardiac |
cari- | caries [L.] rottenness. cariogenesis |
cary- | See kary-. Eucaryotae |
cata- | kata [Gr.] (final a is dropped before words beginning with a vowel) down, negative. catacrotism, cation |
caud- | cauda [L.] tail. caudad |
cav- | cavus [L.] hollow. Cf. coel-. concave |
cec- | caecus [L.] blind. Cf. typhl-. cecotomy |
cel-1 | See -cele. varicocelectomy |
cel-2 | See coel-. acelomate |
cel-3 | See celi-. celitis |
-cele1 | kēlē [Gr.] tumor, hernia. gastrocele |
-cele2 | koilos [Gr.] hollow. rhinocele |
celi- | koilia [Gr.] belly. celiotomy |
cell- | cella [L.] room, cell. Cf. cyt-. cellular |
cement- | caementum [L.] rough stone. cementoblast |
cen- | koinos [Gr.] common. cenesthesia |
cente- | kenteō [Gr.] to puncture. Cf. punct-. enterocentesis |
centi- | centum [L.] hundred. Cf. hect-. Indicates fraction in metric system. [This exemplifies the custom in the metric system of identifying fractions of units by stems from the Latin, as centimeter, decimeter, millimeter, and multiples of units by the similar stems from the Greek, as hectometer, decameter, and kilometer.] centimeter, centipede |
centr- | kentron [Gr.] or centrum [L.] point, center. centrifugal, centromere |
cephal- | kephalē [Gr.] head. Cf. capit-. encephalitis, cephalocentesis |
cept- | capio, -cipientis, -ceptus [L.] take, receive. receptor |
cer- | kēros [Gr.] or cera [L.] wax. ceroplasty, cerumen |
cerat- | See kerat-. ceratocricoid |
cerc- | kerkos [Gr.] tail. Onchocerca |
cerebell- | cerebellum [L.] dim. of cerebrum little brain. cerebellifugal |
cerebr- | cerebrum [L.] brain. cerebrospinal |
cervic- | cervix, cervicis [L.] neck. Cf. trachel-. cervicitis |
chancr- | See cancr-. chancroid |
cheil- | cheilos [Gr.] lip. Cf. labi-. cheiloschisis |
cheir- | cheir [Gr.] hand. Cf. man-. macrocheiria. (Also spelled chir-) |
chem- | chēmeia [Gr.] alchemy. chemistry, chemotherapy |
chir- | See cheir-. chiropractic |
chlor- | chlōros [Gr.] green. chlorophyll |
choan- | choanē [Gr.] funnel. choanomastigote |
chol- | cholē [Gr.] bile. Cf. bil-. cholangitis |
chondr- | chondros [Gr.] cartilage. chondromalacia |
chondri- | chondrion [Gr.] granule. mitochondria |
chord- | chordē [Gr.] string, cord. perichordal |
chore- | choreia [Gr.] dance. choreoathetosis |
chori- | chorion [Gr.] membrane. choriocarcinoma |
chro- | chrōs [Gr.] color. polychromatic |
chron- | chronos [Gr.] time. synchronous |
chrys- | chrysos [Gr.] gold. chrysotherapy |
chy- | cheō, chy- [Gr.] pour. ecchymosis |
chyl- | chylos [Gr.] juice. chyliform, chylopericardium |
-cid(e) | caedo, -cisus [L.] cut, kill. fungicide, germicidal |
cili- | cilium [L.] eyelid. Cf. blephar-. superciliary |
cine- | See kine-. acrocinesis |
-cipient | See cept-. excipient |
circum- | circum [L.] around. Cf. peri-. circumferential |
cirs- | kirsos [Gr.] varix. cirsophthalmia |
cis- | cis [L.] on this side. cisplatin |
-cis- | caedo, -cisus [L.] cut, kill. excision |
-clast | klaō [Gr.] break. osteoclast |
cleid- | kleis, kleidos [Gr.] key, clavicle. cleidocranial |
-cleisis | kleiein [Gr.] to enclose. colpocleisis |
clin- | klinō [Gr.] bend, incline, make lie down. clinocephaly |
clus- | claudo, -clusus [L.] shut. malocclusion |
cnid- | knidē [Gr.] nettle. cnidoblast |
co- | See con-1. cohesion |
cocc- | kokkos [Gr.] berry. gonococcus |
coel- | koilos [Gr.] hollow. Cf. cav-. coelozoic. (Also spelled cel-) |
-coele | See coel-. blastocoele |
coen- | See cen-. coenocyte |
coin- | See cen-. coinosite |
col-1 | See colon-. colic |
col-2 | See con-1. collapse |
colon- | kalon [Gr.] lower intestine. colonic |
colp- | kolpos [Gr.] hollow, vagina. Cf. sin- and vagin-. colpitis |
com- | See con-1. commensal |
con-1 | con- [L.] (becomes co- before vowels or h; col- before l; com- before b, m, or p; cor- before r) with, together. Cf. syn-. contraction |
con-2 | kōnos [Gr.] cone. conotruncal |
coni- | konis [Gr.] dust. coniofibrosis |
contra- | contra [L.] against, counter. Cf. anti-. contraindication |
copr- | kopros [Gr.] dung, feces. Cf. sterco-. coprophilia |
cor-1 | korē [Gr.] doll, little image, pupil. isocoria |
cor-2 | See con-1. correlation |
cord- | See chord-. cordotomy |
corpor- | corpus, corporis [L.] body. Cf. somat-. intracorporeal |
cortic- | cortex, corticis [L.] bark, rind. corticosterone |
cost- | costa [L.] rib. Cf. pleur-. intercostal |
counter- | See contra-. countertraction |
crani- | kranion [Gr.] or cranium [L.] skull, pericranium |
-crasia | krasis [Gr.] mixture. dyscrasia |
creat- | kreas, kreato- [Gr.] meat, flesh. creatine |
-crescence | cresco, crescentis, cretus [L.] grow. excrescence |
cret-1 | cerno, cretus [L.] distinguish, separate off. Cf. crin-. discrete |
cret-2 | See -crescence. accretion |
crin- | krinō [Gr.] distinguish, separate off. Cf. cret-1. endocrinology |
crur- | crus, cruris [L.] shin, leg. talocrural |
cry- | kryos [Gr.] cold. cryesthesia. (See also crym-) |
crym- | krymos [Gr.] frost. crymodynia. (See also cry-) |
crypt- | kryptō [Gr.] hide, conceal. cryptorchidism |
cult- | colo, cultus [L.] tend, cultivate. culture |
cune- | cuneus [L.] wedge. Cf. sphen-. cuneiform |
cut- | cutis [L.] skin. Cf. derm(at)-. subcutaneous |
cyan- | kyanos [Gr.] blue. cyanophil |
cycl- | kyklos [Gr.] circle, cycle. cyclophoria |
-cyesis | kyēsis [Gr.] pregnancy. pseudocyesis |
cymb- | kymbē [Gr.] boat. cymbocephaly |
cyn- | kyōn, kynos [Gr.] dog. cynophobia |
cyst- | kystis [Gr.] bladder. Cf. vesic-. cystalgia |
cyt- | kytos [Gr.] cell. Cf. cell-. cytotaxis |
dacry- | dakry [Gr.] tear. dacryocyst |
dactyl- | daktylos [Gr.] finger, toe. Cf. digit-. hexadactyly |
de- | de [L.] down from. decomposition |
deca- | deka [Gr.] ten. Indicates multiple in metric system. Cf. deci-. decagram |
deci- | decem [L.] ten. Indicates fraction in metric system (one-tenth). Cf. deca-. decibel, deciliter |
demi- | demi [Fr.], from dimidius [L.] half. demigauntlet |
dendr- | dendron [Gr.] tree. dendrite |
dent- | dens, dentis [L.] tooth. Cf. odont-. interdental |
derm(at)- | derma, dermatos [Gr.] skin. Cf. cut-. endoderm, dermatitis |
-desis | desis [Gr.] a binding together. arthrodesis |
desm- | desmos [Gr.] band, ligament. syndesmoplasty |
deut(er)- | deuteros [Gr.] second. deuteranopia, deutan |
dextr- | dexter, dextr- [L.] right-hand. ambidextrous |
di-1 | di [Gr.] two. dimorphism. (See also bi-2) |
di-2 | See dia-. diuresis |
di-3 | See dis-1. divergent |
dia- | dia [Gr.] (a is dropped before words beginning with a vowel) through, apart. Cf. per-. diagnosis |
dicty- | diktyon [Gr.] nest. dictyotene |
didym- | didymos [Gr.] twin. Cf. gemin-. epididymal |
digit- | digitus [L.] finger, toe. Cf. dactyl-. digitigrade |
diplo- | diploos [Gr.] double. diplomyelia |
dips- | dipsa [Gr.] thirst. polydipsia, dipsogen |
dis-1 | dis- [L.] (s may be dropped before a word beginning with a consonant) apart, away from. dislocation |
dis-2 | dis [Gr.] twice. disdiaclast |
disc- | diskos [Gr.] or discus [L.] disk. discoplacenta. (Also spelled disk-) |
dolich- | dolichos [Gr.] long. dolichocephalic |
dors- | dorsum [L.] back. dorsoventral |
drom- | dromos [Gr.] course. dromograph |
-ducent | See duct-. adducent |
-duct | duco, ducentis, ductus [L.] lead, conduct. oviduct |
dur- | durus [L.] hard. Cf. scler-. induration |
dynam- | dynamis [Gr.] power. dynamometer, thermodynamics |
dys- | dys- [Gr.] bad, improper. Cf. mal-. dystrophic. (See also cac-) |
e- | e [L.] out from. Cf. ec-1 and ex-. emission |
ec-1 | ek [Gr.] out of. Cf. e- and ex-. eccentric |
ec-2 | oikos [Gr.] house. ecogenetics |
-ech- | echō [Gr.] have, hold, be. synechotomy |
echin- | echinos [Gr.] hedgehog. echinophthalmia |
ect- | ektos [Gr.] outside. Cf. extra-. ectoderm. (See also exo-) |
ectr- | ektrōsis [Gr.] miscarriage. ectrodactyly |
ede- | oideō [Gr.] swell. edematous |
ef- | See ex-. efflorescent |
elast- | elasticus [L.] elastic. elastofibroma |
elc- | See helc-. cystelcosis |
electro- | ēlectron [Gr.] amber. electrotherapy |
em- | See en-. embolism, empathy |
-em- | haima [Gr.] blood, anemia. (See also hem(at)-) |
-emesis | emein [Gr.] to vomit. hyperemesis |
en- | en [Gr.] (n changes to m before b, m, p, or ph) in, on. Cf. in-1. enarthrosis |
encephal- | enkephalos [Gr.] brain. encephalopathy |
end- | endon [Gr.] inside. Cf. intra-. endangitis. (See also eso-) |
ent- | entos [Gr.] inside. entoptic |
enter- | enteron [Gr.] intestine. dysentery |
entom- | entomon [Gr.] insect. entomology |
epi- | epi [Gr.] (i is dropped before words beginning with a vowel) upon, after, in addition. epiglottis, epaxial |
epipl- | epiploon [Gr.] omentum. gastroepiploic |
episi- | epision [Gr.] pubic region. episiotomy |
erg- | ergon [Gr.] work, deed. energy |
erot- | erōs, erōtos [Gr.] sexual desire. erotomania |
erythr- | erythros [Gr.] red. Cf. rub(r)-. erythrocyte |
eso- | esō [Gr.] inside. Cf. intra-. esogastritis. (See also end-) |
esthe- | aisthanomai, aisthē- [Gr.] perceive, feel. Cf. sens-. anesthesia |
etio- | aitia [Gr.] cause. etiology |
eu- | eu [Gr.] good, normal. eupepsia |
eury- | eurys [Gr.] wide. eurygnathism |
ex- | ex [Gr.] or ex [L.] out of. Cf. e- and ec-1. excretion |
exo- | exō [Gr.] outside. Cf. extra-. exoskeleton. (See also ect-) |
extra- | extra [L.] outside of, beyond. Cf. ect- and exo-. extracellular. (Also written extro-) |
extro- | See extra-. extrovert |
faci- | facies [L.] face. Cf. prosop-. faciolingual |
-facient | facio, facientis, factus, -fectus [L.] make. Cf. poie-. calefacient |
-fact- | See -facient. artifact |
fasci- | fascia [L.] band. fasciotomy |
febr- | febris [L.] fever. Cf. pyr-. febricity |
-fect- | See -facient. defective |
femor- | femur [L.] femur. femorotibial |
-ferent | fero, ferentis, latus [L.] bear, carry. Cf. phor-. efferent |
-ferous | ferre [L.] to bear. lactiferous |
ferr- | ferrum [L.] iron. ferroprotein |
fet- | fetus [L.] fetus. fetoscope |
fibr- | fibra [L.] fiber. Cf. in-3. chondrofibroma |
fil- | filum [L.] thread. filiform |
fiss- | findo, fissus [L.] split. Cf. schis-. fission |
flagell- | flagellum [L.] whip. flagellation |
flav- | flavus [L.] yellow. Cf. xanth-. riboflavin. (See also lute-) |
-flect- | flecto, flexus [L.] bend, divert. deflection |
-flex- | See -flect-. reflexometer |
flu- | fluo, fluxus [L.] flow. Cf. rhe-. fluid |
flux- | See flu-. defluxion |
for- | foro [L.] bore. imperforate |
-form | forma [L.] shape. Cf. -oid. cruciform |
fract- | frango, fractus [L.] break. refraction |
front- | frons, frontis [L.] forehead, front. nasofrontal |
-fug(e) | fugio [L.] flee, avoid. vermifuge, centrifugal |
funct- | fungor, functus [L.] perform, serve. malfunction |
fund- | fundo, fusus [L.] pour. infundibulum |
fus-1 | See fund-. diffusion |
fus-2 | fusus [L.] spindle. fusocellular |
galact- | gala, galactos [Gr.] milk. Cf. lact-. galactorrhea |
gam- | gamos [Gr.] marriage, reproductive union. gamete |
gangli- | ganglion [Gr.] swelling, plexus. gangliitis |
gastr- | gastēr, gastros [Gr.] stomach. cholangiogastrostomy |
ge- | gē [Gr.] earth. geophagia |
gelat- | gelo, gelatus [L.] freeze, congeal. gelatin |
gemin- | geminus [L.] twin, double. Cf. didym-. quadrigeminal |
gen-1 | gignomai, gen-, gon- [Gr.] become, be produced, originate. endogenous |
gen-2 | gennaō [Gr.] produce, originate. cytogenic |
geni- | geneion [Gr.] chin. genioplasty |
genit- | genitalis [L.] pertaining to birth. genitourinary |
ger- | gēras [Gr.] old age. geroderma |
germ- | germen, germinis [L.] bud, a growing thing in its early stages. Cf. blast-. germinal |
geront- | gerōn, gerontos [Gr.] old man. gerontology |
gest- | gero, gerentis, gestus [L.] bear, carry. congestion |
gingiv- | gingiva [L.] gum. gingivitis |
gland- | glans, glandis [L.] acorn. Cf. aden-. uniglandular |
gli- | glia [Gr.] glue. neuroglia, glioma |
glomerul- | glomerulus, dim. of glomus [L.] little ball. glomerulonephritis |
gloss- | glōssa [Gr.] tongue. Cf. lingu-. trichoglossia |
glott- | glōtta [Gr.] tongue, language. glottic |
gluc- | See glyc(y)-. glucophore |
glutin- | gluten, glutinis [L.] glue. agglutination |
glyc(y)- | glykys [Gr.] sweet. glycemia, glycyrrhiza. (Also spelled gluc-) |
gnath- | gnathos [Gr.] jaw. orthognathous |
gno- | gignōsō, gnō- [Gr.] know, discern. diagnosis |
gon-1 | gonē [Gr.] offspring, seed, genitalia. gonocyte, gonorrhea |
gon-2 | gony [Gr.] knee. gonarthrosis, gonocampsis |
gonad- | gonas, gonadis [L.] gonad. gonadoblastoma |
goni- | gōnia [Gr.] angle. goniometer, goniotomy |
grad- | gradior [L.] walk, take steps. retrograde |
-gram | gramma [Gr.] letter, drawing. cardiogram |
gran- | granum [L.] grain, particle. lipogranuloma |
graph- | graphō [Gr.] scratch, write, record. angiography |
grav- | gravis [L.] heavy. multigravida |
gymn- | gymnos [Gr.] naked. gymnospore |
gyn(ec)- | gynē, gynaikos [Gr.] woman, wife. androgyny, gynecologic |
gyr- | gyros [Gr.] ring, circle. gyrospasm |
haem(at)- | See hem(at)-. Haemaphysalis, Haematoxylon |
hamart- | hamartia [Gr.] fault. hamartoma |
hapl- | haploos [Gr.] simple, single. haplotype |
hapt- | haptō [Gr.] touch, haptics |
hect- | hekaton [Gr.] hundred. Cf. centi-. Indicates multiple in metric system. hectogram |
hel- | hēlos [Gr.] nail, corn, callus. heloma |
helc- | helkos [Gr.] sore, ulcer. keratohelcosis |
heli- | hēlios [Gr.] sun. heliotaxis |
helic- | helix, helikos [Gr.] coil. helicotrema |
hem(at)- | haima, haimatos [Gr.] blood. Cf. sanguin-. hemangioma, hematocele. (See also -em-) [Also written haem(at)-] |
hemi- | hēmi [Gr.] half. Cf. semi-. hemiageusia |
hen- | heis, henos [Gr.] one. Cf. un-. henogenesis |
hepat(ic)- | hēpar, hēpatos [Gr.] liver. hepatocele, hepaticolithotomy |
hept(a)- | hepta [Gr.] seven. Cf. sept-2. heptavalent, heptose |
hered- | heres, beredis [L.] heir. heredofamilial |
herpet- | herpo, herpet- [Gr.] creep, crawl. herpetophobia, herpetiform |
heter- | heteros [Gr.] other, different. heterochromia |
hex- | echō, hech- [Gr.] (hech- added to s becomes hex-) have, hold, be. cachexia |
hex(a)- | hex [Gr.] six. Cf. sex-1. hexose, hexadactyly |
hidr- | hidros [Gr.] sweat. hyperhidrosis |
hipp- | hippos [Gr.] horse. hippocampus |
hist- | histos [Gr.] web, tissue. histocompatibility |
hod- | hodos [Gr.] road, path. hodoneuromere. (See also od- and -ode1) |
hol- | holos [Gr.] entire. holosystolic |
hom- | homos [Gr.] common, same. homograft |
home- | homoios [Gr.] like, resembling. homeostasis |
horm- | ormē [Gr.] impetus, impulse. hormone |
hyal- | hyalos [Gr.] glass. hyaloplasm |
hydat- | hydōr, hydatos [Gr.] water. hydatoid |
hydr- | hydōr, hydr- [Gr.] water. achlorhydria. (See also lymph-) |
hygr- | hygros [Gr.] moist. hygrometry |
hyl- | hylē [Gr.] matter. hylotropy |
hymen- | hymēn [Gr.] membrane. hymenopteran, hymenectomy |
hyp- | See hypo-. hypaxial |
hyper- | hyper [Gr.] above, beyond, extreme. Cf. super-. hypertrophy |
hypn- | hypnos [Gr.] sleep. hypnotic |
hypo- | hypo [Gr.] (o is dropped before words beginning with a vowel) under, below. Cf. sub-. hypocalcemia |
hyps- | hypsos [Gr.] height. hypsarrhythmia |
hyster- | hystera [Gr.] womb. Cf. uter-. hysteropexy. (See also metr-2) |
iatr- | iatros [Gr.] physician. pediatrics |
ichthy- | ichthys [Gr.] fish. ichthyosis |
icter- | ikteros [Gr.] jaundice. icterohepatitis |
id- | eidos [Gr.] form, shape. hominid, dermatophytid |
idi- | idios [Gr.] peculiar, separate, distinct. idiosyncrasy |
il-1 | See in-1. illumination |
il-2 | See in-2. illegible |
ile- | See ili- [ile- is commonly used to refer to the portion of the intestines known as the ileum]. ileostomy |
ili- | ilium (ileum) [L.] lower abdomen, intestines [ili- is commonly used to refer to the flaring part of the hip bone known as the ilium]. iliofemoral |
im-1 | See in-1. immersion |
im-2 | See in-2. imperforate |
in-1 | in [L.] (n changes to l before l, m before b, m, or p, and r before r) in, on. Cf. en-. insertion |
in-2 | in- [L.] (n changes to l before l, m before b, m, or p, and r before r) negative prefix. Cf. a-. incompatible |
in-3 | is, inos [Gr.] fiber. Cf. fibr-. inotropic |
infra- | infra [L.] beneath. infraorbital |
ini- | inion [Gr.] occiput. iniencephaly |
insul- | insula [L.] island. insulin |
inter- | inter [L.] among, between. intercostal |
intra- | intra [L.] inside. Cf. end- and eso-. intravenous |
intro- | intro [L.] within. introspection |
ipsi- | ipse [L.] self. ipsilateral |
ir-1 | See in-1. irradiation |
ir-2 | See in-2. irreducible |
irid- | iris, iridos [Gr.] rainbow, colored circle. iridocyclitis |
is- | isos [Gr.] equal. isotope |
isch- | ischein [Gr.] to suppress. ischemia |
ischi- | ischion [Gr.] hip, haunch. ischiopubic |
-ism | -ismos [Gr.] noun-forming suffix. vegetarianism, thigmotropism, alcoholism |
-itis | -itis [Gr.] inflammation. dermatitis, phlebitis |
-ize | -izein [Gr.] verb-forming suffix. cauterize, oxidize |
jact- | iacio, iactus [L.] throw. jactitation |
-ject | iacio, -iectus [L.] throw. injection |
jejun- | ieiunus [L.] empty. gastrojejunostomy |
jug- | iugum [L.] yoke. conjugation |
junct- | iungo, junctus [L.] yoke, join. conjunctiva |
juxta- | juxta [L.] near, close by. juxtaglomerular |
kary- | karyon [Gr.] nut, kernel, nucleus. Cf. nucle-. megakaryocyte. (Also spelled cary-) |
kerat- | keras, keratos [Gr.] horn. keratolysis. (Also spelled cerat-) |
kilo- | chilioi [Gr.] one thousand. Cf. milli-. Indicates multiple in metric system. kilogram |
kine- | kineō [Gr.] move. kinescope. (Also spelled cine-) |
klept- | kleptein [Gr.] to steal. kleptomania |
koil- | koilos [Gr.] hollow. koilonychia |
labi- | labium [L.] lip. Cf. cheil-. labiomental |
lact- | lac, lactis [L.] milk. Cf. galact-. lactiferous |
lal- | laleō [Gr.] talk, babble. glossolalia |
lapar- | lapara [Gr.] flank. laparotomy |
laryng- | larynx, laryngos [Gr.] windpipe. laryngectomy |
lat- | fero, latus [L.] bear, carry. See -ferent. translation |
later- | latus, lateris [L.] side. ventrolateral |
lecith- | lekithos [Gr.] yolk. isolecithal |
leio- | leios [Gr.] smooth. leiomyoma |
-lemma | lemma [Gr.] rind, husk. axolemma |
lent- | lens, lentis [L.] lentil. Cf. phac-. lenticonus |
lep- | lambanō, lēp [Gr.] take, seize. catalepsy |
lept- | leptos [Gr.] slender. leptomeninges |
leuc- | See leuk-. leucine |
leuk- | leukos [Gr.] white. Cf. alb-. leukorrhea. (Also spelled leuc-) |
lev- | laevus [L.] left. levocardia, levorotatory |
lien- | lien [L.] spleen. Cf. splen-. lienocele |
lig- | ligo [L.] tie, bind. ligature |
lingu- | lingua [L.] tongue. Cf. gloss-. sublingual |
lip- | lipos [Gr.] fat. Cf. adip-. glycolipid |
lith- | lithos [Gr.] stone. Cf. calc-1. nephrolithotomy |
loc- | locus [L.] place. Cf. top-. locomotion |
log- | legō, log- [Gr.] speak, give an account. logorrhea, embryology |
loph- | lophos [Gr.] ridge, tuft. lophotrichous |
lumb- | lumbus [L.] loin. lumbago |
lute- | luteus [L.] yellow. Cf. xanth-. luteoma. (See also flav-) |
lymph- | lympha [Gr.] water. lymphadenopathy. (See also hydr-) |
lyo- | lyō [Gr.] loose, dissolve. Cf. solut-. lyophilization |
lys- | lysis [Gr.] dissolution. keratolysis, lysogen |
macr- | makros [Gr.] long, large. macromyeloblast |
mal- | malus [L.] bad, abnormal. Cf. cac- and dys-. malformation |
malac- | malakos [Gr.] soft. osteomalacia |
mamm- | mamma [L.] breast. Cf. mast-. submammary |
man- | manus [L.] hand. Cf. cheir-. manipulation |
mani- | mania [Gr.] mental aberration. kleptomania |
mast- | mastos [Gr.] breast. Cf. mamm-. hypermastia |
mechan- | mēchanē [Gr.] machine. mechanoreceptor |
medi- | medius [L.] middle. Cf. mes-. mediolateral |
mega- | megas [Gr.] great, large. Also indicates multiple (one million) in metric system. megacolon, megavolt. (See also megal-) |
megal- | megas, megalou [Gr.] great, large. acromegaly |
mel-1 | melos [Gr.] limb, member. symmelia |
mel-2 | mēlon [Gr.] cheek. meloplasty |
melan- | melas, melanos [Gr.] black. melanocyte |
meli(t)- | meli, melitos [Gr.] honey. melibiose, melituria |
men- | mēn [Gr.] month. dysmenorrhea |
mening- | mēninx, mēningos [Gr.] membrane. meningitis |
ment- | mens, mentis [L.] mind. Cf. phren-, psych-, and thym-2. dementia |
mer-1 | meros [Gr.] part. polymeric |
mer-2 | mēros [Gr.] thigh. meralgia |
mes- | mesos [Gr.] middle. Cf. medi-. mesoderm |
mesi- | mesos [Gr.] in the middle. mesiodens |
meta- | meta [Gr.] (a is dropped before words beginning with a vowel) after, beyond, accompanying. metacarpal, metencephalon |
metr-1 | metron [Gr.] measure. audiometry |
metr-2 | metra [Gr.] womb. Cf. uter-. endometritis. (See also hyster-) |
mi- | meiōn [Gr.] smaller. miosis |
micr- | mikros [Gr.] small. Also indicates fraction in metric system (one-millionth). photomicrograph, microgram |
milli- | mille [L.] one thousand. Also indicates fraction in metric system (one-thousandth). Cf. kilo-. milligram, millipede |
-mimetic | mimētikos [Gr.] mimetic. sympathomimetic |
mis- | misos [Gr.] hatred. misogamy |
miss- | See -mittent. intromission |
mit- | mitos [Gr.] thread. mitochondria |
-mittent | mitto, mittentis, missus [L.] send. intermittent |
mne- | mimnēskō, mnē- [Gr.] remember. amnesia |
mogi- | mogis [Gr.] with difficulty. mogiarthria |
mon- | monos [Gr.] only, sole. monoplegia |
morph- | morphē [Gr.] from, shape. polymorphonuclear |
mot- | moveo, motus [L.] move. vasomotor |
muc- | mucus [L.] mucus. mucilage, mucogingival, mucoprotein |
multi- | multus [L.] many, much. multipara |
my- | mys, myos [Gr.] muscle. leiomyoma |
-myces | mykēs, mykētos [Gr.] fungus. Streptomyces |
myc(et)- | See -myces. streptomycin, mycetoma |
myel- | myelos [Gr.] marrow. poliomyelitis |
myring- | myringa [L.] membrane. myringotomy |
myx- | myxa [Gr.] mucus. myxedema |
nan- | nanos [Gr.] dwarf. Also indicates fraction (one-billionth) in metric system. nanophthalmos, nanometer |
narc- | narkē [Gr.] numbness. narcolepsy |
nas- | nasus [L.] nose. Cf. rhin-. nasopalatine |
ne- | neos [Gr.] new, young. neonate |
necr- | nekros [Gr.] corpse. necrophilia |
nemat- | nēma, nēmatos [Gr.] thread. nematocyst |
nephel- | nephelē [Gr.] cloud, mist. nephelometer |
nephr- | nephros [Gr.] kidney. Cf. ren-. paranephric |
neur- | neuron [Gr.] nerve. neuralgia |
neutr- | neuter [Gr.] neither. neutrophil |
nev- | naevus [L.] mole. nevolipoma |
noci- | noceo [L.] to injure. nociceptor |
nod- | nodus [L.] knot. nodosity |
nom- | nomos [Gr.] (from nemō deal out, distribute) law, custom. taxonomy |
non-1 | non [L.] not. nondisjunction |
non-2 | nona [L.] nine. nonapeptide |
norm- | norma [L.] rule. normotensive |
nos- | nosos [Gr.] disease. nosology |
not- | nōton [Gr.] back. notochord |
nucle- | nucleus [L.] (from nux, nucis nut) kernel. Cf. kary-. nucleocapsid |
nutri- | nutrio [L.] nourish. malnutrition |
nyct- | nyx, nyctos [Gr.] night. nyctophobia |
nymph- | nymphē [Gr.] bride. nymphomania, nymphotomy |
ob- | ob [L.] (b changes to c before words beginning with that consonant) against, toward. obtusion |
oc- | See ob-. occlude |
oct- | oktō [Gr.] or octo [L.] eight. octigravida |
ocul- | oculus [L.] eye. Cf. ophthalm-. oculomotor |
-od- | See –ode1. esthesodic |
-ODE1 | hodos [Gr.] road, path. cathode. (See also hod-) |
-ODE2 | See -oid. nematode |
odont- | odous, odontos [Gr.] tooth. Cf. dent-. orthodontia |
odyn- | odynē [Gr.] pain, distress. gastrodynia, odynophagia |
-oid | eidos [Gr.] form. Cf. -form. hyoid |
-ol | See ole-. cholesterol |
ole- | oleum [L.] oil. oleoresin |
olig- | oligos [Gr.] few, small. Cf. pauci-. oligospermia |
om- | ōmos [Gr.] shoulder. omalgia |
-oma | ōma [Gr.] noun-forming suffix. Used to denote a neoplasm. hepatoma, carcinoma |
omphal- | omphalos [Gr.] navel. omphalectomy |
-on | iōn [Gr.] something that goes. neutron |
onc-1 | onkos [Gr.] bulk, mass. oncogenesis |
onc-2 | onkos [Gr.] barb, hook. oncosphere |
onch- | See onc-2. Onchocerca |
oneir- | oneiros [Gr.] dream. oneirogenic |
onych- | onyx, onychos [Gr.] claw, nail. anonychia |
oo- | ōon [Gr.] egg. Cf. ov-. oogenesis |
oophor- | ōophoros [Gr.] bearing eggs. Cf. ovari-. oophorectomy |
op- | hōraō, op- [Gr.] see. heteropsia |
ophthalm- | ophthalmos [Gr.] eye. Cf. ocul-. exophthalmos |
opisth- | opisthen [Gr.] behind, at the back. opisthotonos |
or- | os, oris [L.] mouth. Cf. stom(at)-. intraoral |
orb- | orbis [L.] circle. suborbital |
orchi- | orchis [Gr.] testicle. Cf. test-. orchiopathy |
organ- | organon [Gr.] implement, instrument. organomegaly |
orth- | orthos [Gr.] straight, right, normal. orthopedics |
oscill- | oscillare [L.] to swing. oscillopsia |
-osis | -osis [Gr.] noun-forming suffix. Used to denote a process, particularly a disease. dermatosis, bacteriosis |
osm-1 | osmē [Gr.] odor. osmophore |
osm-2 | ōsmos [Gr.] impulse. osmoregulation |
oss- | os, ossis [L.] bone. Cf. ost(e)-. ossiferous |
ost(e)- | osteon [Gr.] bone. Cf. oss-. enostosis, osteoarthritis |
-ostomy | stoma [Gr.] mouth. colostomy |
ot- | ous, ōtos [Gr.] ear. Cf. aur-. parotid, ototoxic |
ov- | ovum [L.] egg. Cf. oo-. synovia, ovovegetarian |
ovari- | ovarium [L.] ovary. Cf. oophor-. ovariopexy |
oxy- | oxys [Gr.] (y is sometimes dropped, often denoting relationship to oxygen). sharp. oxycephalic, oxidation |
pachy- | pachys [Gr.] thick. pachyderma |
pag- | pēgnymi, pag- [Gr.] fix, make fast. thoracopagus |
palat- | palatum [L.] palate. Cf. uran-. palatorrhaphy |
pale- | palaios [Gr.] old. paleocortex |
pali(n)- | palin [Gr.] backward, again. palikinesia, palingenesis |
pan- | pan [Gr.] all. pandemic |
par-1 | pario [L.] bear, give birth to. primipara |
par-2 | See para-. paroccipital |
para- | para [Gr.] (final a is sometimes dropped before words beginning with a vowel) beside, beyond. paracervical, paraoral, paramnesia |
pariet- | paries, parietis [L.] wall. parietofrontal |
part- | pario, partus [L.] bear, give birth to. parturition |
path- | pathos [Gr.] that which one undergoes, sickness. psychopathic, cardiopathy |
pauci- | paucus [L.] few. Cf. olig-. pauciarticular |
pec- | pēgnymi, pēg- [Gr.] (pēk- before t) fix, make fast. amylopectin. (See also pex-) |
ped-1 | pais, paidos [Gr.] child. pediatrics |
ped-2 | pes, pedis [L.] foot. pedicure, pedometer |
pell- | pellis [L.] skin, hide. pellagra |
-pellent | pello, pellentis, pulsus [L.] drive. chemorepellent |
pen- | penomai [Gr.] need, lack. neutropenia |
pend- | pendeo [L.] hang down. appendix |
pent(a)- | pente [Gr.] five. Cf. quint-. pentose, pentalogy |
peps- | peptō, peps- [Gr.] digest. eupepsia |
pept- | peptō [Gr.] digest. dyspeptic |
per- | per [L.] through. Cf. dia-. peroral |
peri- | peri [Gr.] around. Cf. circum-. periphery |
pero- | pēros [Gr.] maimed. perosplanchnia |
pet- | peto [L.] seek, tend toward. centripetal |
pex- | pēgnymi, pēg- [Gr.] (pēg- added to s becomes pēx-) fix, make fast. hepatopexy |
pha- | phēmi, pha- [Gr.] say, speak. dysphasia |
phac- | phakos [Gr.] lentil, lens. Cf. lent-. phacosclerosis. (Also spelled phak-) |
phag- | phagein [Gr.] eat. dysphagia |
phak- | See phac-. phakitis |
phalang- | phalanx, phalangos [Gr.] a line or array of soldiers. phalangectomy |
phall- | phallos [Gr.] penis. phalloplasty |
phan- | See phen-. phanerosis |
pharmac- | pharmakon [Gr.] drug. pharmacognosy |
pharyng- | pharynx, pharyng- [Gr.] throat. pharyngocele |
-phas- | phasis [Gr.] speech. aphasia |
phe- | phaios [Gr.] dun, dusky. pheomelanin |
phen- | phainō, phan- [Gr.] show, be seen. phosphene, phenocopy |
pher- | pherō, phor- [Gr.] bear, support. periphery |
phil- | phileō [Gr.] like, have affinity for. eosinophilia |
phleb- | phleps, phlebos [Gr.] vein. Cf. ven-. periphlebitis |
phleg- | phlogō, phlog- [Gr.] burn, inflame. phlegmon |
phlog- | See phleg-. phlogogenic |
phob- | phobos [Gr.] fear, dread. claustrophobia |
phon- | phōne [Gr.] sound. phonocardiography |
phor- | See pher-. Cf. -ferent. exophoria |
phos- | See phot-. phosphorus |
phot- | phōs, phōtos [Gr.] light. photophobia |
phrag- | phrassō, phrag- [Gr.] fence, wall off, stop up. Cf. sept-1. diaphragm |
phrax- | phrassō, phrag- [Gr.] (phrag- added to s becomes phrax-) fence, wall off, stop up. urethrophraxis |
phren- | phrēn [Gr.] mind, midriff. Cf. ment-. phrenoplegia, phrenotropic. (See also psych- and thym-2) |
phthi- | phthinō [Gr.] decay, waste away. phthisis |
phy- | phyō [Gr.] beget, bring forth, produce, be by nature. osteophyte |
phyc- | phykos [Gr.] seaweed. phycochrome |
phyl- | phylon [Gr.] tribe, kind. phylogeny |
phylac- | phylax [Gr.] guard. prophylactic |
phyll- | phyllon [Gr.] leaf. chlorophyll, phylloerythrin |
phys- | physaō [Gr.] blow, inflate. physometra |
physe- | physaō, physē [Gr.] blow, inflate. emphysema |
physi- | physis [Gr.] nature. physiology |
phyt- | phyton [Gr.] plant. phytobezoar, dermatophyte |
picr- | pikros [Gr.] bitter. picrogeusia |
-piesis | piesis [Gr.] a pressing or squeezing. anisopiesis |
piez- | piezo [Gr.] press. piezoelectricity |
pil- | pilus [L.] hair. epilation |
pituit- | pituita [L.] phlegm, rheum. pituitary |
placent- | placenta [L.] (from plakous [Gr.]) cake. extraplacental |
plas- | plassō [Gr.] mold, shape. rhinoplasty |
platy- | platy- [Gr.] broad, flat. platypodia |
pleg- | plēssō, pleg- [Gr.] strike. diplegia |
pleo- | pleiōn [Gr.] more. pleomorphism, pleiotropy. (Also spelled pleio-) |
plet- | pleo, -pletus [L.] fill. plethora |
pleur- | pleura [Gr.] rib, side. Cf. cost-. pleuralgia |
plex- | plēssō, plēg- [Gr.] (plēg- added to s becomes plēx-) strike. apoplexy |
plic- | plico [L.] fold. complication, plicate |
pluri- | plus, pluris [L.] more. pluriglandular |
pne- | pneuma, pneumatos [Gr.] breathing. orthopnea |
pneum(at)- | pneuma, pneumatos [Gr.] breath, air. pneumarthrosis, pneumatocele |
pneumo(n)- | pneumōn [Gr.] lung. Cf. pulmo(n)-. pneumoenteritis, pneumonotomy |
pod- | pous, podos [Gr.] foot. podiatry |
poie- | poieō [Gr.] make, produce. Cf. -facient. sarcopoietic |
poikil- | poikilos [Gr.] spotted, mottled, varied. poikiloderma |
pol- | polos [Gr.] axis of a sphere. unipolar |
poli- | polios [Gr.] gray. poliomyelopathy |
poly- | polys [Gr.] much, many. polyspermy |
pont- | pons, pontis [L.] bridge. pontocerebellar |
por-1 | poros [Gr.] passage. poradenitis |
por-2 | pōros [Gr.] callus. porokeratosis |
-pos- | posis [Gr.] a drink. hyperposia |
posit- | pono, positus [L.] put, place. repositor |
post- | post [L.] after, behind in time or place. postnatal, postrenal |
pre- | prae [L.] before in time or place. prenatal, prevesical |
presby- | presbys [Gr.] old man. presbyopia |
press- | premo, pressus [L.] press. pressoreceptive |
pro- | pro [Gr.] or pro [L.] before in time or place. prohormone, prolabium, prolapse |
proct- | prōktos [Gr.] anus. Cf. rect-. proctology |
pros- | prosō [Gr.] forward. prosodemic |
prosop- | prosōpon [Gr.] face. Cf. faci- prosopagnosia |
prot- | prōtos [Gr.] first. protoplasm, prototype |
psamm- | psammos [Gr.] sand. psammoma |
pseud- | pseudēs [Gr.] false. pseudoparaplegia |
psych- | psychē [Gr.] soul, mind. Cf. ment-. psychosomatic. (See also phren- and thym-2) |
psychr- | psychros [Gr.] cold. psychroalgia |
pto- | piptō, ptō [Gr.] fall. nephroptosis |
ptyal- | ptyalon [Gr.] saliva. ptyalism |
pub- | pubes [L.] adult. ischiopubic. (See also puber-) |
puber- | puber [L.] adult. puberty |
pulmo(n)- | pulmo, pulmonis [L.] lung. Cf. pneumo(n)-. pulmogram, cardiopulmonary |
puls- | pello, pellentis, pulus [L] drive. propulsion |
punct- | pungo, punctus [L.] prick, pierce. Cf. cente-. punctiform |
pupill- | pupilla [L.] girl or pupil. pupillometry |
pur- | pus, puris [L.] pus. Cf. py-. suppuration |
py- | pyon [Gr.] pus. Cf. pur-. spondylopyosis |
pyel- | pyelos [Gr.] trough, basin, pelvis. nephropyelitis |
pyg- | pygē [Gr.] rump. pygalgia |
pykn- | pyknos [Gr.] thick, frequent. pyknomorphous, pyknophrasia |
pyl- | pylē [Gr.] door, orifice. pylephlebitis |
pyr- | pyr [Gr.] fire. Cf. febr-. pyrogen |
quadr- | quadr- [L.] four. Cf. tetr(a)-. quadrigeminal |
quasi- | quasi [L.] as if, as though. quasidominance |
quint- | quintus [L.] fifth. Cf. pent(a)-. quintuplet |
rachi- | rachis [Gr.] spine. Cf. spin-. rachiodynia |
radi- | radius [L.] ray. Cf. actin-. irradiation, radiocarpal |
re- | re- [L.] back, again. retraction |
rect- | rectum [L.] rectum. Cf. proct-. rectocele |
ren- | renes [L.] kidney. Cf. nephr-. adrenal, renography |
ret- | rete [L.] net. retiform |
retr- | retro [L.] backwards. retrodeviation |
rhabd- | rhabdos [Gr.] rod. rhabdomyolysis |
rhag- | rhēgnymi, rhag- [Gr.] break, burst. hemorrhagic |
rhaph- | rhaphē [Gr.] suture. arteriorrhaphy |
rhe- | rheos [Gr.] flow. Cf. flu-. diarrheal |
rhex- | rhēgnymi, rhēg- [Gr.] (rhēg- added to s becomes rhēx-) break, burst. metrorrhexis |
rhin- | rhis, rhinos [Gr.] nose. Cf. nas-. rhinoplasty |
rhiz- | rhiza [Gr.] root. rhizotomy |
rhod- | rhodon [Gr.] rose. rhodopsin |
rhytid- | rhytis, rhytidos [Gr.] wrinkle. rhytidectomy |
rot- | rota [L.] wheel. rotation |
rub(r)- | ruber, rubri [L.] red. Cf. erythr-. bilirubin, rubrospinal |
sacchar- | sakcharon [Gr.] sugar. saccharimeter |
sacr- | sacrum [L.] sacred, sacrum. sacralgia |
salping- | salpinx, salpingos [Gr.] tube, trumpet. salpingitis |
sangui(n)- | sanguis, sanguinis [L.] blood. Cf. hem(at)-. sanguifacient, sanguineous |
sapr- | sapros [Gr.] rotten. saprophyte |
sarc- | sarx, sarkos [Gr.] flesh. sarcoma |
scaph- | skaphē [Gr.] skiff, light boat. scaphocephaly |
scat- | skōr, skatos [Gr.] dung. scatology |
schis- | schizō, schid- [Gr.] (schid- before t or added to s becomes schis-) split. Cf. fiss-. schistocyte, thoracoschisis. (Also spelled schiz-) |
schiz- | See schis-. schizonychia |
scirrh- | skirrhos [Gr.] hard. scirrhous |
scler- | sklēros [Gr.] hard. Cf. dur-. sclerosis |
scoli- | skolios [Gr.] twisted. scoliokyphosis |
scop- | skopeō [Gr.] look at, observe. endoscope |
scot- | skotos [Gr.] darkness. scotophobia |
sect- | seco, sectus [L.] cut. Cf. tom-. section |
semi- | semi [L.] half. Cf. hemi-. semiflexion |
sens- | sentio, sensus [L.] perceive, feel. Cf. esthe-. sensory |
sep- | sepō [Gr.] rot, decay. sepsis |
37135 | saepio, saeptus [L.] fence, wall off, stop up. Cf. phrag-. septonasal |
37500 | septum [L.] seven. Cf. hept(a)-. septuplet |
ser- | serum [L.] whey, watery substance. serosynovitis |
sex-1 | sex [L.] six. Cf. hex(a)-. sextuplet |
sex-2 | sexus [L.] sex. sexopathy |
sial- | sialon [Gr.] saliva. sialadenitis |
sider- | sidēros [Gr.] iron. sideroblast |
sin- | sinus [L.] hollow, fold. Cf. colp-. sinobronchitis |
sinistr- | sinister [L.] left. sinistrocerebral |
-sis | -sis [Gr.] suffix of action. amebiasis, psychosis, diagnosis |
sit- | sitos [Gr.] food. parasitic |
solen- | sōlēn [Gr. channel, gutter, pipe. solenonychia |
solut- | solvo, solventis, solutus [L.] loosen, dissolve, set free. Cf. ly-. dissolution |
-solvent | See solut-. resolvent |
som(at)- | sōma, somatos [Gr.] body. Cf. corpor-. psychosomatic, chromosome |
somn- | somnus [L.] sleep. somnambulism |
spas- | spaō, spas- [Gr.] draw, pull. spasm, spastic |
spectr- | spectrum [L.] appearance, what is seen. microspectroscope |
sperm(at)- | sperma, spermatos [Gr.] seed. spermicide, spermatozoon |
spers- | spargo, -spersus [L.] scatter. dispersion |
sphen- | sphēn [Gr.] wedge. Cf. cune-. sphenoid |
spher- | sphaira [Gr.] ball. hemisphere |
sphygm- | sphygmos [Gr.] pulsation. sphygmomanometer |
spin- | spina [L.] spine. Cf. rachi-. spinocerebellar |
spir- | speira [Gr.] coil. spirochete |
spir(at)- | spiro, spiratus [L.] breathe. spirometry, inspiratory |
splanchn- | splanchna [Gr.] entrails, viscera. neurosplanchnic |
splen- | splēn [Gr.] spleen. Cf. lien-. splenomegaly |
spondyl- | spondylos [Gr.] vertebra. spondylolisthesis |
spongi- | spongia [L.] sponge. spongioblastoma |
spor- | sporos [Gr.] seed. sporocyst, zoospore |
squam- | squama [L.] scale. desquamation |
sta- | histēmi, sta- [Gr.] make stand, stop. hemostasis |
stal- | stellō, stal- [Gr.] send. peristalsis. (See also -stol-) |
staphyl- | staphylē [Gr.] bunch of grapes, uvula. staphylococcus, staphyledema |
stear- | stear, steatos [Gr.] fat. Cf. adip-. stearate. (See also lip-) |
steat- | See stear-. steatorrhea |
sten- | stenos [Gr.] narrow, compressed. stenothorax |
ster- | stereos [Gr.] solid. cholesterol |
sterc- | stercus [L.] dung, feces. Cf. copr-. stercoroma |
stern- | sternon [Gr.] sternum. sternalgia, sternoschisis |
steth- | stēthos [Gr.] chest. stethoscope |
sthen- | sthenos [Gr.] strength. asthenia |
-stol- | stellō, stol- [Gr.] send. diastole |
stom(at)- | stoma, stomatos [Gr.] mouth, orifice. Cf. or-. anastomosis, stomatalgia |
strep(h)- | strephō, strep- (before t) [Gr.] twist. Cf. tors-. strephosymbolia, streptomycin. (See also stroph-) |
strict- | stringo, stringentis, strictus [L.] draw tight, compress, cause pain. constriction |
-stringent | See strict-. astringent |
stroph- | strephō, stroph- [Gr.] twist. Cf. tors-. angiostrophe. (See also strep(h)-) |
struct- | struo, structus [L.] pile up (against). obstruction |
styl- | stilus [L.] stake, pole. stylohyoid, stylosteophyte |
sub- | sub [L.] (b changes to f and p before words beginning with those consonants) under, below. Cf. hypo-. sublingual |
suf- | See sub-. suffusion |
sup- | See sub-. suppository |
super- | super [L.] above, beyond, extreme. Cf. hyper-. supermotility |
supra- | supra [L.] above. supraduction |
sy- | See syn-. systole |
sym- | See syn-. symbiosis, symmetry, sympathetic, symphysis |
syn- | syn [Gr.] (n disappears before s, changes to l before l, and changes to m before b, m, p, and ph) with, together. Cf. con-. synarthrosis |
syring- | syrinx, syringos [Gr.] pipe, tube, fistula. syringocystadenoma |
ta- | See ton-. ectasia |
tac- | tassō, tag- [Gr.] (tag- changes to tak-, which becomes tac-, before t) order, arrange. atactiform |
tach(y)- | tachys [Gr.] swift. tachography, tachycardia |
tact- | tango, tactus [L.] touch. contact |
taenia- | taenia [L.] tape. taeniafuge. (Also spelled tenia-) |
tars- | tarsos [Gr.] a broad, flat surface. tarsorrhaphy, tarsoclasis |
taur- | taurus [L.] bull. taurodontism |
taut- | tautos [Gr.] same. tautomerism |
tax- | tassō, tag- [Gr.] (tag- added to s becomes tax-) order, arrange. ataxia |
tect- | See teg-. protective |
teg- | tego, tectus [L.] cover. integument |
tel- | telos [Gr.] end. telomere |
tele- | tēle [Gr.] at a distance. teleceptor |
tempor- | tempus, temporis [L.] time, temple. temporomandibular |
tend(in)- | tendo, tendines [L.] tendon. tendovaginal, tendinitis |
ten(ont)- | tenōn, tenontos [Gr.] (from teinō stretch) tightly stretched band. tenodynia, tenontology |
tens- | tendo, tensus [L.] stretch. Cf. ton-. extensor |
terat- | teras, teratos [Gr.] monster. teratoma |
ter(ti)- | ter [L.] thrice. Cf. tri-. termolecular, tertigravida |
test- | testis [L.] testicle. Cf. orchi-. testitis |
tetr(a)- | tetra- [Gr.] four. Cf. quadr-. tetradactyly, tetroxide |
thanat- | thanatos [Gr.] death, thanatophobia |
the- | tithēmi, thē- [Gr.] put, place. synthesis |
thec- | thēkē [Gr.] repository, case. thecostegnosis |
thel(e)- | thēlē [Gr.] teat, nipple. thelerethism, theleplasty |
therap- | therapeia [Gr.] treatment. chemotherapy |
therm- | thermē [Gr.] heat. Cf. calor-. diathermy |
thi- | theion [Gr.] sulfur. thiazole, thiocyanate |
thigm- | thigma [Gr.] touch. thigmotaxis |
thorac- | thōrax, thōrakos [Gr.] chest. thoracoplasty |
-thrix | See trich-. monilethrix |
thromb- | thrombos [Gr.] lump, clot. thrombocytopenia |
thym-1 | thymos [Gr.] thymus. thymoma |
thym-2 | thymos [Gr.] spirit. Cf. ment-. dysthymia, thymoleptic. (See also phren- and psych-) |
thyr- | thyreos [Gr.] shield (shaped like a door [thyra]). thyroid |
-tme- | temnō, tmē- [Gr.] cut. axonotmesis |
toc- | tokos [Gr.] childbirth. dystocia |
tom- | temnō, tom- [Gr.] cut. Cf. sect-. appendectomy, tomography |
ton- | teino, ton-, ta- [Gr.] stretch, put under tension. Cf. tens-. peritoneum |
top- | topos [Gr.] place. Cf. loc-. topesthesia, isotope |
tors- | torqueo, torsus [L.] twist. Cf. strep(h)- and stroph-. torsion |
tox(ic)- | toxikon [Gr.] (from toxon bow) arrow poison, poison. toxemia, toxicology |
trache- | tracheia [Gr.] windpipe. tracheotomy |
trachel- | trachēlos [Gr.] neck. Cf. cervic-. trachelopexy |
tract- | traho, tractus [L.] draw, drag. protraction |
trans- | trans [L.] through. transaortic, transfection |
traumat- | trauma, traumatos [Gr.] wound. traumatic |
trepo- | trepō [Gr.] turn. trepopnea, treponema |
tri- | treis, tria [Gr.] or tri- [L.] three. Cf. ter(ti)-. trilaminar |
trich- | thrix, trichos [Gr.] hair. trichobezoar |
trip- | tribō [Gr.] rub. lithotripsy |
trop- | trepō, trop- [Gr.] turn, react. sitotropism |
troph- | trepō, troph- [Gr.] nurture. atrophy |
tub- | tubus [L.] pipe. tuboplasty |
tuber- | tuber [L.] swelling, node. tubercle |
tympan- | tympanon [Gr.] drum. tympanocentesis |
typ- | typos [Gr.] (from typto strike) type. atypical |
typh- | typhos [Gr.] fog, stupor. typhus |
typhl- | typhlos [Gr.] blind. Cf. cec-. typhlectomy |
tyr- | tyros [Gr.] cheese. tyrogenous |
ul-1 | oulē [Gr.] scar. ulerythema |
ul-2 | oulon [Gr.] gum. ulatrophy |
ultra- | ultra [L.] beyond. ultrastructure |
uni- | unus [L.] one. Cf. hen-. unilateral |
ur- | ouron [Gr.] urine. polyuria |
uran- | ouranos [Gr.] the vault of heaven, or the roof of the mouth. Cf. palat-. uranostaphyloplasty |
ureter- | ourētēr [Gr.] ureter. ureterography |
urethr- | ourēthra [Gr.] urethra. urethropexy |
uter- | uterus [L.] womb. Cf. hyster- and metr-2. uterorectal |
vacc- | vacca [L.] cow. vaccine |
vagin- | vagina [L.] sheath. invagination, vaginitis |
varic- | varix, varicis [L.] varicose vein. varicocele |
vas- | vas [L.] vessel. Cf. angi-. vascular |
ven- | vena [L.] vein. Cf. phleb-. venopressor |
ventr- | venter [L.] belly. ventrocystorrhaphy, ventriculotomy |
vers- | See vert-. inversion |
vert- | verto, versus [L.] turn. diverticulum |
vesic- | vesica [L.] bladder. Cf. cyst-. vesicovaginal |
video- | video [L.] see. videolaparoscopy |
viscer- | viscus, visceris [L.] internal organs. visceromotor |
vit- | vita [L.] life. Cf. bi-1. devitalize |
vivi- | vivus [L.] alive. viviparous |
vuls- | vello, vulsus [L.] pull, twitch. convulsion |
xanth- | xanthos [Gr.] yellow, blond. Cf. flav- and lute-. xanthochromia |
xen- | xenos [Gr.] strange, foreign. xenograft |
xer- | xēros [Gr.] dry. xeroderma |
xiph- | xiphos [Gr.] sword, xiphoid process. xiphodynia |
-yl- | hyle [Gr.] substance. carboxyl |
zo- | zoē [Gr.] life or zōon [Gr.] animal. microzoon |
zyg- | zygon [Gr.] yoke, union. zygodactyly |
zym- | zymē [Gr.] ferment. enzyme |
Abbreviation | Meaning |
A | accommodation; adenine; adenosine; alanine; alveolar gas (as subscript); ampere; anode; anterior |
A. | L. annum (year) |
A | absorbance; activity; admittance; area; mass number |
AI | secondary auditory cortex |
AII | second auditory area |
A2 | aortic second sound |
Å | angstrom |
a | accommodation; arterial blood (as subscript); atto- |
a. | L. annum (year); L. aqua (water); L. arteria (artery) |
a | acceleration; activity; specific absorptivity |
ā | L. ante (before) |
α | alpha chain of hemoglobin; Bunsen coefficient; heavy chain of IgA; the probability of Type I error |
AA | achievement age; amino acid |
aa. | L. arteriae (arteries) |
AAO | amino acid oxidase |
AAS | anabolic-androgenic steroid |
AAV | adeno-associated virus |
AB | L. Artium Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Arts) |
Ab | antibody |
ABC | argon beam coagulator; aspiration biopsy cytology; avidin-biotin complex |
ABCD | Adriamycin (doxorubicin), bleomycin, CCNU (lomustine), and dacarbazine |
ABE | acute bacterial endocarditis |
ABG | arterial blood gases |
ABI | ankle-brachial index |
ABLB | alternate binaural loudness balance |
ABMT | autologous bone marrow transplantation |
ABP | arterial blood pressure |
ABR | auditory brainstem response |
abs. feb. | L. absente febre (while fever is absent) |
abst, abstr | abstract |
ABVD | Adriamycin (doxorubicin), bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine |
AC | acromioclavicular; air conduction; alternating current; axiocervical; Adriamycin (doxorubicin) and cyclophosphamide |
Ac | actinium |
a.c. | L. ante cibum (before meals) |
ACAT | acyl CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase |
Acc | accommodation |
ACD | acid citrate dextrose |
ACE | angiotensin-converting enzyme |
ACG | angiocardiography; apexcardiogram |
AcG | accelerator globulin (factor V) |
ACh | acetylcholine |
AchE | acetylcholinesterase |
ACP | acid phosphatase |
ACPS | acrocephalopolysyndactyly |
ACTH | adrenocorticotropic hormone |
AD | alcohol dehydrogenase; L. auris dextra (right ear) |
ADA | adenosine deaminase |
ADCC | antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity |
add. | L. adde (add); L. addatur (let there be added) |
ADH | alcohol dehydrogenase; antidiuretic hormone |
Adhib. | L. adhibendus (to be administered) |
ADL | activities of daily living |
ad lib. | L. ad libitum (at pleasure) |
admov. | L. admove (add); L. admoveatur (let there be added) |
AdoCbl | adenosylcobalamin |
ADP | adenosine diphosphate |
ADPKD | autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease |
Ad pond. om. | L. ad pondus omnium (to the weight of the whole) |
ADHR | autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets |
adst. feb. | L. adstante febre (while fever is present) |
Adv. | L. adversum (against) |
Ad 2 vic. | L. ad duas vices (at two times, for two doses) |
A-E, AE | above-elbow |
AED | automatic external defibrillator |
Aeg. | L. aeger, aegra (the patient) |
AEP | auditory evoked potential |
aet. | L. aetas (age) |
AF | atrial fibrillation |
AFib | atrial fibrillation |
AFl | atrial flutter |
AFO | ankle-foot orthosis |
AFP | alpha fetoprotein |
AFX | atypical fibroxanthoma |
AG | atrial gallop |
Ag | antigen; silver (L. argentum) |
AGE | advanced glycation end product |
AGEP | acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis |
AGEPC | acetyl glyceryl ether phosphoryl choline |
aggred. fed. | L. aggrediente febre (while the fever is coming on) |
Agit. vas. | L. agitato vase (the vial being shaken) |
AGT | antiglobulin test |
ah | hyperopic astigmatism |
AHA | acetohydroxamic acid |
AHF | antihemophilic factor (factor VIII) |
AHG | antihemophilic globulin (factor VIII) |
AHP | Assistant House Physician |
AHS | Assistant House Surgeon |
AI | anaphylatoxin inactivator; aortic incompetence; aortic insufficiency; apical impulse; aromatase inhibitor; artificial insemination |
AICC | anti-inhibitor coagulant complex |
AICD | activation-induced cell death; automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator |
AID | artificial insemination by donor |
AIDS | acquired immunodeficiency syndrome |
AIH | artificial insemination by husband |
AIHA | autoimmune hemolytic anemia |
AILD | angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia |
AIP | acute intermittent porphyria |
AIS | androgen insensitivity syndrome |
A-K, AK | above-knee |
Al | aluminum |
ALA | aminolevulinic acid |
Ala | alanine |
ALARA | as low as reasonably achievable (exposure dose of radiation) |
ALAS | 5-aminolevulinate synthase |
ALAT | alanine aminotransferase |
ALG | antilymphocyte globulin |
ALL | acute lymphoblastic leukemia |
ALM | acral-lentiginous melanoma |
ALP | alkaline phosphatase |
ALM | acral-lentiginous melanoma |
ALS | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; antilymphocyte serum |
ALT | alanine transaminase |
Alt. dieb. | L alternis diebus (every other day) |
Alt. hor. | L. alternis horis (every other hour) |
AM | L. Artium Magister (Master of Arts) |
Am | americium |
am | ametropia; meter angle; myopic astigmatism |
AMAN | acute motor axonal neuropathy |
AME | apparent mineralocorticoid excess |
Amh | mixed astigmatism with myopia predominating over hyperopia |
AMI | acute myocardial infarction |
AML | acute myelogenous leukemia |
AMP | adenosine monophosphate |
3′,5′-AMP | cyclic AMP; cyclic adenosine monophosphate |
ams | amount of a substance |
amu | atomic mass unit |
An | anodal; anode |
ANA | antinuclear antibodies |
anat. | anatomical; anatomy |
ANCA | antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (or antibody) |
ANCOVA | analysis of covariance |
ANF | antinuclear factor |
ANNA-1 | type 1 antineuronal antibody |
ANNA-2 | type 2 antineuronal antibody |
ANOVA | analysis of variance |
ANP | atrial natriuretic peptide |
ANS | anterior nasal spine; autonomic nervous system |
ant. | anterior |
ANTU | alphanaphthyl thiourea |
ANUG | acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis |
AO | ankle orthosis; opening of the atrioventricular valves |
AP | action potential; angina pectoris; anterior pituitary; anteroposterior; arterial pressure |
Apaf-1 | apoptotic protease activating factor 1 |
APB | atrial premature beat |
APC | atrial premature complex; activated protein C |
APCA | anti−Purkinje cell antibody |
APCC | anti-inhibitor coagulant complex |
APD | atrial premature depolarization; pamidronate (amino-hydroxypropylidene diphosphonate) |
APECED | autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dysplasia; autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy |
APF | acidulated phosphate fluoride |
APN | advanced practice nurse |
APP | amyloid precursor protein |
APRI | AST to platelet ratio index |
APRN | advanced practice registered nurse |
APS | antiphospholipid (antibody) syndrome |
APTT, aPTT | activated partial thromboplastin time |
APUD | amine precursor uptake (and) decarboxylation |
AQ | achievement quotient |
Aq. | L. aqua (water) |
Aq. dest. | L. aqua destillata (distilled water) |
Aq. pur. | L. aqua pura (pure water) |
Aq. tep. | L. aqua tepida (tepid water) |
AR | alarm reaction; aortic regurgitation; artificial respiration |
Ar | argon |
ara-A | adenine arabinoside |
ara-C | arabinosylcytosine |
ARC | AIDS-related complex; anomalous retinal correspondence |
ARD | acute respiratory disease (of any undefined form); acute respiratory distress |
ARDS | acute respiratory distress syndrome; adult respiratory distress syndrome |
ARF | acute renal failure |
Arg | arginine |
ARN | acute retinal necrosis |
AROA | autosomal recessive ocular albinism |
ARPKD | autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease |
ART | Accredited Record Technician; assisted reproductive technology; automated reagin test |
AS | aortic stenosis; arteriosclerosis; L. auris sinistra (left ear) |
As | arsenic; astigmatism |
ASA | acetylsalicylic acid; argininosuccinic acid; antisperm antibody |
5-ASA | 5-aminosalicylic acid |
ASAT | aspartate aminotransferase |
ASCT | autologous stem cell transplantation |
ASCVD | arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease |
ASF | aniline, formaldehyde, and sulfur |
ASH | asymmetrical septal hypertrophy |
ASHD | arteriosclerotic heart disease |
ASI | Addiction Severity Index |
ASL | antistreptolysin |
Asn | asparagine |
ASO | arteriosclerosis obliterans |
Asp | aspartic acid |
asRNA | antisense RNA |
ASS | anterior superior spine (of ilium) |
AST | aspartate transaminase |
Ast. | astigmatism |
Asth. | asthenopia |
AT | atrial tachycardia |
At | astatine |
ATA | alimentary toxic aleukia= |
ATCC | American Type Culture Collection |
ATG | antithymocyte globulin |
ATL | adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma |
atm | atmosphere |
ATN | tyrosinase-negative (ty-neg) oculocutaneous albinism |
at no | atomic number |
ATP | adenosine triphosphate |
ATPase | adenosinetriphosphatase |
ATS | antitetanic serum |
at vol | atomic volume |
at wt | atomic weight |
AU | L. aures unitas (both ears together); L. auris uterque (each ear) |
Au | Australia antigen; gold (L. aurum) |
AUC | area under the curve |
AUL | acute undifferentiated leukemia |
AV, A-V | atrioventricular; arteriovenous |
av | avoirdupois |
AVA | anthrax vaccine adsorbed |
AVN | atrioventricular node |
AVP | arginine vasopressin |
AVRT | atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia |
awu | atomic weight unit |
ax. | axis |
Az | azote |
AZOOR | acute zonal occult outer retinopathy |
AZQ | diaziquone |
AZT | zidovudine |
B | bel; boron |
B | magnetic flux density |
b | barn; base (nucleic acids); born |
β | beta chain of hemoglobin |
BA | Bachelor of Arts |
Ba | barium |
BAC | bacterial artificial chromosome |
BACOP | bleomycin, Adriamycin (doxorubicin), cyclophosphamide, Oncovin (vincristine), and prednisone |
BAEP | brain stem auditory evoked potential |
BAL | British antilewisite; biphenotypic acute leukemia |
BAN | British Approved Name |
BAO | basal acid output |
BATO | boronic acid adduct of technetium oxime |
BBB | blood-brain barrier; bundle branch block |
BBBB | bilateral bundle branch block |
BBT | basal body temperature |
BC | bone conduction |
BCAA | branched-chain amino acids |
B-CAVe | bleomycin, CCNU (lomustine), Adriamycin (doxorubicin), and vinblastine |
BCDF | B cell differentiation factors |
BCF | basophil chemotactic factor |
BCG | bacille Calmette-Guérin; bicolor guaiac test; ballistocardiogram |
BCGF | B cell growth factors |
BDNF | brain-derived neurotrophic factor |
BCNU | carmustine |
b.d. | L. bis die (twice a day) |
BDS | Bachelor of Dental Surgery |
BDSc | Bachelor of Dental Science |
B-E, BE | below-elbow |
Be | beryllium |
BF | blastogenic factor |
BFP | biologic false-positive |
BFU-E | burst-forming unit-erythroid |
BH4 | tetrahydrobiopterin |
BHA | butylated hydroxyanisole |
BHC | benzene hexachloride |
BHT | butylated hydroxytoluene |
Bi | bismuth |
Bib. | L. bibe (drink) |
b.i.d. | L. bis in die (twice a day) |
B-K, BK | below-knee |
Bk | berkelium |
BKV | BK virus |
BMI | body mass index |
BMP | bone morphogenetic protein |
BMR | basal metabolic rate |
BMS | Bachelor of Medical Science |
BMT | behavioral marital therapy; bone marrow transplantation |
BNA | Basle Nomina Anatomica |
BNP | brain natriuretic peptide |
Bol. | L. bolus (pill) |
BOOP | bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia |
BP | blood pressure; British Pharmacopoeia |
bp | base pair; boiling point |
BPD | bronchopulmonary dysplasia |
BPH | benign prostatic hyperplasia |
B Ph | British Pharmacopoeia |
BPI | bactericidal permeability increasing protein |
BPIG | bacterial polysaccharide immune globulin |
BPRS | Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale |
BPV | bovine papillomavirus |
Bq | becquerel |
Br | bromine |
BrdU | 5-bromodeoxyuridine |
BrIDA | mebrofenin |
BRM | biologic response modifier |
BS | Bachelor of Surgery; Bachelor of Science; blood sugar; breath sounds |
BSA | body surface area |
BSF | B lymphocyte stimulatory factor |
BSS | Bernard-Soulier syndrome |
BTK | Bruton tyrosine kinase |
BTU | British thermal unit |
BUDR | 5-bromodeoxyuridine |
Bull. | L. bulliat (let it boil) |
BUN | blood urea nitrogen |
But. | L. butyrum (butter) |
BVAD | biventricular assist device |
C | canine (tooth); carbon; cathode; Celsius (scale); cervical vertebrae (C1–C7); clonus; closure; color sense; complement (C1–C9); compliance (subscripts denote the structure, e.g., CL lung compliance); contraction; coulomb; cylinder; cylindrical lens; cytidine; cytosine; large calorie |
C | capacitance; clearance (subscripts denote the substance, e.g., C1 or CIn inulin clearance); heat capacity |
°C | degree Celsius |
c | centi-; small calorie |
c. | L. cibus (food); L. cum (with) |
c | molar concentration; specific heat capacity; velocity of light in a vacuum |
c̄ | L. cum (with) |
χ2 | chi-square |
CA | cardiac arrest; chronologic age; cold agglutinin; coronary artery; croup-associated (virus) |
CA 125 | cancer antigen 125 |
Ca | calcium |
ca | L. circa (about) |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft |
CAD | coronary artery disease; chronic actinic dermatitis |
CAH | congenital adrenal hyperplasia |
CAIS | complete androgen insensitivity syndrome |
Cal | large calorie (kilocalorie) |
cal | calorie |
Calef. | L. calefac (make warm); L. calefactus (warmed) |
CALLA | common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen |
CAM | cell adhesion molecules; complementary and alternative medicine |
cAMP | cyclic adenosine monophosphate |
CAP | catabolite (gene) activator protein |
Cap. | L. capiat (let him take) |
CAPD | continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis |
Capsul. | L. capsula (capsule) |
CAR | cancer-associated retinopathy |
CASA | computer-aided (or assisted) semen analysis |
CAT | computerized axial tomography |
Cath. | L. catharticus (cathartic) |
CAVB | complete atrioventricular block |
CB | L. Chirurgiae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Surgery) |
cbc | complete blood count |
CBF | cerebral blood flow |
CBG | corticosteroid-binding globulin |
Cbl | cobalamin |
CC | chief complaint |
cc | cubic centimeter (on the JCAHO Do Not Use List) |
CCA | congenital contractural arachnodactyly |
CCAT | conglutinating complement absorption test |
CCF | crystal-induced chemotactic factor |
CCHS | congenital central hypoventilation syndrome |
CCK | cholecystokinin |
CCP | complement control protein; cyclic citrullinated peptide |
CCPD | continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis |
CCU | coronary care unit; critical care unit |
CD | cadaveric donor; cluster designation; conjugata diagonalis; curative dose |
CD50 | median curative dose |
Cd | cadmium; caudal; coccygeal |
cd | candela |
2-CdA | cladribine |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CDDP | cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum) |
cdf | cumulative distribution function |
CDG | congenital disorder of glycosylation |
CDH | congenital dislocation of the hip |
cDNA | complementary DNA; copy DNA |
CDP | cytidine diphosphate |
Ce | cerium |
CEA | carcinoembryonic antigen |
Cel | Celsius |
CEM | contagious equine metritis |
CEP | congenital erythropoietic porphyria |
ces | central excitatory state |
CESD | cholesteryl ester storage disease |
CETP | cholesteryl ester transfer protein |
CF | carbolfuchsin; cardiac failure; Christmas factor; citrovorum factor |
Cf | californium |
CFAP | chronic functional abdominal pain |
CFC | chlorofluorocarbon |
cff | critical fusion frequency |
CFT | complement fixation test |
CFTR | cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator |
CFU | colony-forming unit |
CFU-C | colony-forming unit-culture |
CFU-E | colony-forming unit-erythroid |
CFU-GM | colony-forming unit–granulocyte-macrophage |
CFU-S | colony-forming unit-spleen |
CGD | chronic granulomatous disease |
CGH | comparative genomic hybridization |
cGMP | cyclic guanosine monophosphate |
CGS, cgs | centimeter-gram-second system |
cGy | centigray |
CH | crown-heel (length of fetus) |
CH50, CH50 | total hemolytic complement |
CHAOS | congenital high airway obstruction syndrome |
CJD | Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease |
Chart. | L. charta (paper) |
ChB | L. Chirurgiae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Surgery) |
CHD | congenital heart disease; coronary heart disease |
ChD | L. Chirurgiae Doctor (Doctor of Surgery) |
ChE | cholinesterase |
CHF | congestive heart failure |
CHL | crown-heel length (of fetus) |
ChM | L. Chirurgiae Magister (Master of Surgery) |
CHO | Chinese hamster ovary (cell) |
CHOP | cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunomycin (doxorubicin), Oncovin (vincristine), and prednisone |
CHOP-BLEO | cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunomycin (doxorubicin), Oncovin (vincristine), prednisone, and bleomycin |
Chr | chromosome |
CHS | cholinesterase |
CI | cardiac index; Colour Index |
Ci | curie |
cib. | L. cibus (food) |
CIDP | chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy |
CIE | counterimmunoelectrophoresis |
CIH | Certificate in Industrial Health |
Ci-hr | curie-hour |
CIN | cervical intraepithelial neoplasia |
C1 INH | C1 inhibitor |
CK | creatine kinase |
Cl | chlorine |
ClC | chloride channel |
CLIP | corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide |
CM | L. Chirurgiae Magister (Master of Surgery) |
Cm | curium |
cM | centimorgan |
cm | centimeter |
cm2 | square centimeter |
cm3 | cubic centimeter |
CMA | Certified Medical Assistant |
CMAP | compound muscle action potential |
CMD | cerebromacular degeneration |
CMF | cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil |
CMHC | community mental health center |
cm H2O | centimeter(s) of water |
CMI | cell-mediated immunity |
CML | cell-mediated lympholysis |
c mm | cubic millimeter |
C-MOPP | cyclophosphamide, Oncovin (vincristine), procarbazine, and prednisone |
CMP | cytidine monophosphate |
c.m.s. | L. cras mane sumendus (to be taken tomorrow morning) |
CMT | California mastitis test; Certified Medical Transcriptionist; Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease |
CMV | cytomegalovirus |
CN | chloroacetophenone |
c.n. | L. cras nocte (tomorrow night) |
CN-Cbl | cyanocobalamin |
C3 NeF | C3 nephritic factor |
CNM | Certified Nurse-Midwife |
CNS | central nervous system |
c.n.s. | L. cras nocte sumendus (to be taken tomorrow night) |
CNV | contingent negative variation |
CO | cardiac output |
Co | cobalt; coccygeal (in vertebral formulas) |
CoA | coenzyme A |
CoA-SH | coenzyme A |
COBS | cesarean-obtained barrier-sustained |
COC | calcifying odontogenic cyst |
cochl. | L. cochleare (a spoonful) |
cochl. amp. | L. cochleare amplum (a heaping spoonful) |
cochl. mag. | L. cochleare magnum (a tablespoonful) |
cochl. med. | L. cochleare medium (a dessertspoonful) |
cochl. parv. | L. cochleare parvum (a teaspoonful) |
Coct. | L. coctio (boiling) |
Col. | L. cola (strain) |
Colat. | L. colatus (strained) |
COLD | chronic obstructive lung disease |
Colet. | L. coletur (let it be strained) |
Collut. | L. collutorium (mouth wash) |
Collyr. | L. collyrium (an eye wash) |
Color. | L. coloretur (let it be colored) |
COMP | cartilage oligomeric matrix protein |
Comp. | L. compositus (compound) |
ConA | concanavalin A |
Concis. | L. concisus (cut) |
Cons. | L. conserva (keep) |
Cont. | L. contusus (bruised) |
Contin. | L. continuetur (let it be continued) |
Cont. rem. | L. continuetur remedium (let the medicine be continued) |
COP | cyclophosphamide, Oncovin (vincristine), and prednisone |
COP-BLAM | cyclophosphamide, Oncovin (vincristine), prednisone, bleomycin, Adriamycin (doxorubicin), and Matulane (procarbazine) |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
COPP | cyclophosphamide, Oncovin (vincristine), procarbazine, and prednisone |
Coq. | L. coque (boil) |
Coq. in s. a. | L. coque in sufficiente aqua (boil in sufficient water) |
Coq. s. a. | L. coque secundum artem (boil properly) |
Cort. | L. cortex (bark) |
CP | candle power; chemically pure |
cp | centipoise |
C3PA | C3 proactivator (former name for factor B) |
CPAP | continuous positive airway pressure |
CPC | clinicopathological conference |
CPD | citrate phosphate dextrose |
CPDA-1 | citrate phosphate dextrose adenine |
CPDD | calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease |
C Ped | Certified Pedorthist |
CPH | Certificate in Public Health |
CPI | California Personality Inventory; congenital palatopharyngeal incompetence |
CPK | creatine phosphokinase |
CPM | central pontine myelinolysis; cyclophosphamide |
cpm | counts per minute |
CPP | cerebral perfusion pressure |
CPPD | calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate |
CPPS | chronic pelvic pain syndrome |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CPS | carbamoyl phosphate synthetase |
CPSI | carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I |
CPSII | carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II |
cps | cycles per second |
CR | complement receptor; conditioned response; crown-rump (length of fetus) |
CR3 | complement receptor type 3 |
Cr | chromium |
Crast. | L. crastinus (for tomorrow) |
CREG | cross-reactive group (of HLA antigens) |
CRF | chronic renal failure |
CRH | corticotropin-releasing hormone |
CRL | crown-rump length (of fetus) |
CRM | cross-reacting material |
CRNA | Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist |
cRNA | complementary RNA |
CRP | C-reactive protein |
CRPS | complex regional pain syndrome |
CRRT | continuous renal replacement therapy |
Crys. | crystal |
CS | cesarean section; conditioned stimulus; coronary sinus; o-chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile |
Cs | cesium |
CSC | Fr. coup sur coup (blow on blow) |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid; colony-stimulating factor |
CSF-1 | macrophage colony-stimulating factor |
CSII | continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion |
CSM | cerebrospinal meningitis |
C-spine | cervical spine |
CST | contraction stress test |
CT | computed tomography |
CTBA | cetrimonium bromide |
CTL | cytotoxic T lymphocytes |
CTP | cytidine triphosphate |
Cu | copper (L. cuprum) |
Cuj. | L. cujus (of which) |
CV | cardiovascular; closing volume; coefficient of variation |
C.V. | L. cras vespere (tomorrow evening); L. conjugata vera (true conjugate diameter of the pelvic inlet) |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident; costovertebral angle |
CVID | common variable immunodeficiency |
CVP | central venous pressure; cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone |
CVS | cardiovascular system; chorionic villus sampling |
CX | circumflex artery |
Cx | cervix; convex |
Cy | cyanogen |
Cyath. | L. cyathus (a glassful) |
CYC | cyclophosphamide |
cyclic AMP | cyclic adenosine monophosphate |
cyclic GMP | cyclic guanosine monophosphate |
cyl | cylinder; cylindrical lens |
Cys | cysteine |
Cys-Cys | cystine |
D | dalton; deciduous (teeth); decimal reduction time; density; deuterium; died; diffusing capacity; diopter; distal; dorsal vertebrae (D1–D12); dose; duration; dwarf (colony) |
D. | L. da (give); L. detur (let it be given); L. dexter (right); L. dosis (dose) |
DL | diffusing capacity of the lung |
d | day; deci-; deoxyribose |
d. | L. da (give); L. detur (let it be given); L. dexter (right); L. dosis (dose) |
d | density; diameter |
Δ | change (as in temperature); increment |
δ | delta chain of hemoglobin; heavy chain of IgD |
DA | developmental age; diphenylchlorarsine |
Da | dalton |
DAC | decitabine |
DACT | dactinomycin |
DAD | delayed afterdepolarization |
dADP | deoxyadenosine diphosphate |
DAEC | diffusely adherent Escherichia coli |
DAF | decay accelerating factor |
DAG | diacylglycerol |
dAMP | deoxyadenosine monophosphate |
D and C | dilatation and curettage |
dATP | deoxyadenosine triphosphate |
DAy | Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine |
dB, db | decibel |
DBA | dibenzanthracene |
DBS | deep brain stimulation |
DC | direct current; Doctor of Chiropractic |
D & C | dilatation and curettage |
dC | deoxycytidine |
DCA | desoxycorticosterone acetate |
DCc | double concave |
dCDP | deoxycytidine diphosphate |
DCF | direct centrifugal flotation |
DCH | Diploma in Child Health |
DCIS | ductal carcinoma in situ |
dCMP | deoxycytidine monophosphate |
DCOG | Diploma of the College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (British) |
dCTP | deoxycytidine triphosphate |
DCx | double convex |
d.d. | L. detur ad (let it be given to) |
ddC | dideoxycytidine |
DDH | developmental dysplasia of the hip |
ddI | dideoxyinosine |
DDP, cis-DDP | cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum) |
DDS | diaminodiphenylsulfone (dapsone); Doctor of Dental Surgery |
DDSc | Doctor of Dental Science |
Deb. spis. | L. debita spissitudine (of the proper consistency) |
Dec. | L. decanta (pour off) |
Decoct. | L. decoctum (a decoction) |
Decub. | L. decubitus (lying down) |
de d. in d. | L. de die in diem (from day to day) |
DEF | decayed, extracted, filled |
Deg | degeneration; degree |
Deglut. | L. deglutiatur (let it be swallowed) |
del | deletion |
Dep. | L. depuratus (purified) |
DES | diethylstilbestrol |
dest. | L. destilla (distill); L. destillatus (distilled) |
destil. | L. destilla (distill) |
DET | diethyltryptamine |
Det. | L. detur (let it be given) |
Det. in dup., Det. in 2 plo | L. detur in duplo (let twice as much be given) |
D. et s. | L. detur et signetur (let it be given and labeled) |
DFDT | difluoro-diphenyl-trichloroethane |
DFP | diisopropyl fluorophosphate |
DFT | defibrillation threshold |
dG | deoxyguanosine |
DGC | dystrophin-glycoprotein complex |
dGDP | deoxyguanosine diphosphate |
dGMP | deoxyguanosine monophosphate |
dGTP | deoxyguanosine triphosphate |
DH | delayed hypersensitivity |
DHA | 2,8-dihydroxyadenine; docosahexaenoic acid |
DHAD | mitoxantrone hydrochloride (dihydroanthracenedione dihydrochloride) |
DHEA | dehydroepiandrosterone |
DHF | dihydrofolate; dihydrofolic acid |
DHFR | dihydrofolate reductase |
DHg | Doctor of Hygiene |
DHom | Doctor of Homeopathic Medicine |
DHPG | 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol; ganciclovir (9-[(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxy)methyl] guanine) |
DHPR | 6,7-dihydropteridine reductase |
DHS | dehydrated hereditary stomatocytosis |
DHT | dihydrotestosterone |
DHy | Doctor of Hygiene |
DIC | diffuse intravascular coagulation; disseminated intra-vascular coagulation |
Dieb. alt. | L. diebus alternis (on alternate days) |
Dieb. tert. | L. diebus tertiis (every third day) |
Dig. | L. digeratur (let it be digested) |
dil. | L. dilue (dilute, dissolve) |
Diluc. | L. diluculo (at daybreak) |
dilut. | L. dilutus (diluted) |
dim. | L. dimidius (one half) |
D. in p. aeq. | L. divide in partes aequales (divide into equal parts) |
DIP | distal interphalangeal |
Dir. prop. | L. directione propria (with proper direction) |
DIS | Diagnostic Interview Schedule |
DISH | diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis |
DISIDA | disofenin (diisopropyl iminodiacetic acid) |
Dist. | L. distilla (distill) |
Div. | L. divide (divide) |
DJD | degenerative joint disease |
dk | deca- |
DKA | diabetic ketoacidosis |
DL | diffusing capacity of the lung |
dL | deciliter |
DLE | discoid lupus erythematosus |
DM | diabetes mellitus; diphenylamine chlorarsine |
DMAPN | dimethylaminopropionitrile |
DMARD | disease-modifying antirheumatic drug |
DMBA | 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene |
DMD | Doctor of Dental Medicine |
DMF | decayed, missing, filled; dimethylformamide |
DMPE | 3,4-dimethoxyphenylethylamine |
DMRD | Diploma in Medical Radio-Diagnosis (British) |
DMRT | Diploma in Medical Radio-Therapy (British) |
DMSA | succimer (meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid) |
DMSO | dimethyl sulfoxide |
DMT | dimethyltryptamine |
DN | dibucaine number |
DNA | deoxyribonucleic acid |
DNase | deoxyribonuclease |
DNB | dinitrobenzene; Diplomate of the National Board (of Medical Examiners) |
DNCB | dinitrochlorobenzene |
DNFB | dinitrofluorobenzene |
DNOC | dinitro-o-cresol |
DNR | do not resuscitate |
DO | Doctor of Osteopathy |
DOA | dead on arrival |
DOC | 11-deoxycorticosterone |
DOM | 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine |
Donec alv. sol. fuerit | L. donec alvus soluta fuerit (until the bowels are opened, i.e., until a bowel movement occurs) |
DP | Doctor of Pharmacy; Doctor of Podiatry; L. directione propria (with proper direction) |
DPH | Diploma in Public Health |
DPM | Diploma in Psychological Medicine; Doctor of Podiatric Medicine |
DPT | diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine |
DR | reaction of degeneration |
dr | dram |
DRE | digital rectal examination |
DRG | Diagnosis-Related Group |
DrPH | Doctor of Public Health |
DRPLA | dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy |
DSC | Doctor of Surgical Chiropody |
DSD | disorder of sexual development |
dsDNA | double-stranded DNA |
DSM | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders |
dsRNA | double-stranded RNA |
DT | diphtheria and tetanus toxoids |
Dt | duration tetany |
dT | deoxythymidine |
DTaP | diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine |
D.T.D. | L. datur talis dosis (give of such a dose) |
dTDP | deoxythymidine diphosphate |
DTH | delayed-type hypersensitivity |
DTIC, Dtic | dacarbazine |
dTMP | deoxythymidine monophosphate |
DTP | diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine |
DTPA | diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid |
dTTP | deoxythymidine triphosphate |
dU | deoxyuridine |
DUB | dysfunctional uterine bleeding |
DUH | dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria |
dUMP | deoxyuridine monophosphate |
Dur. dolor. | L. durante dolore (while the pain lasts) |
dUTP | deoxyuridine triphosphate |
dv | double vibrations |
DVM | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine |
DVT | deep vein thrombosis; deep venous thrombosis |
Dy | dysprosium |
dyn | dyne |
E | enzyme |
E | elastance; energy; expectancy; electromotive force; illumination; electric intensity; redox potential |
E1 | estrone |
E2 | estradiol |
E3 | estriol |
E4 | estetrol |
Eh | redox potential |
E° | standard reduction potential |
e | electron |
e | elementary unit of electric charge; the base of natural logarithms |
e+ | positron |
e– | electron |
ε | epsilon chain of hemoglobin; heavy chain of IgE; molar absorptivity |
η | absolute viscosity |
EAC | erythrocyte, antibody, and complement |
EACA | epsilon-aminocaproic acid |
EAD | early afterdepolarization |
ead. | L. eadem (the same) |
EAE | experimental allergic encephalomyelitis |
EAEC | enteroadherent Escherichia coli |
EAggEC | enteroaggregative Escherichia coli |
EAHF | eczema, asthma, hay fever |
EAP | epiallopregnanolone |
EAR | expired air resuscitation |
Ea. R. | Ger. Entartungs-Reaktion (reaction of degeneration) |
EAV | electroacupuncture after Voll |
EB | elementary body |
EBCT | electron beam computed tomography |
EBL | enzootic bovine leukosis |
EBV | Epstein-Barr virus |
EC | Enzyme Commission |
ECD | ethyl cysteinate dimer |
ECF | extracellular fluid; eosinophil chemotactic factor; extended care facility |
ECF-A | eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis |
ECG | electrocardiogram |
ECI | electrocerebral inactivity |
ECLS | extracorporeal life support |
ECM | extracellular matrix |
ECMO | extracorporeal membrane oxygenation |
ECS | electrocerebral silence |
ECT | electroconvulsive therapy |
ED | effective dose; emergency department; erectile dysfunction; erythema dose |
ED50 | median effective dose |
EDR | effective direct radiation; electrodermal response |
EDRF | endothelium-derived relaxing factor |
EDTA | ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid |
EDV | end-diastolic volume |
EEE | eastern equine encephalomyelitis |
EEG | electroencephalogram |
EEJ | electroejaculation |
EENT | eyes, ears, nose, and throat |
EERP | extended endocardial resection procedure |
EFA | essential fatty acid |
EGD | esophagogastroduodenoscopy |
EGF | epidermal growth factor |
EGTA | egtazic acid |
EHBF | estimated hepatic blood flow |
EHDP | etidronate (ethane-1-hydroxy-1,1-diphosphonate) |
EHEC | enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli |
EI | erythema infectiosum |
EIA | enzyme immunoassay |
EIEC | enteroinvasive Escherichia coli |
EIT | erythrocyte iron turnover |
Ejusd. | L. ejusdem (of the same) |
EKG | electrocardiogram |
EKY | electrokymogram |
ELBW | extremely low birth weight |
ELISA | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay |
Em | emmetropia |
EMB | eosin−methylene blue |
EMC | encephalomyocarditis |
EMF | electromotive force |
EMG | electromyogram |
Emp. | L. emplastrum (a plaster) |
EMS | Emergency Medical Service |
emul. | L. emulsum (emulsion) |
ENA | extractable nuclear antigens |
EnaC | epithelial sodium channel |
ENG | electronystagmography |
ENT | ears, nose, and throat |
EOG | electro-olfactogram |
EP | evoked potential |
EPA | eicosapentaenoic acid |
EPEC | enteropathogenic Escherichia coli |
EPM | progressive myoclonic epilepsy |
EPP | erythropoietic protoporphyria |
EPR | electron paramagnetic resonance; electrophrenic respiration |
EPSP | excitatory postsynaptic potential |
ER | emergency room; endoplasmic reticulum; estrogen receptor |
Er | erbium |
ERBF | effective renal blood flow |
ERCP | endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography |
ERG | electroretinogram |
ERGIC | endoplasmic reticulum−Golgi intermediate compartment |
ERM | egrin, radixin, and moiesin |
ERP | endocardial resection procedure |
ERPF | effective renal plasma flow |
ERV | expiratory reserve volume |
Es | einsteinium |
ESE | Ger. elektrostatische Einheit (electrostatic unit) |
ESF | erythropoietic stimulating factor |
ESP | extrasensory perception |
ESR | electron spin resonance; erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
ESRD | end-stage renal disease |
EST | electric shock therapy; electroshock therapy; expressed sequence tag |
esu | electrostatic unit |
ESV | end-systolic volume |
Et | ethyl |
ETEC | enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli |
ETF | electron transfer flavoprotein |
ET-NANB | enterically transmitted non-A, non-B hepatitis |
Eu | europium |
eV | electron volt |
EWHO | elbow-wrist-hand orthosis |
Exhib. | L. exhibeatur (let it be given) |
ext. | extract |
F | Fahrenheit (scale); farad; fertility (plasmid); fluorine; formula; French (scale); phenylalanine; visual field |
F. | L. fiat (let there be made) |
F | coefficient of inbreeding; faraday; force |
F1 | first filial generation |
F2 | second filial generation |
°F | degree Fahrenheit |
f | femto-; focal length |
f | frequency |
FA | fatty acid; fluorescent antibody |
FAB | French-American-British (classification) |
Fab | fragment, antigen-binding |
Facb | fragment, antigen-and-complement-binding |
FACD | Fellow of the American College of Dentists |
FACOG | Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists |
FACP | Fellow of the American College of Physicians |
FACR | Fellow of the American College of Radiology |
FACS | Fellow of the American College of Surgeons; fluorescence-activated cell sorter |
FACSM | Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine |
FAD | flavin adenine dinucleotide |
FADH2 | the reduced form of flavin adenine dinucleotide |
F and R | force and rhythm (of pulse) |
FAP | familial adenomatous polyposis |
FAPHA | Fellow of the American Public Health Association |
fasc. | L. fasciculus (bundle) |
FBG | fasting blood glucose |
FC | fragment, crystallizable |
5-FC | flucytosine |
fCi | femtocurie |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration; L. fronto-dextra anterior (right frontoanterior [position of the fetus]) |
FDH | familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia |
FDP | fibrin degradation products; fibrinogen degradation products; L. fronto-dextra posterior (right frontoposterior [position of the fetus]) |
FDT | L. fronto-dextra transversa (right frontotransverse [position of the fetus]) |
F-dUMP | 5-fluorodeoxyuridine monophosphate |
FENa | fractional excretion of sodium |
FeNa | excreted fraction of filtered sodium |
Fe | iron (L. ferrum) |
Feb. dur. | L. febre durante (while the fever lasts) |
FEF | forced expiratory flow |
Fem. intern. | L. femoribus internus (at the inner side of the thighs) |
FEP | free erythrocyte protoporphyrin |
Ferv. | L. fervens (boiling) |
FES | fat embolism syndrome; functional electrical stimulation; functional endoscopic sinus surgery |
FEV | forced expiratory volume |
FFA | free fatty acids |
FFT | flicker fusion threshold |
F.h. | L. fiat haustus (let a draft be made) |
FIA | fluorescence immunoassay; fluorescent immunoassay; fluoroimmunoassay |
FIAC | Fellow of the International Academy of Cytology |
FICD | Fellow of the International College of Dentists |
FICS | Fellow of the International College of Surgeons |
FIGLU | formiminoglutamic acid |
FIGO | Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d’Obstétrique (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) (classification) |
FISH | fluorescence in situ hybridization |
FITC | fluorescein isothiocyanate |
FIV | feline immunodeficiency virus |
Fl. | fluid |
FLA | L. fronto-laeva anterior (left frontoanterior [position of the fetus]) |
F.l.a. | L. fiat lege artis (let it be done according to rule) |
fld | fluid |
fl dr | fluid dram |
Flor. | L. flores (flowers) |
fl oz | fluid ounce |
FLP | L. fronto-laeva posterior (left frontoposterior [position of the fetus]) |
FLT | L. fronto-laeva transversa (left frontotransverse [position of the fetus]) |
F.M. | L. fiat mistura (make a mixture) |
Fm | fermium |
FMN | flavin mononucleotide |
FMNH2 | the reduced form of flavin mononucleotide |
FNH | focal nodular hyperplasia |
FNS | functional neuromuscular stimulation |
FNTC | fine needle transhepatic cholangiography |
F.p. | L. fiat potio (let a potion be made) |
fp | freezing point |
FPG | fasting plasma glucose |
F.pil. | L. fiant pilulae (let pills be made) |
Fr | francium |
Fract. dos. | L. fracta dosi (in divided doses) |
FRC | functional residual capacity |
FRCP | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians |
FRCP(C) | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada |
FRCPE | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh |
FRCP(Glasg) | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow qua Physician |
FRCPI | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland |
FRCS | Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons |
FRCS(C) | Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada |
FRCSEd | Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh |
FRCS(Glasg) | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow qua Surgeon |
FRCSI | Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland |
FRCVS | Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons |
FRET | fluorescence resonance energy transfer |
FRFPSG | Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow |
FRS | Fellow of the Royal Society |
Frust. | L. frustillatim (in small pieces) |
F.s.a. | L. fiat secundum artem (let it be made skillfully) |
FSF | fibrin-stabilizing factor (factor XIII) |
FSG | focal segmental glomerulosclerosis |
FSGS | focal segmental glomerulosclerosis |
FSH | follicle-stimulating hormone |
FSH/LH-RH | follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone−releasing hormone |
FSH-RH | follicle-stimulating hormone−releasing hormone |
Ft. | L. fiat, fiant (let there be made) |
ft | foot |
Ft. mas. div. in pil. | L. fiat massa dividenda in pilulae (let a mass be made and divided into pills) |
Ft. pulv. | L. fiat pulvis (let a powder be made) |
5-FU | 5-fluorouracil |
FUDR, FUdR | floxuridine (5-fluorouracil deoxyribonucleoside) |
FUO | fever of unknown origin |
FUS | feline urological syndrome |
FVC | forced vital capacity |
G | gauss; giga-; glycine; gravida; guanine; guanosine |
G | conductance; G force; Gibbs free energy; gravitational constant |
g | gram |
g | standard gravity |
γ | gamma chain of fetal hemoglobin; heavy chain of IgG |
Ga | gallium |
GABA | γ-aminobutyric acid |
GAD | generalized anxiety disorder; glutamic acid decarboxylase |
GAG | glycosaminoglycan |
GalNAc | N-acetylgalactosamine |
GALT | gut-associated lymphoid tissue |
Galv. | galvanic |
GAPD | glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase |
Garg | L. gargarisma (gargle) |
GAVE | gastric antral vascular ectasia |
GBM | glomerular basement membrane |
GBS | Guillain-Barré syndrome |
GC | gas chromatography |
g-cal. | gram calorie |
GCS | Glasgow Coma Scale |
G-CSF | granulocyte colony−stimulating factor |
Gd | gadolinium |
GDM | gestational diabetes mellitus |
GDP | guanosine diphosphate |
Ge | germanium |
Gel. quav. | L. gelatina quavis (in any kind of jelly) |
GERD | gastroesophageal reflux disease |
GES | gastric electrical stimulation |
GeV | gigaelectron volt (one billion electron volts) |
GFAP | glial fibrillary acidic protein |
GFR | glomerular filtration rate |
GGR | global genome repair |
GGT | γ-glutamyltransferase |
GH | growth hormone |
GHA | glucoheptonate (gluceptate) |
GH-RH | growth hormone–releasing hormone |
GI | gastrointestinal |
GIFT | gamete intrafallopian transfer |
GIP | gastric inhibitory polypeptide |
GIST | gastrointestinal stromal tumor |
GL | greatest length |
gl. | L. glandula (gland) |
GLC | gas-liquid chromatography |
GlcNAc | N-acetylglucosamine |
GLI | glucagon-like immunoreactivity |
Gln | glutamine |
GLP | glucagon-like peptide |
Glu | glutamic acid |
Gly | glycine |
gm | gram |
GMC | General Medical Council (British) |
GM-CSF | granulocyte-macrophage colony−stimulating factor |
GMK | green monkey kidney (cells) |
GMO | genetically modified organism |
GMP | guanosine monophosphate |
3′, 5′-GMP, cyclic GMP | cyclic guanosine monophosphate |
GMS | Gomori methenamine silver |
Gn-RH | gonadotropin-releasing hormone |
GOT | glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase |
GP | general paresis; general practitioner |
GPCR | G protein−coupled receptor |
G6PD | glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase |
GPT | glutamic-pyruvic transaminase |
gr | grain |
Grad. | L. gradatim (by degrees) |
GRH | growth hormone−releasing hormone |
GSC | gas-solid chromatography |
GSH | reduced glutathione |
GSS | Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome |
GSSG | oxidized glutathione |
gt. | L. gutta (drop) |
GTH | gonadotropic hormone |
GTN | gestational trophoblastic neoplasia |
GTP | guanosine triphosphate |
GTT | glucose tolerance test |
gtt. | L. guttae (drops) |
GU | genitourinary |
Guttat. | L. guttatim (drop by drop) |
Gutt. quibusd. | L. guttis quibusdam (with a few drops) |
GVH | graft-versus-host (disease) |
GVHD | graft-versus-host disease |
GXT | graded exercise test |
Gy | gray |
H | Ger. Hauch (breath, used to describe bacterial colonies); henry; histidine; Hounsfield unit; hydrogen; hyperopia |
H | enthalpy |
H0 | null hypothesis |
H1 | alternative hypothesis |
Ha | alternative hypothesis |
h | hecto-; hour |
h. | L. hora (hour) |
h | Planck’s constant; height |
HA | hemadsorbent; hemagglutinin; hepatitis A |
HAA | hepatitis-associated antigen |
HAART | highly active antiretroviral therapy |
HAI | bemagglutination inhibition (test) |
H and E | hematoxylin-eosin (stain) |
HANE | hereditary angioneurotic edema |
HAPE | high-altitude pulmonary edema |
HAT | hypoxanthine-aminopterin-thymidine (medium) |
Haust. | L. haustus (a draft) |
HAV | hepatitis A virus |
HB | hepatitis B |
Hb | hemoglobin |
HBc | hepatitis B core (antigen) |
HBcAg | hepatitis B core antigen |
HbCV | Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine |
HBE | His bundle electrogram |
HBe | hepatitis B e (antigen) |
HBeAg | hepatitis B e antigen |
HbO2 | oxyhemoglobin |
HbPV | Haemophilus b polysaccharide vaccine |
HBs | hepatitis B surface (antigen) |
HBsAg | hepatitis B surface antigen |
HBV | hepatitis B virus |
HC | Hospital Corps |
HCG, hCG | human chorionic gonadotropin |
HCM | hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
HCP | hereditary coproporphyria |
Hct | hematocrit |
HCV | hepatitis C virus |
HD | hemodialysis; Huntington disease |
H.d. | L. hora decubitus (at bedtime) |
HDCV | human diploid cell (rabies) vaccine |
HDL | high-density lipoprotein |
HDL-C | high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol |
HDN | hemolytic disease of the newborn |
HDP | oxidronate (hydroxymethylene diphosphonate) |
HDV | hepatitis D virus |
H & E | hematoxylin-eosin (stain) |
He | helium |
HED | Ger. Haut-Einheits-Dosis (unit skin dose) |
HeGF | human epidermal growth factor |
HEK | human embryo kidney (cell culture) |
HEL | human embryo lung (cell culture) |
HEMPAS | hereditary erythroblastic multinuclearity with positive acidified serum |
HEP | hepatoerythropoietic porphyria |
Herb. recent. | L. herbarium recentium (of fresh herbs) |
HERV | human endogenous retroviruses |
HETE | hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid |
HEV | hepatitis E virus |
HF | Hageman factor (factor XII); high frequency |
Hf | hafnium |
Hfr | high frequency of recombination |
Hg | mercury (L. hydrargyrum) |
HGA | human granulocytic anaplasmosis |
Hgb | hemoglobin |
HGBV | hepatitis GB virus |
HGE | human granulocytic ehrlichiosis |
HGF | hepatocyte growth factor |
HGG | human gamma globulin |
HGH, hGH | human growth hormone |
hGHr | human growth hormone recombinant |
HGPRT | hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase |
HGV | hepatitis G virus |
HHT | hydroxyheptadecatrienoic acid |
HI | hemagglutination inhibition (test) |
5-HIAA | 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid |
HIDA | hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid |
HIDS | hyperimmunoglobulinemia D syndrome |
HIES | hyper-immunoglobulin E syndrome |
His | histidine |
HIV | human immunodeficiency virus |
HKAFO | hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis |
Hl | latent hyperopia |
HLA | human leukocyte antigens |
HLHS | hyoplastic left heart syndrome |
Hm | manifest hyperopia |
HMDP | oxidronate (hydroxymethylene diphosphonate) |
HMG | 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl |
hMG | human menopausal gonadotropin |
HMM | hexamethylmelamine |
HMO | health maintenance organization |
HMPA | hexamethylphosphoramide |
HMPAO | hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime |
HMSN | hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy |
HMWK | high-molecular-weight kininogen |
HMW-NCF | high-molecular-weight neutrophil chemotactic factor |
HNPCC | hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer |
hnRNA | heterogeneous nuclear RNA |
hnRNP | heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein |
HO | hand orthosis; hip orthosis |
Ho | holmium |
HOCM | hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy |
HOP | hydroxydaunomycin (doxorubicin), Oncovin (vincristine), and prednisone |
Hor. decub. | L. hora decubitus (at bedtime) |
Hor. interm. | L. horis intermediis (at the intermediate hours) |
Hor. un. spatio | L. horae unius spatio (at the end of one hour) |
HP | house physician |
Hp | haptoglobin |
HPA | hyperphenylalaninemia |
HPETE | hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid |
HPF | high-power field |
HPL, hPL | human placental lactogen |
HPLC | high-performance liquid chromatography |
HPRT | hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase |
HPTA | hepatopoietin A |
HPV | human papillomavirus |
HRA | high right atrial (electrogram) |
HRCT | high-resolution computed tomography |
HRF | histamine-releasing factor; homologous restriction factor |
HRP | horseradish peroxidase |
HRT | hormone replacement therapy |
HS | house surgeon |
h.s. | L. hora somni (at bedtime) |
HSA | human serum albumin |
HSAN | hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy |
hs-CRP | high-sensitivity C-reactive protein |
HSR | homogeneously staining regions |
HSV | herpes simplex virus |
5-HT | 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) |
Ht | total hyperopia |
HTACS | human thyroid adenylate cyclase stimulators |
HTC | homozygous typing cells |
3H-TdR | tritium-labeled thymidine |
HTLV-1 | human T-lymphotropic virus 1 |
HTLV-2 | human T-lymphotropic virus 2 |
HTLV-III | human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III (human immunodeficiency virus) |
HuIFN | human interferon |
HUVS | hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis syndrome |
HVA | homovanillic acid |
HVL | half-value layer |
Hz | hertz |
I | incisor; inosine; iodine; isoleucine |
I | electric current; intensity (of radiant energy); ionic strength |
IAB | infra-aortic balloon (counterpulsation) |
IABP | infra-aortic balloon pump |
IADL | instrumental activities of daily living |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IAHA | immune adherence hemagglutination assay |
IAP | inhibitor of apoptosis protein |
IAPP | islet amyloid polypeptide |
IB | inclusion body |
IBC | iron-binding capacity |
IBD | inflammatory bowel disease |
IBF | immunoglobulin-binding factor |
IBS | irritable bowel syndrome |
IC | inspiratory capacity; irritable colon |
ICAM-1 | intercellular adhesion molecule 1 |
ICAM-2 | intercellular adhesion molecule 2 |
ICCs | interstitial cells of Cajal |
ICD | implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; International Classification of Diseases (of the World Health Organization); intrauterine contraceptive device |
ICF | intracellular fluid |
ICP | intracranial pressure |
ICSH | interstitial cell−stimulating hormone (luteinizing hormone) |
ICSI | intracytoplasmic sperm injection |
ICT | insulin coma therapy |
ICU | intensive care unit |
ID | intradermal; inside diameter; infective dose |
ID50 | median infective dose |
Id. | L. idem (the same) |
IDA | iminodiacetic acid |
IDD, IDDM | insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1 diabetes mellitus) |
IDL | intermediate-density lipoprotein |
IDU | idoxuridine |
IEP | immunoelectrophoresis |
IF | intrinsic factor |
IFA | immunofluorescence assay |
IFN | interferon |
Ig | immunoglobulin |
IgA | immunoglobulin A |
IgD | immunoglobulin D |
IgE | immunoglobulin E |
IGF | insulinlike growth factor |
IgG | immunoglobulin G |
IGIV | immune globulin intravenous (human) |
IgM | immunoglobulin M |
IGT | impaired glucose tolerance |
IHD | ischemic heart disease |
IHSS | idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis |
IL | interleukin |
Ile | isoleucine |
ILT | infectious laryngotracheitis |
ILVEN | inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus |
IM | intramuscular |
ImD50 | median immunizing dose |
IMF | inframammary fold |
IMPA | incisal mandibular plane angle |
IMV | intermittent mandatory ventilation |
IMViC, imvic | indole, methyl red, Voges-Proskauer, and citrate |
In | indium |
in | inch |
in d. | L. in dies (daily) |
Inf. | L. infunde (pour in) |
INH | isonicotine hydrazine (isoniazid) |
INN | International Nonproprietary Name |
InsP3 | inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate |
IOL | intraocular lens |
IOP | intraocular pressure |
IORT | intraoperative radiotherapy |
IP | intraperitoneal; isoelectric point |
IP3 | inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate |
IPD | intermittent peritoneal dialysis |
IPPB | intermittent positive pressure breathing |
IPSID | immunoproliferative small intestine disease |
IPSP | inhibitory postsynaptic potential |
IPSS | inferior petrosal sinus sampling |
IPV | poliovirus vaccine inactivated |
IQ | intelligence quotient |
Ir | iridium |
IRMA | immunoradiometric assay |
IRV | inspiratory reserve volume |
IS | insertion sequence; intercostal space |
ISA | intrinsic sympathomimetic activity |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
ITP | idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; inosine triphosphate |
ITT | insulin tolerance test |
IU | International unit (on the JCAHO Do Not Use List) |
IUD | intrauterine device |
IUGR | intrauterine growth restriction; intrauterine growth retardation |
IUI | intrauterine insemination |
IV | intravenous |
IVC | inferior vena cava |
IVF | in vitro fertilization |
IVP | intravenous pyelogram; intravenous pyelography |
IVRT | isovolumic relaxation time |
IVS | interventricular septum (of heart) |
J | joule |
JAK | Janus kinase |
JCV | JC virus |
JIA | juvenile idiopathic arthritis |
JRA | juvenile rheumatoid arthritis |
juscul. | L. jusculum (soup or broth) |
K | kelvin; lysine; potassium (L. kalium) |
K | equilibrium constant |
Ka | acid dissociation constant |
Kb | base dissociation constant |
Kd | dissociation constant |
Keq | equilibrium constant |
KM, Km | Michaelis constant |
Ksp | solubility product constant |
KW | ion product of water |
k | kilo- |
k | Boltzmann constant; rate constant |
κ | dielectric constant; one of the two types of immunoglobulin light chains |
KAFO | knee-ankle-foot orthosis |
kat | katal |
kb | kilobase |
kbp | kilobase pairs (1000 base pairs) |
kcal | kilocalorie |
kCi | kilocurie |
kD, kDa | kilodalton |
keV | kiloelectron volt (1000 electron volts) |
kg | kilogram |
kg-cal | large calorie |
kHz | kilohertz |
kj | knee jerk |
km | kilometer |
KP | keratic precipitates |
Kr | krypton |
KS | Kaposi sarcoma |
17-KS | 17-ketosteroid |
KUB | kidney, ureter, and bladder |
kV | kilovolt |
kVp | kilovolts peak |
L | lambert; left; leucine; light chain; liter; lung; lumbar vertebra (L1-L5) |
L. | L. libra (pound) |
L | luminance; self-inductance |
L0 | limes nul (dose) |
L+, L+ | limes tod (dose) |
L0 | limes nul (dose) |
l | former symbol for liter (now replaced by L) |
l. | L. ligamentum (ligament) |
l | length; levo- |
λ | decay constant; one of the two types of immunoglobulin light chains; wavelength |
L0 | limes nul (dose) |
L & A | light and accommodation (reaction of pupils) |
La | lanthanum |
LAC | laparoscopic-assisted colectomy |
LAD | eft axis deviation; leukocyte adhesion deficiency |
LAE | left atrial enlargement |
Lag. | L. lagena (flask) |
LAH | left anterior hemiblock |
LAIV | live, attenuated influenza vaccine |
LAM | lymphangiomyomatosis |
LAO | left anterior oblique (position of the fetus) |
LAP | leukocyte adhesion protein; leukocyte alkaline phosphatase |
LAS | lymphangioscintigraphy |
LASIK | laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis |
Lat. dol. | L. lateri dolenti (to the painful side) |
LATS | long-acting thyroid stimulator |
LATS-p | long-acting thyroid stimulator protector |
LAV | lymphadenopathy-associated virus (human immunodeficiency virus) |
LAVH | laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy |
lb | pound (L. libra) |
LBBB | left bundle branch block |
LBP | low back pain |
LBW | low birth weight (infant) |
LCA | left coronary artery; leukocyte common antigens |
LCAT | lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase |
LCIS | lobular carcinoma in situ |
LCM | lymphocytic choriomeningitis |
LCR | locus control region |
LD | lethal dose; light difference |
LD50 | median lethal dose |
LDA | left displacement of the abomasum; left dorsoanterior (position of the fetus) |
LDH | L-lactate dehydrogenase |
LDL | low-density lipoprotein |
LE | left eye; lupus erythematosus |
LEMS | Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome |
les | local excitatory state |
LET | linear energy transfer |
Leu | leucine |
Lf | limes flocculating (dose) |
LFA | left frontoanterior (position of the fetus) |
LFA-1 | leukocyte function–associated antigen 1 |
LFA-2 | leukocyte function–associated antigen 2 |
LFA-3 | leukocyte function–associated antigen 3 |
LFP | left frontoposterior (position of the fetus) |
LFT | left frontotransverse (position of the fetus) |
LGA | large for gestational age |
LGB | laparoscopic gastric banding |
LH | luteinizing hormone |
LH-RH | luteinizing hormone–releasing hormone |
Li | lithium |
LIA | leukemia-associated inhibitory activity |
LIF | left iliac fossa; leukocyte inhibitory factor |
lig. | ligament; ligamentum |
ligg. | L. ligamenta (ligaments) |
Liq. | L. liquor (liquid) |
LLL | left lower lobe (of lung) |
LM | light minimum; linguomesial |
lm | lumen |
LMA | left mentoanterior (position of the fetus) |
LMF | lymphocyte mitogenic factor |
LMO | living modified organism |
LMP | left mentoposterior (position of the fetus); last menstrual period; latent membrane protein |
LMT | left mentotransverse (position of the fetus) |
LMWK | low-molecular-weight kininogen |
ln | natural logarithm |
LNG | levonorgestrel |
LNMP | last normal menstrual period |
LNPF | lymph node permeability factor |
LOA | left occipitoanterior (position of the fetus) |
LOAEL | lowest observed adverse effect level |
Loc. dol. | L. loco dolenti (to the painful spot) |
LOEL | lowest observed effect level |
LOH | loss of heterozygosity |
LOP | left occipitoposterior (position of the fetus) |
LOS | lipooligosaccharide |
LOT | left occipitotransverse (position of the fetus) |
Lot. | L. lotio (lotion) |
LP | lumbar puncture |
LPF | low-power field |
LPH | left posterior hemiblock; lipotropic hormone |
LPN | licensed practical nurse |
LPR | laryngopharyngeal reflux |
LPS | lipopolysaccharide |
LPV | lymphotropic papovavirus |
Lr | limes reacting (dose) |
LRD | living related donor |
LRR | leucine-rich repeat |
LSA | left sacroanterior (position of the fetus) |
LScA | left scapuloanterior (position of the fetus) |
LScP | left scapuloposterior (position of the fetus) |
LSD | lysergic acid diethylamide |
LSO | lumbosacral orthosis |
LSP | left sacroposterior (position of the fetus) |
L-spine | lumbar spine |
LST | left sacrotransverse (position of the fetus) |
LT | lymphotoxin |
LTF | lymphocyte-transforming factor |
LTR | long terminal repeats |
Lu | lutetium |
LUL | left upper lobe (of lung) |
LVAD | left ventricular assist device |
LVEDP | left ventricular end-diastolic pressure |
LVEDV | left ventricular end-diastolic volume |
LVET | left ventricular ejection time |
LVH | left ventricular hypertrophy |
LVN | licensed vocational nurse |
Lw | lawrencium |
lx | lux |
Lys | lysine |
M | low frequency component of the first heart sound; methionine; molar; morgan; mucoid (colony); myopia |
M. | L. misce (mix); L. mistura (a mixture) |
M | mutual inductance; molar mass; molar |
M1 | mitral valve closure |
Mr | relative molecular mass |
m | median; meter; milli- |
m. | L. musculus (muscle); minim |
m | mass; molal |
m- | meta- |
μ | electrophoretic mobility; heavy chain of IgM; linear attenuation coefficient; micro-; micron; population mean |
MA | Master of Arts; mental age; meter angle |
mA | milliampere |
μA | microampere |
MAA | macroaggregated albumin |
MAC | membrane attack complex; minimal alveolar concentration; Mycobacterium avium complex |
Mac. | L. macerare (macerate) |
MADD | multiple acyl CoA dehydrogenation deficiency |
MAF | macrophage-activating factor |
Mag. | L. magnus (large) |
MAIS | mild androgen insensitivity syndrome; minimal androgen insensitivity syndrome |
MALT | mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue |
Man., Manip. | L. manipulus (a handful) |
Man. pr. | L. mane primo (early in the morning) |
MAO | maximal acid output; monoamine oxidase |
MAOI | monoamine oxidase inhibitor |
MAP | mean arterial pressure; microtubule-associated protein |
MAPK | mitogen-activated protein kinase |
masc | mass concentration |
Mas. pil. | L. massa pilularum (pill mass) |
MAST | military (or medical) anti-shock trousers |
MAT | multifocal atrial tachycardia |
Matut. | L. matutinus (in the morning) |
MB | Medicinae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Medicine) |
Mb | megabase |
m.b. | L. misce bene (mix well) |
MBC | minimal bactericidal concentration |
MBL | mannose-binding lectin |
MBP | major basic protein; myelin basic protein |
MBq | megabecquerel |
MC | L. Magister Chirurgiae (Master of Surgery); Medical Corps |
mC | millicoulomb |
μC | microcoulomb |
MCA | 3-methylcholanthrene |
MCD | mean of consecutive differences |
MCE | myocardial contrast echocardiography |
MCF | macrophage chemotactic factor |
MCFA | medium-chain fatty acid |
mcg | microgram |
MCH | mean corpuscular hemoglobin |
MCHC | mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration |
MCi | megacurie |
mCi | millicurie |
μCi | microcurie |
MCI/MI | methylchloroisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone |
MCMI | Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory |
MCP | membrane cofactor protein |
Mcps | megacycles per second (million cycles per second) |
MCS | mechanical circulatory support |
M-CSF | macrophage colony-stimulating factor |
MCT | mean circulation time |
MCV | meningococcal conjugate vaccine; mean corpuscular volume |
MCV4 | meningococcal conjugate vaccine |
MD | L. Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Medicine) |
Md | mendelevium |
MDA | methylenedioxyamphetamine; L. mento-dextra anterior (right mentoanterior [position of the fetus]) |
MDF | myocardial depressant factor |
MDMA | 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine |
MDP | methylene diphosphonate; L. mento-dextra posterior (right mentoposterior [position of the fetus]) |
MDR | multidrug resistance; multiple drug resistance |
MDS | myelodysplasia |
MDT | L. mento-dextra transversa (right mentotransverse [position of the fetus]) |
2-ME | 2-mercaptoethanol |
Me | methyl |
MeCbl | methylcobalamin |
MED | minimal effective dose; minimal erythema dose |
MEDLARS | Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System |
MEG | magnetoencephalograph |
MEGX | monoethylglycinexylidide |
MEN | multiple endocrine neoplasia |
MEP | maximum expiratory pressure |
mEq, meq | milliequivalent |
MESA | microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration |
MeSH | Medical Subject Headings |
Met | methionine |
M. et sig. | L. misce et signa (mix and write a label) |
MeV | megaelectron volt (one million electron volts) |
μF | microfarad |
M. flac. | L. membrana flaccida (pars flaccida membranae tympanicae) |
MFR | monthly fecundity rate |
M. ft. | L. mistura fiat (let a mixture be made) |
Mg | magnesium |
mg | milligram |
μg | microgram (on the JCAHO Do Not Use List) |
MGUS | monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance |
3MH | 3-methylhistidine |
MHA-TP | microhemagglutination assay−Treponema pallidum |
MHC | major histocompatibility complex |
MHz | megahertz |
MI | myocardial infarction |
MIBG, mIBG | iobenguane (m-iodobenzylguanidine) |
MIBI | sestamibi |
MIC | minimal inhibitory concentration |
MID | minimum infective dose |
MIF | migration inhibition factor; migration inhibitory factor |
min. | L. minimum (a minim) |
MIO | minimal identifiable odor |
MIP | maximum inspiratory pressure |
MIRL | membrane inhibitor of reactive lysis (protectin) |
miRNA | microRNA |
MIS | müllerian-inhibiting substance |
mist. | L. mistura (a mixture) |
MIT | monoiodotyrosine |
Mit. | L. mitte (send) |
MJD | Machado-Joseph disease |
MK | monkey lung (cell culture) |
MKS | meter-kilogram-second system |
mL | milliliter |
μL | microliter |
MLA | L. mento-laeva anterior (left mentoanterior [position of the fetus]) |
MLBW | moderately low birth weight (infant) |
MLC | mixed lymphocyte culture; minimal lethal concentration |
MLD | median lethal dose; minimum lethal dose |
MLNS | mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome |
MLP | L. mento-laeva posterior (left mentoposterior [position of the fetus]) |
MLR | mixed lymphocyte reaction |
MLT | L. mento-laeva transversa (left mentotransverse [position of the fetus]) |
MM | mucous membrane |
mM | millimolar |
mm | millimeter |
μM | micromolar |
μm | micrometer |
MMF | mycophenolate mofetil |
mm Hg | millimeter of mercury |
MMIHS | megacystis-microcolon–intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome |
mmol | millimole |
MMP | matrix metalloproteinase |
MMPI | Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory |
MMR | measles-mumps-rubella (vaccine) |
MMRV | measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccine live |
MMSE | Mini-Mental State Examination |
Mn | manganese |
MNGIE | mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy |
MO | Medical Officer |
Mo | molybdenum |
Mod. praesc. | L. modo praescripto (in the way directed) |
MODY | maturity-onset diabetes of youth |
Mol wt, mol wt | molecular weight |
MOPP | mechlorethamine, Oncovin (vincristine), procarbazine, and prednisone |
MORC | Medical Officers Reserve Corps |
Mor. dict. | L. more dicto (in the manner directed) |
Mor. sol. | L. more solito (in the usual way) |
mOsm | milliosmole |
MOTT | mycobacteria other than tubercle bacilli |
6-MP | 6-mercaptopurine |
mp | melting point |
MPD | maximum permissible dose |
MPH | Master of Public Health |
MPO | myeloperoxidase |
MPS | mononuclear phagocyte system; mucopolysaccharidosis |
MPSV | meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine |
MR | mitral regurgitation |
mR | milliroentgen |
μR | microroentgen |
MRA | Medical Record Administrator; magnetic resonance angiography |
MRACP | Member of Royal Australasian College of Physicians |
mrad | millirad |
MRCP | Member of the Royal College of Physicians |
MRCPE | Member of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh |
MRCP(Glasg) | Member of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow qua Physician |
MRCPI | Member of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland |
MRCS | Member of the Royal College of Surgeons |
MRCSEd | Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh |
MRCSI | Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland |
MRCVS | Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons |
MRD | minimum reacting dose |
MRDM | malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus |
mrem | millirem |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
mRNA | messenger RNA |
MRSA | methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MS | Master of Science; Master of Surgery; mitral stenosis; multiple sclerosis |
ms | millisecond |
μs | microsecond |
MSA | multiple system atrophy |
MSE | Mental Status Examination |
msec | millisecond |
MSG | monosodium glutamate |
MSH | melanocyte-stimulating hormone |
MSI | microsatellite instability |
MSL | midsternal line |
MSLT | multiple sleep latency test |
MS/MS | tandem mass spectrometry |
MSUD | maple syrup urine disease |
MT | Medical Technologist |
MTC | medullary thyroid carcinoma |
MTD | maximum tolerated dose |
mtDNA | mitochondrial DNA |
MTHFR | methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase |
MTOC | microtubule organizing center |
MTP | microsomal triglyceride transfer protein |
MTX | methotrexate |
mU | milliunit |
m.u. | mouse unit |
μU | microunit |
MUAP | motor unit action potential |
MUC | maximum urinary concentration |
Muc. | L. mucilago (mucilage) |
MUGA | multiple gated acquisition (scanning) |
MUP | motor unit potential |
MV | megavolt (million electron volts); minute volume; L. Medicus Veterinarius (veterinary physician) |
mV | millivolt |
μV | microvolt |
M-VAC | methotrexate, vinblastine, Adriamycin (doxorubicin), and cisplatin |
MVP | mitral valve prolapse |
MVV | maximal (or maximum) voluntary ventilation |
MW | molecular weight |
μW | microwatt |
Mx | Medex |
My | myopia |
N | newton; nitrogen; normal (solution) |
N | Avogadro’s number; neutron number; normal (solution); number; population size |
NA | Avogadro’s number |
n | nano; neutron; refractive index |
n. | L. nervus (nerve) |
n | (haploid) chromosome number; refractive index; sample size |
n- | normal |
nD | refractive index |
v | degrees of freedom; frequency; kinematic viscosity; neutrino |
NA | Nomina Anatomica; numerical aperture |
Na | sodium (L. natrium) |
NAAT | nucleic acid amplification test |
NAD | nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; no appreciable disease |
NAD+ | the oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide |
NADH | the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide |
NADP | nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate |
NADP+ | the oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate |
NADPH | the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate |
NAN | N-acetylneuraminic acid |
NANBH | non-A, non-B hepatitis |
NAP | nasion, point A, pogonion |
NASH | nonalcoholic steatohepatitis |
NAT | nucleic acid test |
Nb | niobium |
NBS | National Bureau of Standards (National Institute of Standards and Technology) |
NBT | nitroblue tetrazolium |
NBTE | nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis |
NCF | neutrophil chemotactic factor |
NCHS | National Center for Health Statistics |
NCI | National Cancer Institute |
nCi | nanocurie |
NCV | nerve conduction velocity |
ND | Doctor of Naturopathy |
Nd | neodymium |
nDNA | nuclear DNA |
NDV | Newcastle disease virus |
Nd:YAG | neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (laser) |
Ne | neon |
NED | no evidence of disease |
NEFA | nonesterified fatty acids |
NER | nucleotide excision repair |
NF | National Formulary |
ng | nanogram |
NGF | nerve growth factor |
Ni | nickel |
NIDD, NIDDM | non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes mellitus) |
NIPHS | noninsulinoma pancreatogenous hypoglycemia syndrome |
nL | nanoliter |
nm | nanometer |
NMDA | N-methyl-d-aspartate |
NMN | nicotinamide mononucleotide |
NMR | nuclear magnetic resonance |
NMS | neuroleptic malignant syndrome |
nn. | L. nervi (nerves) |
NNRTI | non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor |
No | nobelium |
No. | numero (to the number of) |
NOAEL | no observed adverse effect level |
Noct. | L. nocte (at night) |
Noct. maneq. | L. nocte maneque (at night and in the morning) |
NOEL | no observed effect level |
NOMID | neonatal-onset multisystem inflammatory disease |
non repetat. | L. non repetatur (do not repeat) |
NOR | nucleolar organizing region |
Np | neptunium |
NPN | nonprotein nitrogen |
NPO | L. nil per os (nothing by mouth) |
NRC | normal retinal correspondence |
NREM | non-rapid eye movement |
NRI | selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor |
NS | normal saline |
ns | nanosecond |
NSAIA | nonsteroidal antiinflammatory analgesic (or agent) |
NSAID | nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug |
NSCLC | non-small cell lung carcinoma |
nsec | nanosecond |
NSIAD | nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis |
NSILA | nonsuppressible insulin-like activity |
NSR | normal sinus rhythm |
NST | nonstress test |
NTP | normal temperature and pressure; National Toxicology Program |
nU | nanounit |
NUG | necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis |
nvCJD | new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease |
NVS | nutritionally variant streptococci |
NYD | not yet diagnosed |
O | Ger. ohne Hauch (without breath, used to describe bacterial colonies); oxygen |
O. | L. oculus (eye) |
o- | ortho- |
Ω | ohm |
OA | ocular albinism |
OAE | otoacoustic emissions |
OAF | osteoclast activating factor |
OAP | Oncovin (vincristine), ara-C (cytarabine), and prednisone |
OAT | ornithine aminotransferase |
OB | obstetrics |
OCA | oculocutaneous albinism |
OCD | obsessive-compulsive disorder |
OCT | optical coherence tomography; ornithine carbamoyltransferase; oxytocin challenge test |
OD | L. oculus dexter (right eye); Doctor of Optometry; optical density; outside diameter; overdose |
ODA | L. occipito-dextra anterior (right occipitoanterior [position of the fetus]) |
ODC | orotidine 5-phosphate decarboxylase |
ODDD | oculodentodigital dysplasia |
ODP | L. occipito-dextra posterior (right occipitoposterior [position of the fetus]) |
ODT | L. occipito-dextra transversa (right occipitotransverse [position of the fetus]) |
OFD | oral-facial-digital (syndrome) |
OGTT | oral glucose tolerance test |
OH-Cbl | hydroxocobalamin |
17-OHCS | 17-hydroxycorticosteroid |
OI | osteogenesis imperfecta; oxygenation index |
OIC | osteogenesis imperfecta congenita |
OIH | orthoiodohippurate |
OIT | osteogenesis imperfecta tarda |
OL | L. oculus laevus (left eye) |
Ol. | L. oleum (oil) |
OLA | L. occipito-laeva anterior (left occipitoanterior [position of the fetus]) |
OLP | L. occipito-laeva posterior (left occipitoposterior [position of the fetus]) |
OLT | L. occipito-laeva transversa (left occipitotransverse [position of the fetus]) |
o.m. | L. omni mane (every morning) |
OMD | Doctor of Oriental Medicine |
Omn. bih. | L. omni bihora (every two hours) |
Omn. hor. | L. omni hora (every hour) |
Omn. noct. | L. omni nocte (every night) |
OMPA | octamethyl pyrophosphoramide |
Om. quar. hor. | L. omni quadrante hora (every quarter of an hour) |
o.n. | L. omni nocte (every night) |
OPG | osteoprotegerin |
OPRT | orotate phosphoribosyltransferase |
OPV | poliovirus vaccine live oral |
OR | operating room |
ORF | open reading frame |
Orn | ornithine |
ORS | oral rehydration salts |
ORT | oral rehydration therapy |
OS | L. oculus sinister (left eye) |
Os | osmium |
OSA | obstructive sleep apnea |
OSAS | obstructive sleep apnea syndrome |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OT | old term (anatomy); Old tuberculin |
OTC | over the counter; ornithine transcarbamoylase |
OTD | organ tolerance dose |
OU | L. oculus uterque (each eye) |
OVD | occlusal vertical dimension |
oz | ounce (It. onza) |
P | para; peta-; phosphate group; phosphorus; poise; posterior; premolar; proline; pupil |
P | power; pressure; probability |
P1 | parental generation |
P2 | pulmonic second sound |
Pco2 | carbon dioxide partial pressure (carbon dioxide tension) |
Pi | orthophosphate |
Po2 | oxygen partial pressure (oxygen tension) |
p | pico-; proton; short arm of a chromosome |
p150, 95 | glycoprotein p150,95 |
p | momentum; (in statistics) the probability that a specific event will occur |
p- | para- |
II | product (in mathematics) |
π | the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle, approximately 3.1415926536; osmotic pressure |
Φ | magnetic flux |
| pseudouridine |
PA | physician assistant; posteroanterior; pulmonary artery |
Pa | pascal; protactinium |
PAB, PABA | p-aminobenzoic acid |
PAC | premature atrial complex |
PACU | postanesthesia care unit |
PAF | platelet activating factor |
PAGE | polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis |
PAH | p-aminohippuric acid; phenylalanine hydroxylase |
PAHA | p-aminohippuric acid |
PAI | plasminogen activator inhibitor |
PAIS | partial androgen insensitivity syndrome |
PALS | periarterial lymphoid sheath |
PAM | primary amebic meningoencephalitis |
l-PAM | l-phenylalanine mustard |
PAN | polyarteritis nodosa |
PAO | peak acid output |
PAP | peroxidase-antiperoxidase (technique) |
PAR | pseudoautosomal region |
Par. aff. | L. pars affecta (the part affected) |
Part. aeq. | L. partes aequales (equal parts) |
Part. vic. | L. partitis vicibus (in divided doses) |
PAS | p-aminosalicylic acid; periodic acid-Schiff (reaction) |
PASA | p-aminosalicylic acid |
PASG | pneumatic antishock garment |
PAT | paroxysmal atrial tachycardia |
PAWP | pulmonary artery wedge pressure |
PB | Pharmacopoeia Britannica |
Pb | lead (L. plumbum) |
PBB | polybrominated biphenyl |
PBG | porphobilinogen |
PBI | protein-bound iodine |
PBPC | peripheral blood progenitor cells |
PC | phosphocreatine; phosphatidylcholine |
p.c. | L. post cibum (after meals) |
PCA | passive cutaneous anaphylaxis |
PCB | polychlorinated biphenyl |
PcB | near point of convergence |
PCC | prothrombin complex concentrate |
PCD | pterin-4α-carbinolamine dehydratase |
PCE | pseudocholinesterase |
PCEC | purified chick embryo cell (vaccine) |
PCG | phonocardiogram |
PCI | percutaneous coronary intervention |
pCi | picocurie |
Pco2 | carbon dioxide partial pressure (carbon dioxide tension) |
PCOS | polycystic ovary syndrome |
PCP | phencyclidine hydrochloride; Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia |
PCR | polymerase chain reaction; protein catabolic rate |
PCT | porphyria cutanea tarda |
PCV | packed-cell volume |
PCV7 | pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine |
PCWP | pulmonary capillary wedge pressure |
PD | prism diopter; interpupillary distance; peritoneal dialysis |
Pd | palladium |
PDA | patent ductus arteriosus; posterior descending (coronary) artery |
PDT | photodynamic therapy |
PE | phosphatidylethanolamine; phycoerythrin; pulmonary embolism |
PEA | pulseless electrical activity |
PEARS | porcine epidemic abortion and respiratory syndrome |
PEEP | positive end-expiratory pressure |
PEF | peak expiratory flow |
PEFR | peak expiratory flow rate |
PEG | percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy; pneumoencephalography; polyethylene glycol |
PEG-ADA | PEG-adenosine deaminase |
PEM | protein-energy malnutrition |
PEN | pharmacy equivalent name |
PEP | phosphoenolpyruvate; preejection period |
PET | positron emission tomography |
PETN | pentaerythritol tetranitrate |
PFES | pelvic floor electrical stimulation |
PFO | patent foramen ovale |
PG | prostaglandin; Pharmacopoeia Germanica |
pg | picogram |
PGAD | persistent genital arousal disorder |
PGD | preimplantation genetic diagnosis |
PGD2, PGE2, PGF2a, PGI2 | symbols for various prostaglandins |
PGL | paraganglioma syndrome |
Ph | Pharmacopeia; phenyl |
PHA | phytohemagglutinin |
PHA1 | pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 |
phar | pharmaceutical; pharmacopeia; pharmacy |
Phar B | L. Pharmaciae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Pharmacy) |
Phar C | Pharmaceutical Chemist |
Phar D | L. Pharmaciae Doctor (Doctor of Pharmacy) |
Phar G | Graduate in Pharmacy |
Phar M | L. Pharmaciae Magister (Master of Pharmacy) |
pharm | pharmaceutical; pharmacopeia; pharmacy |
Pharm D | L. Pharmaciae Doctor (Doctor of Pharmacy) |
PhB | British Pharmacopoeia |
PhD | L. Philosophiae Doctor (Doctor of Philosophy) |
Phe | phenylalanine |
PhG | Graduate in Pharmacy; Pharmacopoeia Germanica |
PHN | postherpetic neuralgia; public health nurse |
PHP | pseudohypoparathyroidism |
PMDS | persistent müllerian duct syndrome |
PHPPA | p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid |
PI | phosphatidylinositol; protease inhibitor |
PID | pelvic inflammatory disease |
PIE | pulmonary interstitial emphysema; pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia |
PIF | prolactin-inhibiting factor; peak inspiratory flow |
Pil. | L. pilula (pill); L. pilulae (pills) |
PIP | proximal interphalangeal |
PIP2 | phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate |
PIT | plasma iron turnover |
PJRT | permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia |
PJT | paroxysmal junctional tachycardia |
PK | pyruvate kinase |
PKU, PKU1 | phenylketonuria |
PLED | periodic lateralized epileptiform discharge |
PLEVA | pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta |
PLP | proteolipid protein |
PLT | primed lymphocyte typing |
PLTP | phospholipid transfer protein |
Pm | promethium |
PMI | point of maximal impulse |
PMMA | polymethyl methacrylate |
PMN | polymorphonuclear; polymorphonuclear neutrophil |
PMR | proportionate mortality ratio |
PMS | premenstrual syndrome |
PNS | peripheral nervous system |
PNET | peripheral neuroectodermal tumor; primitive neuro-ectodermal tumor |
PNH | paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria |
PO | L. per os (by mouth, orally) |
PO2, PO2 | oxygen partial pressure (oxygen tension) |
Po | polonium |
pO2, pO2 | oxygen partial pressure (oxygen tension) |
POA | pancreatic oncofetal antigen |
Pocill. | L. pocillum (a small cup) |
Pocul. | L. poculum (cup) |
poly A | polyadenylate; polyadenylic acid |
POMC | pro-opiomelanocortin |
POMP | prednisone, Oncovin (vincristine), methotrexate, and Purinethol (6-mercaptopurine) |
Pond. | L. pondere (by weight) |
POR | problem-oriented record |
Post sing. sed. liq. | L. post singulas sedes liquidas (after every watery bowel movement) |
pot AGT | potential abnormality of glucose tolerance |
POTS | postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome |
PP | L. punctum proximum (near point of accommodation) |
PPi | pyrophosphate |
PPD | purified protein derivative (tuberculin) |
PPI | proton pump inhibitor |
PPLO | pleuropneumonia-like organisms |
ppm | parts per million |
PPR | peste des petits ruminants |
PPSV | pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent |
Ppt | precipitate; prepared |
PR | prosthion; pulmonic regurgitation; L. punctum remotum (far point of accommodation) |
Pr | praseodymium; presbyopia; prism |
PRA | panel-reactive antibody |
P. rat. aetat. | L. pro ratione aetatis (in proportion to age) |
prev AGT | previous abnormality of glucose tolerance |
PRF | prolactin-releasing factor |
PRK | photorefractive keratectomy |
PRL, Prl | prolactin |
p.r.n. | L. pro re nata (according to circumstances) |
PRO | Peer Review Organization; Professional Review Organization |
Pro | proline |
PROM | premature rupture of membranes |
pro-UK | prourokinase |
PrP | prion protein |
PRPP | phosphoribosylpyrophosphate |
PRU | peripheral resistance unit |
PS | phosphatidylserine; pulmonary stenosis |
ps | per second |
PSA | prostate-specific antigen |
P450SCC | cholesterol monooxygenase (side-chain-cleaving) |
PSE | portal-systemic encephalopathy; portosystemic encephalopathy |
psi | pounds per square inch |
PSM | presystolic murmur |
PSMA | prostate-specific membrane antigen |
PSP | phenolsulfonphthalein |
PSRO | Professional Standards Review Organization |
PSTI | pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor |
PSVT | paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia |
PT | prothrombin time |
Pt | platinum |
pt | pint |
PTA | plasma thromboplastin antecedent (factor XI) |
PTC | phenylthiocarbamide; plasma thromboplastin component (factor IX) |
PTCA | percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty |
PteGlu | pteroylglutamate; pteroylglutamic acid |
pter | the end of the short arm of a chromosome |
PTFE | polytetrafluoroethylene (polytef) |
PTH | parathyroid hormone |
PTPS | 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase |
PTRA | percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty |
PTS | 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase |
PTSD | posttraumatic stress disorder |
PTT | partial thromboplastin time |
Pu | plutonium |
PUBS | percutaneous umbilical blood sampling |
PUFA | polyunsaturated fatty acid |
pulv. | L. pulvis (powder) |
PUO | pyrexia of unknown origin |
PUPPP | pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy |
PUVA | psoralen plus ultraviolet A (therapy) |
PVC | polyvinyl chloride |
PVL | periventricular leukomalacia |
PVP | polyvinylpyrrolidone (povidone) |
PVP-I | povidone-iodine |
PVS | permanent vegetative state; persistent vegetative state |
PWA | person with AIDS |
PWM | pokeweed mitogen |
PZA | pyrazinamide |
PZD | partial zona dissection |
PZI | protamine zinc insulin |
Q | ubiquinone |
Q | electric charge; heat; reaction quotient |
Q10 | temperature coefficient; ubiquinone |
Q | rate of blood flow |
q | the long arm of a chromosome |
q. | L. quaque (each, every) |
q | electric charge, ubiquinone; (in statistics) the probability of an alternative event occurring |
q.d. | L. quaque die (every day) (on the JCAHO Do Not Use List) |
q.h. | L. quaque hora (every hour) |
q.i.d. | L. quater in die (four times a day) |
q.l. | L. quantum libet (as much as desired) |
QNS | Queen’s Nursing Sister (of Queen’s Institute of District Nursing) |
qns | quantity not sufficient |
q.p. | L. quantum placeat (as much as desired) |
q.q.h. | L. quaque quarta hora (every four hours) |
Qq.hor. | L. quaque hora (every hour) |
QS2 | electromechanical systole |
q.s. | L. quantum satis (sufficient quantity) |
q.suff. | L. quantum sufficit (as much as suffices) |
qt | quart |
qter | the end of the long arm of a chromosome |
quadrupl. | L. quadruplicato (four times as much) |
Quat., quat. | L. quattuor (four) |
Quinq. | L. quinque (five) |
Quint. | L. quintus (fifth) |
Quotid. | L. quotidie (daily) |
q.v. | L. quantum vis (as much as you please); L. quod vide (which see) |
R | arginine; organic radical; Rankine (scale); rate; expiratory exchange ratio; Réaumur scale; resistance; respiration; rhythm; right; roentgen; rough (colony) |
R. | L. remotum (far) |
R | resistance; gas constant |
RA, RAW | airway resistance |
Re | Reynolds number |
Rx | L. recipe (take) |
r | drug resistance; ring chromosome |
r | correlation coefficient; distance; radius; drug resistance |
rs | Spearman rank correlation coefficient |
ρ | correlation coefficient |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis |
Ra | radium |
RAAS | renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system |
RAD | right axis deviation |
rad | radian; radiation absorbed dose |
rad. | L. radix (root) |
RAE | right atrial enlargement |
RAIU | radioactive iodine uptake |
RAO | right anterior oblique (position of the fetus) |
RAS | renal artery stenosis; renin-angiotensin system |
RAST | radioallergosorbent test |
RAV | Rous-associated virus |
Rb | rubidium |
RBBB | right bundle branch block |
RBC | red blood cell; red blood (cell) count |
RBC IT | red blood cell iron turnover |
RBD | REM sleep behavior disorder |
RBE | relative biological effectiveness |
RBP | retinol binding protein |
RCA | regulator of complement activation; right coronary artery |
rCBF | regional cerebral blood flow |
rcp | reciprocal translocation |
RCT | randomized controlled trial |
RCU | red cell utilization |
RD | reaction of degeneration; Registered Dietitian |
rd | rutherford |
RDA | recommended dietary allowance; right displacement of the abomasum |
RDE | receptor-destroying enzyme |
RE | radium emanation; right eye; retinol equivalent |
Re | rhenium |
Rect. | L. rectificatus (rectified) |
Redig. in pulv. | L. redigatur in pulverem (let it be reduced to powder) |
Red. in pulv. | L. reductus in pulverem (reduced to powder) |
REG | radioencephalography |
REM | rapid eye movements; reticular erythematous mucinosis |
Rep. | L. repetatur (let it be repeated) |
RES | reticuloendothelial system |
RF | radio frequency; rheumatoid factor |
RFA | right frontoanterior (position of the fetus) |
RfD | reference dose |
RFI | renal failure index |
RFLP | restriction fragment length polymorphism |
RFP | right frontoposterior (position of the fetus) |
RFT | right frontotransverse (position of the fetus) |
RGN | Registered General Nurse (Scotland) |
RGO | reciprocating gait orthosis |
Rh | rhodium |
r-HuEPO | recombinant human erythropoietin |
RIA | radioimmunoassay |
RID | radial immunodiffusion |
RIF | resistance-inducing factor; right iliac fossa; rifampin |
RIND | reversible ischemic neurologic deficit |
RIPA | radioimmunoprecipitation assay |
RISC | RNA-induced silencing complex |
RIST | radioimmunosorbent test |
RLF | retrolental fibroplasia |
RLL | right lower lobe |
RMA | right mentoanterior (position of the fetus) |
RML | right middle lobe |
RMP | right mentoposterior (position of the fetus) |
RMT | right mentotransverse (position of the fetus) |
RN | registered nurse |
Rn | radon |
RNA | ribonucleic acid |
RNAi | RNA interference |
RNase | ribonuclease |
RNase I, RNase A | pancreatic ribonuclease |
RNP | ribonucleoprotein |
ROA | right occipitoanterior (position of the fetus) |
rob | robertsonian translocation |
ROP | right occipitoposterior (position of the fetus) |
ROT | right occipitotransverse (position of the fetus) |
RPE | retinal pigment epithelium |
RPF | renal plasma flow |
R Ph | Registered Pharmacist |
RPLND | retroperitoneal lymph node dissection |
rpm | revolutions per minute |
RQ | respiratory quotient |
RRA | Registered Record Administrator |
rRNA | ribosomal RNA |
RSA | right sacroanterior (position of the fetus) |
RScA | right scapuloanterior (position of the fetus) |
RSCN | Registered Sick Children’s Nurse |
RScP | right scapuloposterior (position of the fetus) |
RSP | right sacroposterior (position of the fetus) |
RST | right sacrotransverse (position of the fetus) |
RSV | respiratory syncytial virus; Rous sarcoma virus |
RTA | renal tubular acidosis |
RTF | resistance transfer factor |
Ru | ruthenium |
RUL | right upper lobe |
RV | residual volume; Rotavirus (or rotavirus); rotavirus vaccine |
RVA | rabies vaccine adsorbed |
RVAD | right ventricular assist device |
RVH | right ventricular hypertrophy |
S | sacral vertebrae (S1−S5); serine; siemens; smooth (colony); spherical lens; substrate; sulfur; Svedberg unit |
S. | L. signa (mark) |
S | entropy |
S1 | first heart sound |
S2 | second heart sound |
S3 | third heart sound |
S4 | fourth heart sound |
Sf | Svedberg flotation unit |
s | second |
s. | L. semis (half); L. sinister (left) |
s̄ | L. sine (without) |
s | sample standard deviation |
s–1 | reciprocal second |
Σ | summation |
σ | standard deviation |
σ2 | variance |
SA | sinoatrial |
S.A. | L. secundum artem (according to art) |
SAAG | serum-ascites albumin gradient |
SACH | solid ankle cushion heel |
SAD | seasonal affective disorder |
SADS | Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia; sudden adult arrhythmia (or arrhythmic) death syndrome |
S.A.L. | L. secundum artis leges (according to the rules of art) |
SAP | sphingolipid activator protein (saposin) |
SARS | severe acute respiratory syndrome |
SARS-CoV | SARS-associated coronavirus |
SB | sinus bradycardia |
Sb | antimony (L. stibium) |
SBE | subacute bacterial endocarditis |
SBFT | small bowel follow-through |
SBMA | spinobulbar muscular atrophy |
SBP | spontaneous bacterial peritonitis |
SC | closure of semilunar valves; secretory component; subcutaneous |
Sc | scandium |
SCAT | sheep cell agglutination test |
ScD | L. Scientiae Doctor (Doctor of Science) |
ScDA | L. scapulo-dextra anterior (right scapuloanterior [position of the fetus]) |
scDNA | single copy DNA |
ScDP | L. scapulo-dextra posterior (right scapuloposterior [position of the fetus]) |
SCFA | short-chain fatty acid |
SChE | serum cholinesterase |
SCI | spinal cord injury |
SCID | severe combined immunodeficiency |
ScLA | L. scapulo-laeva anterior (left scapuloanterior [position of the fetus]) |
SCLC | small cell lung carcinoma |
ScLP | L. scapulo-laeva posterior (left scapuloposterior [position of the fetus]) |
SCM | State Certified Midwife |
scr | scruple |
scu-PA | single chain urokinase-type plasminogen antivator |
SD | skin dose; standard deviation |
SDA | L. sacro-dextra anterior (right sacroanterior [position of the fetus]) |
SDE | specific dynamic effect |
SDP | L. sacro-dextra posterior (right sacroposterior [position of the fetus]) |
SDS | sodium dodecyl sulfate |
SDS-PAGE | SDS−polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis |
SDT | L. sacro-dextra transversa (right sacrotransverse [position of the fetus]) |
SE | standard error; sphenoethmoidal suture |
Se | selenium |
SED | skin erythema dose |
semel in d. | L. semel in die (once a day) |
Semih. | L. semihora (half an hour) |
SEP | somatosensory evoked potential |
Sept. | L. septem (seven) |
seq. luce | L. sequenti luce (the following day) |
Ser | serine |
SERM | selective estrogen receptor modulator |
Serv. | L. serva (keep; preserve) |
SEWHO | shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand orthosis |
SF-1 | steroidogenic factor 1 |
SFEMG | single fiber electromyography |
SGA | small for gestational age |
SGOT | serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase |
SGPT | serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase |
SHBG | sex hormone−binding globulin |
SHH | Sonic Hedgehog (gene) |
SHML | sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (Rosai-Dorfman disease) |
SI | stimulation index; Système International d’Unités (International System of Units) |
Si | silicon |
SIAD | syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis |
SIADH | syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone |
s.i.d. | L. semel in die (once a day) |
SIDS | sudden infant death syndrome |
sig. | L. signa (mark) |
Sig. n. pro. | L. signa nomine proprio (label with the proper name) |
SIMV | synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation |
sing. | L. singulorum (of each) |
Si non val. | L. si non valeat (if it is not enough) |
Si op. sit | L. si opus sit (if it is necessary) |
siRNA | small interfering RNA |
SISI | short increment sensitivity index |
SIV | simian immunodeficiency virus |
Si vir. perm. | L. si vires permittant (if the strength will permit) |
SK | streptokinase |
SKSD | streptokinase-streptodornase |
SKY | spectral karyotype |
sl | slyke |
SLA | L. sacro-laeva anterior (left sacroanterior [position of the fetus]) |
SLAC | scapholunate advanced collapse |
SLE | systemic lupus erythematosus |
SLO | scanning laser ophthalmoscope |
SLP | L. sacro-laeva posterior (left sacroposterior [position of the fetus]) |
SLT | L. sacro-laeva transversa (left sacrotransverse [position of the fetus]) |
Sm | samarium |
Sm 153-EDTMP | samarium Sm 153 lexidronam |
SMC | selenomethylnorcholesterol |
SMO | supramalleolar orthosis |
SMON | subacute myelo-opticoneuropathy |
SMR | standardized morbidity ratio; standardized mortality ratio |
S.N. | L. secundum naturam (according to nature) |
Sn | tin (L. stannum) |
SNAP | sensory nerve action potential |
SNGFR | single nephron glomerular filtration rate |
snoRNA | small nucleolar RNA |
snoRNP | small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein |
SNP | single nucleotide polymorphism |
SNRI | serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor |
snRNA | small nuclear RNA |
snRNP | small nuclear ribonucleoprotein |
SNS | sympathetic nervous system |
SO | sphenooccipital synchondrosis |
SOB | shortness of breath |
SOFAS | Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale |
Sol. | solution |
solv. | L. solve (dissolve) |
SOMI | sternal-occipital-mandibular immobilizer |
S. op. s., S.O.S. | L. si opus sit (if it is necessary) |
sp. | L. spiritus (spirit) |
SPA | sperm penetration assay |
SPCA | serum prothrombin conversion accelerator (factor VII) |
SPECT | single-photon emission computed tomography |
SPF | specific-pathogen free; sun protection factor |
sp gr | specific gravity |
sph | spherical; spherical lens |
spir., Spt. | L. spiritus (spirit) |
SQ | subcutaneous |
SR | stimulation ratio |
Sr | strontium |
sr | steradian |
SRBC | sheep red blood cell |
SRF | skin reactive factor |
SRH | somatotropin-releasing hormone |
SRIF | somatotropin release–inhibiting factor |
SRN | State Registered Nurse (England and Wales) |
SRS-A | slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis |
SRT | speech reception threshold; speech recognition threshold |
SS | somatostatin |
ss. | L. semis (half) |
SSD | source-skin distance |
ssDNA | single-stranded DNA |
SSPE | subacute sclerosing panencephalitis |
SSR | simple sequence repeat |
SSRI | selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor |
ssRNA | single-stranded RNA |
SSS | sick sinus syndrome; specific soluble substance |
s.s.s. | L. stratum super stratum (layer upon layer) |
S.S.V. | L. sub signo veneni (under a poison label) |
ST | sinus tachycardia |
St | stoke |
St. | L. stet (let it stand); L. stent (let them stand) |
STAT | signal transducer and activator of transcription |
stat. | L. statim (at once, immediately) |
STD | sexually transmitted disease |
STE | subperiosteal tissue expander |
STEC | Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli |
STEMI | ST elevation myocardial infarction |
STI | sexually transmitted infection; systolic time intervals |
STP | standard temperature and pressure (0°C and 760 mm Hg) |
STPD | standard temperature and pressure (dry) |
STR | short tandem repeat |
STRP | short tandem repeat polymorphism |
STS | serologic test for syphilis |
su. | L. sumat (let him take) |
Sub fin. coct. | L. sub finem coctionis (toward the end of boiling) |
SUDS | sudden unexplained death syndrome |
sum. | L. sumat (let him take); L. sumendum (to be taken) |
SUNCT | short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing |
SUZI | subzonal insemination |
SV | sinus venosus; simian virus; stroke volume |
SV40 | simian virus 40 |
Sv | sievert |
SVC | superior vena cava |
SVT | supraventricular tachycardia |
Syr. | L. syrupus (syrup) |
T | intraocular tension; tesla; threonine; thymine; thymidine; tetanus toxoid; thoracic vertebrae (T1−T12); triangulation number |
T | absolute temperature; transmittance; twisting number |
T1/2 | half-life; half-time |
T1 | tricuspid valve closure |
T3 | triiodothyronine |
T4 | thyroxine |
Tm | melting temperature; transport maximum; tubular maximum |
t | translocation |
t | temperature; time |
t1/2 | half-life; half-time |
angle | |
τ | mean life; torque |
TA | Terminologia Anatomica; toxin-antitoxin |
Ta | tantalum |
TAA | tumor-associated antigen |
TAC | tetracaine, epinephrine (adrenaline), and cocaine (solution) |
TAD | 6-thioguanine, ara-C (cytarabine), and daunomycin |
TAT | Thematic Apperception Test; toxin-antitoxin |
TB | tuberculosis |
Tb | terbium |
TBG | thyroxine-binding globulin |
TBI | traumatic brain injury; total body irradiation |
TBII | TSH-binding inhibitory immunoglobulins |
TBW | total body water |
TC | transcobalamin |
Tc | technetium |
TCA | tricyclic antidepressant |
TCDD | 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin |
TCID50 | median tissue culture infective dose |
TCM | traditional Chinese medicine |
TCMI | T cell−mediated immunity |
TCR | T cell antigen receptor; transcription-coupled repair |
TCV | total cell volume |
TD50 | median toxic dose |
Td | tetanus and diphtheria toxoids |
TDA | TSH-displacing antibody |
Tdap | diphtheria and reduced tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine |
TDE | tetrachlorodiphenylethane |
TDI | toluene diisocyanate |
T1DM | type 1 diabetes mellitus |
T2DM | type 2 diabetes mellitus |
t.d.s. | L. ter die sumendum (to be taken three times a day) |
TdT | terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase |
Te | tellurium |
TeBG | testosterone-estradiol–binding globulin |
TED | threshold erythema dose |
TEE | transesophageal echocardiography |
TEM | transanal endoscopic microsurgery |
TENS | transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation |
TEOAE | transient evoked otoacoustic emissions |
TEPP | tetraethyl pyrophosphate |
TESE | testicular sperm extraction |
TESPA | thiotepa |
TET | treadmill exercise test; tubal embryo transfer |
TF | transfer factor |
TFF | trefoil factor |
6-TG | 6-thioguanine |
Tg | thyroglobulin |
TGE | transmissible gastroenteritis |
TGF | transforming growth factor |
TGN | trans-Golgi network |
TGT | thromboplastin generation test |
TH | tyrosine hydroxylase |
Th | thorium |
THA | total hip arthroplasty |
THAM | tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (tromethamine) |
THC | tetrahydrocannabinol |
THF | tetrahydrofolate; tetrahydrofolic acid |
Thr | threonine |
Ti | titanium |
TIA | transient ischemic attack |
TIBC | total iron-binding capacity |
t.i.d. | L. ter in die (three times a day) |
tinct. | L. tinctura (tincture) |
TIPS | transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt |
TIV | trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine |
TJA | total joint arthroplasty |
TK | thymidine kinase |
TKA | total knee arthroplasty |
TKD | tocodynamometer |
TKG | tocodynagraph |
Tl | thallium |
TLC | total lung capacity; thin-layer chromatography |
TLI | total lymphoid irradiation |
TLSO | thoracolumbosacral orthosis |
TLV | threshold limit value |
Tm | thulium |
TMA | trimellitic anhydride |
TMD | temporomandibular disorder |
TMI | transmandibular implant |
TMST | treadmill stress test |
Tn | normal intraocular tension |
TND | transmissible neurodegenerative disease (prion disease) |
TME | total mesorectal excision |
TMJ | temporomandibular joint |
TMJD | temporomandibular joint disorder |
TNF | tumor necrosis factor |
TNM | tumor-nodes-metastasis (staging) |
TNS | transcutaneous nerve stimulation |
TNT | trinitrotoluene |
TORCH | toxoplasmosis, other agents, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex (syndrome) |
TPA, t-PA | tissue plasminogen activator |
TPHA | Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition; triphosphopyridine nucleotide |
TPP | thiamine pyrophosphate |
TR | tricuspid regurgitation |
TRA | tumor rejection antigen (tumor-specific transplantation antigen) |
TRALI | transfusion-related acute lung injury |
TRAPS | TNF-receptor–associated periodic syndrome |
TRH | thyrotropin-releasing hormone |
Trid. | L. triduum (three days) |
Trit. | L. tritura (triturate) |
tRNA | transfer RNA |
troch. | L. trochiscus (troche) |
Trp | tryptophan |
TRU | turbidity reducing unit |
TRUS | transrectal ultrasonography |
TS | test solution; tricuspid stenosis |
TSA | tumor-specific antigen |
TSC | tuberous sclerosis complex |
TSD | Tay-Sachs disease |
TSE | transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (prion disease) |
TSF | triceps skinfold |
TSH | thyroid-stimulating hormone |
T-spine | thoracic spine |
TSTA | tumor-specific transplantation antigen |
TT | therapeutic touch; thrombin time |
TTV | thrombotic threshold velocity |
TU | tuberculin unit |
TUIP | transurethral incision of the prostate |
TULIP | transurethral laser-induced prostatectomy |
TUMT | transurethral microwave thermotherapy |
TUNA | transurethral needle ablation |
TUR | transurethral resection |
TURBT | transurethral resection of bladder tumor |
TURP | transurethral resection of the prostate |
tus. | L. tussis (a cough) |
TUVP | transurethral vaporization of the prostate |
TWZ | triangular working zone |
TXA2 | thromboxane A2 |
TXB2 | thromboxane B2 |
Tyr | tyrosine |
TZD | thiazolidinedione |
U | international unit of enzyme activity; unit (on the JCAHO Do Not Use List); uracil; uranium; uridine |
u | atomic mass unit |
UDP | uridine diphosphate |
UK | urokinase |
ult. praes. | L. ultimum praescriptus (last prescribed) |
UMP | uridine monophospate |
ung. | L. unguentum (ointment) |
UPP | urethral pressure profile |
UPPP | uvulopalatopharyngoplasty |
URR | urea reduction ratio |
US | ultrasound |
USAN | United States Adopted Names |
USP | United States Pharmacopeia |
USRDS | United States Renal Data System |
Ut dict. | L. ut dictum (as directed) |
Utend. | L. utendus (to be used) |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
UTP | uridine triphosphate |
UV | ultraviolet |
UVA | ultraviolet A |
UVB | ultraviolet B |
UVC | ultraviolet C |
V | valine; vanadium; vision; volt; volume |
V | voltage; volume |
Vmax | maximum velocity of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction |
VT | tidal volume |
v. | L. vena (vein) |
v | velocity; voltage |
VA | visual acuity |
VAC | vincristine, dactinomycin, and cyclophosphamide |
VACTERL | vertebral, anal, cardiac, tracheal, esophageal, renal, and limb (association) |
VAD | ventricular assist device |
Val | valine |
VAMP | vincristine, methotrexate, 6-mercaptopurine, and prednisone |
var. | variety |
VATER | vertebral defects, imperforate anus, tracheoesophageal fistula, radial and renal dysplasia (association) |
VATS | video-assisted thoracic (or thoracoscopic) surgery |
VBG | vertical banded gastroplasty |
VC | vital capacity |
VCG | vectorcardiogram |
VCU | voiding cystourethrography |
VCUG | voiding cystourethrogram; voiding cystourethrography |
VD | venereal disease |
VDH | valvular disease of the heart |
VDRL | Venereal Disease Research Laboratories |
VEE | Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis |
VEGF | vascular endothelial growth factor |
VEP | visual evoked potential |
Vesic. | L. vesicula (a blister) |
VF | vocal fremitus |
vf | visual field |
VFib | ventricular fibrillation |
VFl | ventricular flutter |
VHDL | very-high-density lipoprotein |
VIG | vaccinia immune globulin |
VIP | vasoactive intestinal polypeptide |
VISA | vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus |
VLA | very late activation (antigen) |
VLBW | very low birth weight (infant) |
VLCD | very low calorie diet |
VLDL | very-low-density lipoprotein |
VMA | vanillylmandelic acid |
VMD | L. Veterinariae Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) |
VNS | vagal nerve stimulation |
VNTR | variable number tandem repeats; variable number of tandem repeats |
VP | variegate porphyria |
VPB | ventricular premature beat |
VPC | ventricular premature complex |
VPD | ventricular premature depolarization |
VPF | vascular permeability factor |
VPRC | volume of packed red cells |
VR | vocal resonance |
VRE | vancomycin-resistant enterococci |
VRSA | vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
VS | volumetric solution |
VSG | variable surface glycoprotein |
VT | ventricular tachycardia |
vv. | L. venae (veins) |
v/v | volume (of solute) per volume (of solvent) |
VVS | vulvar vestibulitis syndrome |
VW | vessel wall |
vWF | von Willebrand factor |
VZIG | varicella-zoster immune globulin |
W | tryptophan; tungsten (Ger. Wolfram); watt |
W | work; writhing number |
WAIS | Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale |
Wb | weber |
WBC | white blood cell; white blood cell count |
WEE | western equine encephalomyelitis |
WHHL | Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic (rabbit) |
WHO | World Health Organization; wrist-hand orthosis |
WISC | Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children |
WNV | West Nile virus |
wt | weight |
w/v | weight (of solute) per volume (of solvent) |
X | Kienböck unit; xanthine; xanthosine |
X | reactance |
X̄ | sample mean |
x | abscissa |
Xe | xenon |
XIST | X-inactivation−specific transcript (gene) |
XMP | xanthosine monophosphate |
XOAN | X-linked ocular albinism (Nettleship-Falls) |
XU | excretory urography |
Y | tyrosine; yttrium |
y | ordinate |
YAC | yeast artificial chromosome |
Yb | ytterbium |
Z | atomic number; impedance |
ZES | Zollinger-Ellison syndrome |
ZIFT | zygote intrafallopian transfer |
Zn | zinc |
Zr | zirconium |
ZSR | zeta sedimentation ratio |
Zz. | L. zingiber (ginger) |
Fear of: | Phobia |
air | aerophobia |
amphibians | herpetophobia |
animals | zoophobia |
bacilli | bacillophobia |
bad men | sclerophobia |
barren space | cenophobia, kenophobia |
bearing a deformed child | teratophobia |
beating | mastigophobia, rhabdophobia |
bees | apiphobia, melissophobia |
being alone | autophobia, eremophobia, monophobia |
being beaten | mastigophobia, rhabdophobia |
being buried alive | taphephobia |
being enclosed | claustrophobia, clithrophobia |
being laughed at | catagelophobia, katagelophobia |
being locked in | clithrophobia |
being looked at | scopophobia, scoptophobia |
being scratched | amychophobia |
being touched | aphephobia, haphephobia, haptephobia |
being unclean | automysophobia |
being unclothed | gymnophobia, nudophobia |
birds | ornithophobia |
blood | hematophobia, hemophobia |
blushing | ereuthophobia, erythrophobia |
body defect, imaginary | dysmorphophobia |
brain disease | meningitophobia |
bridge, crossing | gephyrophobia |
building, being inside | domatophobia |
burglars | scelerophobia |
burial alive | taphephobia |
cancer | cancerophobia, cancerphobia, carcinomatophobia, carcinophobia |
cats | ailurophobia, galeophobia, gatophobia |
change | kainophobia, kainotophobia, neophobia |
childbirth | maieusiophobia, tocophobia |
children | pedophobia |
choking | anginophobia, pnigophobia |
climbing | climacophobia |
coitus | coitophobia |
cold | cheimaphobia, cryophobia, psychropophobia |
colors | chromatophobia, chromophobia |
comets | cometophobia |
confinement | claustrophobia |
contamination | coprophobia, molysmophobia, mysophobia, scatophobia |
corpses | necrophobia |
crossing a bridge or river | gephyrophobia |
crossing a street | dromophobia |
crowds | demophobia, ochlophobia |
dampness | hygrophobia |
darkness | achluphobia, noctiphobia, nyctophobia, scotophobia |
dawn | esophobia |
daylight | phengophobia |
dead bodies | necrophobia |
death | necrophobia, thanatophobia |
defecation | coprophobia |
deformed child, bearing | teratophobia |
deformity | dysmorphophobia |
demons | demonophobia |
dental operations | odontophobia |
depths | bathophobia |
devils or the devil | demonophobia, satanophobia |
dirt | coprophobia, mysophobia, rhypophobia, rupophobia |
dirtiness, personal | automysophobia |
disease | nosophobia, pathophobia |
disease, specific | monopathophobia |
disorder | ataxiophobia, ataxophobia |
dogs | cynophobia |
dolls | pediophobia |
drafts | aerophobia, anemophobia |
drugs | pharmacophobia |
dust | amathophobia |
eating | cibophobia, phagophobia, sitophobia |
electricity | electrophobia |
emptiness | cenophobia, kenophobia |
enclosed spaces | claustrophobia |
endlessness | apeirophobia |
error | hamartophobia |
everything | panophobia, panphobia, pantophobia |
excrement | coprophobia, scatophobia |
eyes | ommatophobia |
failure | kakorrhaphiophobia |
fatigue | kopophobia |
fearing or fears | phobophobia |
feathers | pteronophobia |
feces | coprophobia |
female genitals | eurotophobia |
fever | febriphobia, pyrexiophobia |
filth | mysophobia, rhypophobia, rupophobia |
filth, personal | automysophobia |
fire | pyrophobia |
fish | ichthyophobia |
flogging | mastigophobia, rhabdophobia |
floods | antlophobia |
flutes | aulophobia |
flying | aviophobia |
fog | homichlophobia |
food | cibophobia, phagophobia, sitophobia |
forests | hylophobia |
fresh air | aerophobia |
frogs | batrachophobia |
functioning | ergasiophobia |
fur | doraphobia |
germs | microbiophobia, microphobia |
ghosts | phasmophobia, demonophobia |
girls | parthenophobia |
glare | photaugiaphobia |
glass | crystallophobia, hyalophobia |
God | theophobia |
gravity | barophobia |
hair | trichopathophobia, trichophobia |
heart disease | cardiophobia |
heat | thermophobia |
heaven | siderophobia, uranophobia |
heights | acrophobia, hyposophobia |
hell | hadephobia, stygiophobia |
hereditary disease or heredity | patroiophobia, patriophobia |
high objects | batophobia |
home, returning to | nostophobia |
horses | equinophobia, hippophobia |
houses | domatophobia, oikophobia |
human society | anthropophobia |
humiliation | catagelophobia, katagelophobia |
ideas | ideophobia |
infinity | apeirophobia |
inherited disease | patroiophobia, patriophobia |
injury | traumatophobia |
innovation | neophobia |
insanity | lyssophobia, maniaphobia |
insects | acarophobia, entomophobia |
instrument of punishment | rhabdophobia |
jealousy | zelophobia |
justice | dikephobia |
knives | aichmophobia |
large objects | megalophobia |
left or objects to the left | levophobia |
light | photophobia |
lightning | astraphobia, astrapophobia, keraunophobia |
loneliness | eremophobia, monophobia |
love | erotophobia |
machinery | mechanophobia |
malignancy | cancerophobia, cancerphobia, carcinomatophobia, carcinophobia |
many things | polyphobia |
marriage | gamophobia |
medicines | pharmacophobia |
men | androphobia |
messiness | ataxiophobia, ataxophobia |
metals | metallophobia |
meteors | meteorophobia |
mice | musophobia |
microorganisms | microbiophobia, microphobia |
mind | psychophobia |
minute objects | acarophobia, microbiophobia, microphobia |
mirrors | eisoptrophobia, spectrophobia |
missiles | ballistophobia |
mites | acarophobia |
moisture | hygrophobia |
money | chrematophobia |
motion | kinesophobia |
movement | ergasiophobia |
myths | mythophobia |
naked body or nakedness | gymnophobia, nudophobia |
names or naming or being named | onomatophobia |
needles | belonephobia |
neglecting duty | paralipophobia |
new things | kainophobia, kainotophobia, neophobia |
night | achluphobia, noctiphobia, nyctophobia |
northern lights | auroraphobia |
novelty | kainophobia, kainotophobia, neophobia |
nudity | gymnophobia, nudophobia |
ocean | nautophobia, thalassophobia |
odor, personal | automysophobia, bromidrosiphobia |
odors | olfactophobia, osmophobia, osphresiophobia |
one’s own voice | phonophobia |
oneself | autophobia, monophobia |
open spaces | agoraphobia, agyiophobia |
overwork | ponophobia |
pain | algophobia, odynophobia |
parasites | acarophobia, parasitophobia |
passing high objects | batophobia |
people | anthropophobia |
personal odor or uncleanliness | automysophobia, bromidrosiphobia |
phobia, development of | phobophobia |
pins | belonephobia |
places | topophobia |
pleasure | hedonophobia |
points or pointed objects | aichmophobia |
poison | iophobia, toxiphobia, toxicophobia |
poverty | peniaphobia |
precipices | cremnophobia |
public places | agoraphobia, agyiophobia |
punishment | poinephobia |
rabies | cynophobia, lyssophobia |
radiation | radiophobia |
railroads | siderodromophobia |
rain or rainstorms | ombrophobia |
rectal excreta | coprophobia, scatophobia |
rectum | proctophobia |
red | erythrophobia |
reptiles | herpetophobia |
responsibility | hypengyophobia |
ridicule | catagelophobia, katagelophobia |
right or objects to the right | dextrophobia |
rivers | potamophobia |
rivers, crossing | gephyrophobia |
robbers | harpaxophobia |
rod | mastigophobia, rhabdophobia |
ruin | atephobia |
sacred objects | hierophobia |
scabies | scabiophobia |
scratch, receiving | amychophobia |
sea | nautophobia, thalassophobia |
self | autophobia |
semen | spermatophobia |
sex | genophobia |
sexual intercourse | coitophobia, cypridophobia, cypriophobia |
sexual love | erotophobia |
sharp objects | aichmophobia, belonephobia |
ships | nautophobia |
shock | hormephobia |
sickness | nosophobia, pathophobia |
sin or sinning | enosiophobia, hamartophobia, peccatiphobia |
sitting | thaasophobia |
sitting down, the act | cathisophobia, kathisophobia |
skin, animal | doraphobia |
skin disease | dermatosiophobia |
skin lesion | dermatophobia |
sleep | hypnophobia |
small objects or animals | microbiophobia, microphobia |
smelling bad | automysophobia, bromidrosiphobia |
smothering | pnigerophobia |
snakes | ophidiophobia |
snow | chionophobia |
solitude | autophobia, eremophobia, monophobia |
sounds | acousticophobia, phonophobia |
sourness | acerophobia |
speaking | glossophobia, laliophobia, lalophobia |
speaking aloud | phonophobia |
specific disease | monopathophobia |
specific word | onomatophobia |
spiders | arachnephobia, arachnophobia |
spirits | demonophobia |
stairs | climacophobia |
standing up | stasiphobia |
standing up and walking | stasibasiphobia |
stars | siderophobia |
stating untruths | mythophobia |
stealing | kleptophobia |
stories | mythophobia |
strangers | xenophobia |
street, crossing | dromophobia |
streets | agoraphobia, agyiophobia |
string | linonophobia |
sunlight | heliophobia |
symbolism | symbolophobia |
syphilis | syphilophobia |
talking | laliophobia, lalophobia |
tapeworms | taemophobia |
taste or tasting | geumaphobia |
teeth | odontophobia |
thinking | phronemophobia, psychophobia |
thirteen | triskaidekaphobia |
thunder | astraphobia, astrapophobia, brontophobia, keraunophobia, tonitrophobia |
time | chronophobia |
touching | aphephobia, haphephobia, haptephobia |
trains | siderodromophobia |
travel | hodophobia, dromophobia |
trembling | tremophobia |
trichinosis | trichinophobia |
tuberculosis | phthisiophobia, tuberculophobia |
uncleanliness, self | automysophobia |
untruths | mythophobia |
vaccination | vaccinophobia |
vehicles | amaxophobia |
venereal disease | cypridophobia, cypriphobia |
voices | phonophobia |
voids | cenophobia, kenophobia |
vomiting | emetophobia |
walking | basiphobia |
water | aquaphobia, hydrophobia, nautophobia |
weakness | asthenophobia |
wind | anemophobia |
wind instruments | aulophobia |
women | gynephobia, gynophobia |
word, specific | onomatophobia |
work | ergasiophobia, ponophobia |
writing | graphophobia |
x-rays | radiophobia |