Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary - Appendices

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The following list includes those Greek and Latin words occurring most frequently in this Dictionary, arranged alphabetically under their English combining forms as rubrics. The dash appended to a combining form indicates that it is not a complete word and, if the dash precedes the combining form, that it commonly appears as the terminal element of a compound. Infrequently a combining form is both preceded and followed by a dash, showing that it usually appears between two other elements. Closely related forms are shown in one entry by the use of parentheses: thus carbo(n)-, showing it may be either carbo-, as in carbohydrate, or carbon-, as in carbonuria.Following each combining form the first item of information is the Greek or Latin word, identified by [Gr.] or [L.], from which it is derived. Occasionally both a Greek and a Latin word are given. Presence of a dash before or after such an element indicates that it does not occur as an independent word in the original language. Information necessary to the understanding of the form appears next in parentheses. Then the meaning or meanings of the word are given, followed where appropriate by reference to a synonymous combining form. Finally, an example is given to illustrate use of the combining form in a compound English derivative.If this list is used in close conjunction with the etymological information given in the body of the Dictionary, no confusion should be caused by the similarity of elements in such words as melalgia, melancholia, and melicera, where the similarity is only apparent and the derivation of each word is different.
a-1a- [Gr.] (n is added before words beginning with a vowel) negative prefix. Cf. in-3. ametria
a-2a- [L.] separation, away from. avulsion
ab-ab [L.] away from. Cf. apo-. abducent
abdomin-abdomen, abdominis [L.] abdomen. abdominoscopy
abs-abs [L.] variant of ab. abscess
ac-See ad-. accretion
acanth-akantha [Gr.] thorny, spiny. acanthocyte
acar-akari [Gr.] mite. acarodermatitis
acet-acetum [L.] vinegar. acetic acid
acid-acidus [L.] sour. aciduric
acou-akouō [Gr.] hear. acoustic. (Also spelled acu-)
acr-akron [Gr.] extremity, peak. acromegaly
act-ago, actus [L.] do, drive, act. reaction
actin-aktis, aktinos [Gr.] ray, radius. Cf. radi-. Actinobacillus
acu-See acou-. dysacusis
ad-ad [L.] (d changes to c, f, g, p, s, or t before words beginning with those consonants) to. adrenal
-AD1-ad [L.] toward. cephalad
-AD2-as, ados [Gr.] group, derivation from, connection with. pseudomonad
-adelphusadelphos [Gr.] brother. deradelphus
aden-adēn [Gr.] gland. Cf. gland-. adenoma
adip-adeps, adipis [L.] fat. Cf. lip- and stear-. adipocellular
aer-aēr [Gr.] air. anaerobiosis
af-See ad-. afferent
ag-See ad-. agglutinant
agam-agamos [Gr.] unmarried. agamous
-agogueagōgos [Gr.] leading, inducing. galactagogue
-agraagra [Gr.] catching, seizure. podagra
-AL1-alis [L.] pertaining to, characterized by. arterial, diarrheal
-AL2-alia [L.] act, process. denial
alb-albus [L.] white. Cf. leuk-. albiduria
alg-algos [Gr.] pain. neuralgia
algesi-algēsis [Gr.] sense of pain. analgesia, algesimeter
all-allos [Gr.] other, different. allergy
allant-allas, allantos [Gr.] sausage. allantiasis, allantoid
allel-allēlōn [Gr.] of one another. allelic
allotri-allotrios [Gr.] strange. allotriogeustia
alve-alveus [L.] trough, channel, cavity. alveobronchiolitis
alveol-alveolus, dim. of alveus [L.] alveolus. alveolitis
ambi-ambi- [L.] (i may be dropped before words beginning with a vowel) on all sides. ambidexterity
ambly-amblys [Gr.] dull. amblyopia
ambo-ambo [L.] both. ambosexual
ameb-amoibē [Gr.] change. ameboid
amni-amnion [Gr.] bowl, membrane enveloping the fetus. amniocentesis
amphi-amphi [Gr.] (i is dropped before words beginning with a vowel) on both sides. amphicentric
ampho-amphō [Gr.] both. amphogenic
amygdal-amygdalē [Gr.] almond. amygdalin, amygdaloid
amyl-amylon [Gr.] starch. amyluria
an-1See a-1. aniridia
an-2See ana-. anode
ana-ana [Gr.] (final a is dropped before words beginning with a vowel) up, positive. anabolism
ancyl-See ankyl-. ancylostomiasis
andr-anēr, andros [Gr.] man. androgen
angi-angeion [Gr.] vessel. Cf. vas-. angioma
anis-anisos [Gr.] unequal, uneven. anisocoria
ankyl-ankylos [Gr.] crooked, looped. ankylosis. (Also spelled ancyl-)
anomal-anōmalos [Gr.] irregular. anomalous
ant-See anti-. antacid
ante-ante [L.] before. anteflexion
anthrac-anthrax [Gr.] coal, charcoal. anthracosilicosis
anthrop-anthrōpos [Gr.] man, human being. anthropomorphism
anti-anti [Gr.] (i may be dropped before words beginning with a vowel) against, counter. Cf. contra. antipruritic
antr-antron [Gr.] cavern. antrocele
ap-1See apo-. apeidosis
ap-2See ad-. appendage
aph-haptō, haph- [Gr.] touch. dysaphia. (See also hapt-)
apic-apex [L.] top, summit. apicoectomy
apo-apo [Gr.] (o may be dropped before words beginning with a vowel) away from, detached. Cf. ab-. apolipoprotein
appendic-appendix, appendicis [L.] appendix. appendicitis
arachn-arachnē [Gr.] spider. arachnodactyly
arch-archē [Gr.] beginning, origin. archenteron
arteri-arteria [Gr.] (i is sometimes dropped) windpipe, artery. arteriosclerosis, periarteritis
arteriol-arteriola, dim. of arteria [L.] arteriole. arteriolopathy
arthr-arthron [Gr.] joint. Cf. articul-. synarthrosis
articul-articulus [L.] joint. Cf. arthr-. disarticulation
as-See ad-. assimilation
asthen-asthenēs [Gr.] weak. asthenocoria
astr-astron [Gr.] star. astrocyte
at-See ad-. attenuate
atel-atelēs [Gr.] incomplete. atelocardia
ather-athērē [Gr.] gruel. atherosclerosis
atlant-atlas, atlantos [Gr.] atlas. atlantoaxial
atm-atmos [Gr.] steam, vapor. atmosphere
atret-atrētos [Gr.] not perforated. atretostomia
atri-atrium [L.] atrium. atrioventricular
atroph-atrophia [Gr.] ill-fed. atrophoderma
audi-audire [L.] to hear. audiometry
aur-auris [L.] ear. Cf. ot-. aurinasal
aut-autos [Gr.] self. autoimmunity
aux-auxō [Gr.] increase. auxotrophic
ax-axōn [Gr.] or axis [L.] axis. axolemma
axon-axōn [Gr.] axis. axonopathy
ba-bainō, ba- [Gr.] go, walk, stand. abasia
bacill-bacillus [L.] small staff, rod. Cf. bacter-. actinobacillosis
bacter-bactērion [Gr.] small staff, rod. Cf. bacill-. bacteriophage
balan-balanos [Gr.] acorn. balanitis
ball-ballō, bol- [Gr.] throw. ballismus. (See also bol-)
bar-baros [Gr.] weight. barosinusitis
bas-See basi-. basophil
basi-basis [Gr.] base. basioglossus, basihyoid
bath(y)-bathys [Gr.] deep. bathorhodopsin, bathypnea
bi-1bios [Gr.] life. Cf. vit-. aerobic
bi-2bi- [L.] (an n may be added before words beginning with a vowel) two. bicornuate. (See also di-1)
bil-bilis [L.] bile. Cf. chol-. biliary
bin-See bi-2. binocular
bis-bis [L.] twice. bisferious
blast-blastos [Gr.] bud, child, a growing thing in its early stages. Cf. germ-. blastoma, monoblast
blenn-blenna [Gr.] mucus. blennorrhea
blep-blepō [Gr.] look, see. monoblepsia
blephar-blepharon [Gr.] (from blepō; see blep-) eyelid. Cf. cili-. blepharitis
bol-See ball-. embolism
brachi-brachiōn [Gr.] arm. brachiocephalic
brachy-brachys [Gr.] short. brachydactyly
brady-bradys [Gr.] slow. bradycardia
breph-brephos [Gr.] embryo, newborn infant. brephoplastic
brevi-brevis [L.] short. brevicollis
brom-brōmos [Gr.] stench. bromhidrosis
bronch-bronchos [Gr.] windpipe. bronchoscopy
bronchiol-bronchiolus, dim. of bronchus [Gr.] bronchiole. bronchiolectasis
bry-bryō [Gr.] be full of life. embryonic
bucc-bucca [L.] cheek. buccoclusion
bulb-bulbus [L.] bulb. bulbospiral
butyr-boutyron [Gr.] butter. butyroid
cac-kakos [Gr.] bad, abnormal. Cf. mal-. cacogeusia. (See also dys-)
calc-1calx, calcis [L.] stone (cf. lith-), limestone, lime. calcipexy
calc-2calx, calcis [L.] heel. calcaneodynia
calor-calor [L.] heat. Cf. therm-. calorimeter
campt-camptos [Gr.] bent. camptodactyly
cancr-cancer, cancri [L.] crab, cancer. Cf. carcin-. cancroid. (Also spelled chancr-)
canth-kanthos [Gr.] foreign. canthoplasty
capit-caput, capitis [L.] head. Cf. cephal-. decapitation
capn-kapnos [Gr.] smoke. capnography
caps-capsa [L.] (from capio; see cept-) container. capsule
carbo(n)-carbo, carbonis [L.] coal, charcoal. carbohydrate, carbonic acid
carcin-karkinos [Gr.] crab, cancer. Cf. cancr-. carcinoma
cardi-kardia [Gr.] heart. lipocardiac
cari-caries [L.] rottenness. cariogenesis
cary-See kary-. Eucaryotae
cata-kata [Gr.] (final a is dropped before words beginning with a vowel) down, negative. catacrotism, cation
caud-cauda [L.] tail. caudad
cav-cavus [L.] hollow. Cf. coel-. concave
cec-caecus [L.] blind. Cf. typhl-. cecotomy
cel-1See -cele. varicocelectomy
cel-2See coel-. acelomate
cel-3See celi-. celitis
-cele1kēlē [Gr.] tumor, hernia. gastrocele
-cele2koilos [Gr.] hollow. rhinocele
celi-koilia [Gr.] belly. celiotomy
cell-cella [L.] room, cell. Cf. cyt-. cellular
cement-caementum [L.] rough stone. cementoblast
cen-koinos [Gr.] common. cenesthesia
cente-kenteō [Gr.] to puncture. Cf. punct-. enterocentesis
centi-centum [L.] hundred. Cf. hect-. Indicates fraction in metric system. [This exemplifies the custom in the metric system of identifying fractions of units by stems from the Latin, as centimeter, decimeter, millimeter, and multiples of units by the similar stems from the Greek, as hectometer, decameter, and kilometer.] centimeter, centipede
centr-kentron [Gr.] or centrum [L.] point, center. centrifugal, centromere
cephal-kephalē [Gr.] head. Cf. capit-. encephalitis, cephalocentesis
cept-capio, -cipientis, -ceptus [L.] take, receive. receptor
cer-kēros [Gr.] or cera [L.] wax. ceroplasty, cerumen
cerat-See kerat-. ceratocricoid
cerc-kerkos [Gr.] tail. Onchocerca
cerebell-cerebellum [L.] dim. of cerebrum little brain. cerebellifugal
cerebr-cerebrum [L.] brain. cerebrospinal
cervic-cervix, cervicis [L.] neck. Cf. trachel-. cervicitis
chancr-See cancr-. chancroid
cheil-cheilos [Gr.] lip. Cf. labi-. cheiloschisis
cheir-cheir [Gr.] hand. Cf. man-. macrocheiria. (Also spelled chir-)
chem-chēmeia [Gr.] alchemy. chemistry, chemotherapy
chir-See cheir-. chiropractic
chlor-chlōros [Gr.] green. chlorophyll
choan-choanē [Gr.] funnel. choanomastigote
chol-cholē [Gr.] bile. Cf. bil-. cholangitis
chondr-chondros [Gr.] cartilage. chondromalacia
chondri-chondrion [Gr.] granule. mitochondria
chord-chordē [Gr.] string, cord. perichordal
chore-choreia [Gr.] dance. choreoathetosis
chori-chorion [Gr.] membrane. choriocarcinoma
chro-chrōs [Gr.] color. polychromatic
chron-chronos [Gr.] time. synchronous
chrys-chrysos [Gr.] gold. chrysotherapy
chy-cheō, chy- [Gr.] pour. ecchymosis
chyl-chylos [Gr.] juice. chyliform, chylopericardium
-cid(e)caedo, -cisus [L.] cut, kill. fungicide, germicidal
cili-cilium [L.] eyelid. Cf. blephar-. superciliary
cine-See kine-. acrocinesis
-cipientSee cept-. excipient
circum-circum [L.] around. Cf. peri-. circumferential
cirs-kirsos [Gr.] varix. cirsophthalmia
cis-cis [L.] on this side. cisplatin
-cis-caedo, -cisus [L.] cut, kill. excision
-clastklaō [Gr.] break. osteoclast
cleid-kleis, kleidos [Gr.] key, clavicle. cleidocranial
-cleisiskleiein [Gr.] to enclose. colpocleisis
clin-klinō [Gr.] bend, incline, make lie down. clinocephaly
clus-claudo, -clusus [L.] shut. malocclusion
cnid-knidē [Gr.] nettle. cnidoblast
co-See con-1. cohesion
cocc-kokkos [Gr.] berry. gonococcus
coel-koilos [Gr.] hollow. Cf. cav-. coelozoic. (Also spelled cel-)
-coeleSee coel-. blastocoele
coen-See cen-. coenocyte
coin-See cen-. coinosite
col-1See colon-. colic
col-2See con-1. collapse
colon-kalon [Gr.] lower intestine. colonic
colp-kolpos [Gr.] hollow, vagina. Cf. sin- and vagin-. colpitis
com-See con-1. commensal
con-1con- [L.] (becomes co- before vowels or h; col- before l; com- before b, m, or p; cor- before r) with, together. Cf. syn-. contraction
con-2kōnos [Gr.] cone. conotruncal
coni-konis [Gr.] dust. coniofibrosis
contra-contra [L.] against, counter. Cf. anti-. contraindication
copr-kopros [Gr.] dung, feces. Cf. sterco-. coprophilia
cor-1korē [Gr.] doll, little image, pupil. isocoria
cor-2See con-1. correlation
cord-See chord-. cordotomy
corpor-corpus, corporis [L.] body. Cf. somat-. intracorporeal
cortic-cortex, corticis [L.] bark, rind. corticosterone
cost-costa [L.] rib. Cf. pleur-. intercostal
counter-See contra-. countertraction
crani-kranion [Gr.] or cranium [L.] skull, pericranium
-crasiakrasis [Gr.] mixture. dyscrasia
creat-kreas, kreato- [Gr.] meat, flesh. creatine
-crescencecresco, crescentis, cretus [L.] grow. excrescence
cret-1cerno, cretus [L.] distinguish, separate off. Cf. crin-. discrete
cret-2See -crescence. accretion
crin-krinō [Gr.] distinguish, separate off. Cf. cret-1. endocrinology
crur-crus, cruris [L.] shin, leg. talocrural
cry-kryos [Gr.] cold. cryesthesia. (See also crym-)
crym-krymos [Gr.] frost. crymodynia. (See also cry-)
crypt-kryptō [Gr.] hide, conceal. cryptorchidism
cult-colo, cultus [L.] tend, cultivate. culture
cune-cuneus [L.] wedge. Cf. sphen-. cuneiform
cut-cutis [L.] skin. Cf. derm(at)-. subcutaneous
cyan-kyanos [Gr.] blue. cyanophil
cycl-kyklos [Gr.] circle, cycle. cyclophoria
-cyesiskyēsis [Gr.] pregnancy. pseudocyesis
cymb-kymbē [Gr.] boat. cymbocephaly
cyn-kyōn, kynos [Gr.] dog. cynophobia
cyst-kystis [Gr.] bladder. Cf. vesic-. cystalgia
cyt-kytos [Gr.] cell. Cf. cell-. cytotaxis
dacry-dakry [Gr.] tear. dacryocyst
dactyl-daktylos [Gr.] finger, toe. Cf. digit-. hexadactyly
de-de [L.] down from. decomposition
deca-deka [Gr.] ten. Indicates multiple in metric system. Cf. deci-. decagram
deci-decem [L.] ten. Indicates fraction in metric system (one-tenth). Cf. deca-. decibel, deciliter
demi-demi [Fr.], from dimidius [L.] half. demigauntlet
dendr-dendron [Gr.] tree. dendrite
dent-dens, dentis [L.] tooth. Cf. odont-. interdental
derm(at)-derma, dermatos [Gr.] skin. Cf. cut-. endoderm, dermatitis
-desisdesis [Gr.] a binding together. arthrodesis
desm-desmos [Gr.] band, ligament. syndesmoplasty
deut(er)-deuteros [Gr.] second. deuteranopia, deutan
dextr-dexter, dextr- [L.] right-hand. ambidextrous
di-1di [Gr.] two. dimorphism. (See also bi-2)
di-2See dia-. diuresis
di-3See dis-1. divergent
dia-dia [Gr.] (a is dropped before words beginning with a vowel) through, apart. Cf. per-. diagnosis
dicty-diktyon [Gr.] nest. dictyotene
didym-didymos [Gr.] twin. Cf. gemin-. epididymal
digit-digitus [L.] finger, toe. Cf. dactyl-. digitigrade
diplo-diploos [Gr.] double. diplomyelia
dips-dipsa [Gr.] thirst. polydipsia, dipsogen
dis-1dis- [L.] (s may be dropped before a word beginning with a consonant) apart, away from. dislocation
dis-2dis [Gr.] twice. disdiaclast
disc-diskos [Gr.] or discus [L.] disk. discoplacenta. (Also spelled disk-)
dolich-dolichos [Gr.] long. dolichocephalic
dors-dorsum [L.] back. dorsoventral
drom-dromos [Gr.] course. dromograph
-ducentSee duct-. adducent
-ductduco, ducentis, ductus [L.] lead, conduct. oviduct
dur-durus [L.] hard. Cf. scler-. induration
dynam-dynamis [Gr.] power. dynamometer, thermodynamics
dys-dys- [Gr.] bad, improper. Cf. mal-. dystrophic. (See also cac-)
e-e [L.] out from. Cf. ec-1 and ex-. emission
ec-1ek [Gr.] out of. Cf. e- and ex-. eccentric
ec-2oikos [Gr.] house. ecogenetics
-ech-echō [Gr.] have, hold, be. synechotomy
echin-echinos [Gr.] hedgehog. echinophthalmia
ect-ektos [Gr.] outside. Cf. extra-. ectoderm. (See also exo-)
ectr-ektrōsis [Gr.] miscarriage. ectrodactyly
ede-oideō [Gr.] swell. edematous
ef-See ex-. efflorescent
elast-elasticus [L.] elastic. elastofibroma
elc-See helc-. cystelcosis
electro-ēlectron [Gr.] amber. electrotherapy
em-See en-. embolism, empathy
-em-haima [Gr.] blood, anemia. (See also hem(at)-)
-emesisemein [Gr.] to vomit. hyperemesis
en-en [Gr.] (n changes to m before b, m, p, or ph) in, on. Cf. in-1. enarthrosis
encephal-enkephalos [Gr.] brain. encephalopathy
end-endon [Gr.] inside. Cf. intra-. endangitis. (See also eso-)
ent-entos [Gr.] inside. entoptic
enter-enteron [Gr.] intestine. dysentery
entom-entomon [Gr.] insect. entomology
epi-epi [Gr.] (i is dropped before words beginning with a vowel) upon, after, in addition. epiglottis, epaxial
epipl-epiploon [Gr.] omentum. gastroepiploic
episi-epision [Gr.] pubic region. episiotomy
erg-ergon [Gr.] work, deed. energy
erot-erōs, erōtos [Gr.] sexual desire. erotomania
erythr-erythros [Gr.] red. Cf. rub(r)-. erythrocyte
eso-esō [Gr.] inside. Cf. intra-. esogastritis. (See also end-)
esthe-aisthanomai, aisthē- [Gr.] perceive, feel. Cf. sens-. anesthesia
etio-aitia [Gr.] cause. etiology
eu-eu [Gr.] good, normal. eupepsia
eury-eurys [Gr.] wide. eurygnathism
ex-ex [Gr.] or ex [L.] out of. Cf. e- and ec-1. excretion
exo-exō [Gr.] outside. Cf. extra-. exoskeleton. (See also ect-)
extra-extra [L.] outside of, beyond. Cf. ect- and exo-. extracellular. (Also written extro-)
extro-See extra-. extrovert
faci-facies [L.] face. Cf. prosop-. faciolingual
-facientfacio, facientis, factus, -fectus [L.] make. Cf. poie-. calefacient
-fact-See -facient. artifact
fasci-fascia [L.] band. fasciotomy
febr-febris [L.] fever. Cf. pyr-. febricity
-fect-See -facient. defective
femor-femur [L.] femur. femorotibial
-ferentfero, ferentis, latus [L.] bear, carry. Cf. phor-. efferent
-ferousferre [L.] to bear. lactiferous
ferr-ferrum [L.] iron. ferroprotein
fet-fetus [L.] fetus. fetoscope
fibr-fibra [L.] fiber. Cf. in-3. chondrofibroma
fil-filum [L.] thread. filiform
fiss-findo, fissus [L.] split. Cf. schis-. fission
flagell-flagellum [L.] whip. flagellation
flav-flavus [L.] yellow. Cf. xanth-. riboflavin. (See also lute-)
-flect-flecto, flexus [L.] bend, divert. deflection
-flex-See -flect-. reflexometer
flu-fluo, fluxus [L.] flow. Cf. rhe-. fluid
flux-See flu-. defluxion
for-foro [L.] bore. imperforate
-formforma [L.] shape. Cf. -oid. cruciform
fract-frango, fractus [L.] break. refraction
front-frons, frontis [L.] forehead, front. nasofrontal
-fug(e)fugio [L.] flee, avoid. vermifuge, centrifugal
funct-fungor, functus [L.] perform, serve. malfunction
fund-fundo, fusus [L.] pour. infundibulum
fus-1See fund-. diffusion
fus-2fusus [L.] spindle. fusocellular
galact-gala, galactos [Gr.] milk. Cf. lact-. galactorrhea
gam-gamos [Gr.] marriage, reproductive union. gamete
gangli-ganglion [Gr.] swelling, plexus. gangliitis
gastr-gastēr, gastros [Gr.] stomach. cholangiogastrostomy
ge-gē [Gr.] earth. geophagia
gelat-gelo, gelatus [L.] freeze, congeal. gelatin
gemin-geminus [L.] twin, double. Cf. didym-. quadrigeminal
gen-1gignomai, gen-, gon- [Gr.] become, be produced, originate. endogenous
gen-2gennaō [Gr.] produce, originate. cytogenic
geni-geneion [Gr.] chin. genioplasty
genit-genitalis [L.] pertaining to birth. genitourinary
ger-gēras [Gr.] old age. geroderma
germ-germen, germinis [L.] bud, a growing thing in its early stages. Cf. blast-. germinal
geront-gerōn, gerontos [Gr.] old man. gerontology
gest-gero, gerentis, gestus [L.] bear, carry. congestion
gingiv-gingiva [L.] gum. gingivitis
gland-glans, glandis [L.] acorn. Cf. aden-. uniglandular
gli-glia [Gr.] glue. neuroglia, glioma
glomerul-glomerulus, dim. of glomus [L.] little ball. glomerulonephritis
gloss-glōssa [Gr.] tongue. Cf. lingu-. trichoglossia
glott-glōtta [Gr.] tongue, language. glottic
gluc-See glyc(y)-. glucophore
glutin-gluten, glutinis [L.] glue. agglutination
glyc(y)-glykys [Gr.] sweet. glycemia, glycyrrhiza. (Also spelled gluc-)
gnath-gnathos [Gr.] jaw. orthognathous
gno-gignōsō, gnō- [Gr.] know, discern. diagnosis
gon-1gonē [Gr.] offspring, seed, genitalia. gonocyte, gonorrhea
gon-2gony [Gr.] knee. gonarthrosis, gonocampsis
gonad-gonas, gonadis [L.] gonad. gonadoblastoma
goni-gōnia [Gr.] angle. goniometer, goniotomy
grad-gradior [L.] walk, take steps. retrograde
-gramgramma [Gr.] letter, drawing. cardiogram
gran-granum [L.] grain, particle. lipogranuloma
graph-graphō [Gr.] scratch, write, record. angiography
grav-gravis [L.] heavy. multigravida
gymn-gymnos [Gr.] naked. gymnospore
gyn(ec)-gynē, gynaikos [Gr.] woman, wife. androgyny, gynecologic
gyr-gyros [Gr.] ring, circle. gyrospasm
haem(at)-See hem(at)-. Haemaphysalis, Haematoxylon
hamart-hamartia [Gr.] fault. hamartoma
hapl-haploos [Gr.] simple, single. haplotype
hapt-haptō [Gr.] touch, haptics
hect-hekaton [Gr.] hundred. Cf. centi-. Indicates multiple in metric system. hectogram
hel-hēlos [Gr.] nail, corn, callus. heloma
helc-helkos [Gr.] sore, ulcer. keratohelcosis
heli-hēlios [Gr.] sun. heliotaxis
helic-helix, helikos [Gr.] coil. helicotrema
hem(at)-haima, haimatos [Gr.] blood. Cf. sanguin-. hemangioma, hematocele. (See also -em-) [Also written haem(at)-]
hemi-hēmi [Gr.] half. Cf. semi-. hemiageusia
hen-heis, henos [Gr.] one. Cf. un-. henogenesis
hepat(ic)-hēpar, hēpatos [Gr.] liver. hepatocele, hepaticolithotomy
hept(a)-hepta [Gr.] seven. Cf. sept-2. heptavalent, heptose
hered-heres, beredis [L.] heir. heredofamilial
herpet-herpo, herpet- [Gr.] creep, crawl. herpetophobia, herpetiform
heter-heteros [Gr.] other, different. heterochromia
hex-echō, hech- [Gr.] (hech- added to s becomes hex-) have, hold, be. cachexia
hex(a)-hex [Gr.] six. Cf. sex-1. hexose, hexadactyly
hidr-hidros [Gr.] sweat. hyperhidrosis
hipp-hippos [Gr.] horse. hippocampus
hist-histos [Gr.] web, tissue. histocompatibility
hod-hodos [Gr.] road, path. hodoneuromere. (See also od- and -ode1)
hol-holos [Gr.] entire. holosystolic
hom-homos [Gr.] common, same. homograft
home-homoios [Gr.] like, resembling. homeostasis
horm-ormē [Gr.] impetus, impulse. hormone
hyal-hyalos [Gr.] glass. hyaloplasm
hydat-hydōr, hydatos [Gr.] water. hydatoid
hydr-hydōr, hydr- [Gr.] water. achlorhydria. (See also lymph-)
hygr-hygros [Gr.] moist. hygrometry
hyl-hylē [Gr.] matter. hylotropy
hymen-hymēn [Gr.] membrane. hymenopteran, hymenectomy
hyp-See hypo-. hypaxial
hyper-hyper [Gr.] above, beyond, extreme. Cf. super-. hypertrophy
hypn-hypnos [Gr.] sleep. hypnotic
hypo-hypo [Gr.] (o is dropped before words beginning with a vowel) under, below. Cf. sub-. hypocalcemia
hyps-hypsos [Gr.] height. hypsarrhythmia
hyster-hystera [Gr.] womb. Cf. uter-. hysteropexy. (See also metr-2)
iatr-iatros [Gr.] physician. pediatrics
ichthy-ichthys [Gr.] fish. ichthyosis
icter-ikteros [Gr.] jaundice. icterohepatitis
id-eidos [Gr.] form, shape. hominid, dermatophytid
idi-idios [Gr.] peculiar, separate, distinct. idiosyncrasy
il-1See in-1. illumination
il-2See in-2. illegible
ile-See ili- [ile- is commonly used to refer to the portion of the intestines known as the ileum]. ileostomy
ili-ilium (ileum) [L.] lower abdomen, intestines [ili- is commonly used to refer to the flaring part of the hip bone known as the ilium]. iliofemoral
im-1See in-1. immersion
im-2See in-2. imperforate
in-1in [L.] (n changes to l before l, m before b, m, or p, and r before r) in, on. Cf. en-. insertion
in-2in- [L.] (n changes to l before l, m before b, m, or p, and r before r) negative prefix. Cf. a-. incompatible
in-3is, inos [Gr.] fiber. Cf. fibr-. inotropic
infra-infra [L.] beneath. infraorbital
ini-inion [Gr.] occiput. iniencephaly
insul-insula [L.] island. insulin
inter-inter [L.] among, between. intercostal
intra-intra [L.] inside. Cf. end- and eso-. intravenous
intro-intro [L.] within. introspection
ipsi-ipse [L.] self. ipsilateral
ir-1See in-1. irradiation
ir-2See in-2. irreducible
irid-iris, iridos [Gr.] rainbow, colored circle. iridocyclitis
is-isos [Gr.] equal. isotope
isch-ischein [Gr.] to suppress. ischemia
ischi-ischion [Gr.] hip, haunch. ischiopubic
-ism-ismos [Gr.] noun-forming suffix. vegetarianism, thigmotropism, alcoholism
-itis-itis [Gr.] inflammation. dermatitis, phlebitis
-ize-izein [Gr.] verb-forming suffix. cauterize, oxidize
jact-iacio, iactus [L.] throw. jactitation
-jectiacio, -iectus [L.] throw. injection
jejun-ieiunus [L.] empty. gastrojejunostomy
jug-iugum [L.] yoke. conjugation
junct-iungo, junctus [L.] yoke, join. conjunctiva
juxta-juxta [L.] near, close by. juxtaglomerular
kary-karyon [Gr.] nut, kernel, nucleus. Cf. nucle-. megakaryocyte. (Also spelled cary-)
kerat-keras, keratos [Gr.] horn. keratolysis. (Also spelled cerat-)
kilo-chilioi [Gr.] one thousand. Cf. milli-. Indicates multiple in metric system. kilogram
kine-kineō [Gr.] move. kinescope. (Also spelled cine-)
klept-kleptein [Gr.] to steal. kleptomania
koil-koilos [Gr.] hollow. koilonychia
labi-labium [L.] lip. Cf. cheil-. labiomental
lact-lac, lactis [L.] milk. Cf. galact-. lactiferous
lal-laleō [Gr.] talk, babble. glossolalia
lapar-lapara [Gr.] flank. laparotomy
laryng-larynx, laryngos [Gr.] windpipe. laryngectomy
lat-fero, latus [L.] bear, carry. See -ferent. translation
later-latus, lateris [L.] side. ventrolateral
lecith-lekithos [Gr.] yolk. isolecithal
leio-leios [Gr.] smooth. leiomyoma
-lemmalemma [Gr.] rind, husk. axolemma
lent-lens, lentis [L.] lentil. Cf. phac-. lenticonus
lep-lambanō, lēp [Gr.] take, seize. catalepsy
lept-leptos [Gr.] slender. leptomeninges
leuc-See leuk-. leucine
leuk-leukos [Gr.] white. Cf. alb-. leukorrhea. (Also spelled leuc-)
lev-laevus [L.] left. levocardia, levorotatory
lien-lien [L.] spleen. Cf. splen-. lienocele
lig-ligo [L.] tie, bind. ligature
lingu-lingua [L.] tongue. Cf. gloss-. sublingual
lip-lipos [Gr.] fat. Cf. adip-. glycolipid
lith-lithos [Gr.] stone. Cf. calc-1. nephrolithotomy
loc-locus [L.] place. Cf. top-. locomotion
log-legō, log- [Gr.] speak, give an account. logorrhea, embryology
loph-lophos [Gr.] ridge, tuft. lophotrichous
lumb-lumbus [L.] loin. lumbago
lute-luteus [L.] yellow. Cf. xanth-. luteoma. (See also flav-)
lymph-lympha [Gr.] water. lymphadenopathy. (See also hydr-)
lyo-lyō [Gr.] loose, dissolve. Cf. solut-. lyophilization
lys-lysis [Gr.] dissolution. keratolysis, lysogen
macr-makros [Gr.] long, large. macromyeloblast
mal-malus [L.] bad, abnormal. Cf. cac- and dys-. malformation
malac-malakos [Gr.] soft. osteomalacia
mamm-mamma [L.] breast. Cf. mast-. submammary
man-manus [L.] hand. Cf. cheir-. manipulation
mani-mania [Gr.] mental aberration. kleptomania
mast-mastos [Gr.] breast. Cf. mamm-. hypermastia
mechan-mēchanē [Gr.] machine. mechanoreceptor
medi-medius [L.] middle. Cf. mes-. mediolateral
mega-megas [Gr.] great, large. Also indicates multiple (one million) in metric system. megacolon, megavolt. (See also megal-)
megal-megas, megalou [Gr.] great, large. acromegaly
mel-1melos [Gr.] limb, member. symmelia
mel-2mēlon [Gr.] cheek. meloplasty
melan-melas, melanos [Gr.] black. melanocyte
meli(t)-meli, melitos [Gr.] honey. melibiose, melituria
men-mēn [Gr.] month. dysmenorrhea
mening-mēninx, mēningos [Gr.] membrane. meningitis
ment-mens, mentis [L.] mind. Cf. phren-, psych-, and thym-2. dementia
mer-1meros [Gr.] part. polymeric
mer-2mēros [Gr.] thigh. meralgia
mes-mesos [Gr.] middle. Cf. medi-. mesoderm
mesi-mesos [Gr.] in the middle. mesiodens
meta-meta [Gr.] (a is dropped before words beginning with a vowel) after, beyond, accompanying. metacarpal, metencephalon
metr-1metron [Gr.] measure. audiometry
metr-2metra [Gr.] womb. Cf. uter-. endometritis. (See also hyster-)
mi-meiōn [Gr.] smaller. miosis
micr-mikros [Gr.] small. Also indicates fraction in metric system (one-millionth). photomicrograph, microgram
milli-mille [L.] one thousand. Also indicates fraction in metric system (one-thousandth). Cf. kilo-. milligram, millipede
-mimeticmimētikos [Gr.] mimetic. sympathomimetic
mis-misos [Gr.] hatred. misogamy
miss-See -mittent. intromission
mit-mitos [Gr.] thread. mitochondria
-mittentmitto, mittentis, missus [L.] send. intermittent
mne-mimnēskō, mnē- [Gr.] remember. amnesia
mogi-mogis [Gr.] with difficulty. mogiarthria
mon-monos [Gr.] only, sole. monoplegia
morph-morphē [Gr.] from, shape. polymorphonuclear
mot-moveo, motus [L.] move. vasomotor
muc-mucus [L.] mucus. mucilage, mucogingival, mucoprotein
multi-multus [L.] many, much. multipara
my-mys, myos [Gr.] muscle. leiomyoma
-mycesmykēs, mykētos [Gr.] fungus. Streptomyces
myc(et)-See -myces. streptomycin, mycetoma
myel-myelos [Gr.] marrow. poliomyelitis
myring-myringa [L.] membrane. myringotomy
myx-myxa [Gr.] mucus. myxedema
nan-nanos [Gr.] dwarf. Also indicates fraction (one-billionth) in metric system. nanophthalmos, nanometer
narc-narkē [Gr.] numbness. narcolepsy
nas-nasus [L.] nose. Cf. rhin-. nasopalatine
ne-neos [Gr.] new, young. neonate
necr-nekros [Gr.] corpse. necrophilia
nemat-nēma, nēmatos [Gr.] thread. nematocyst
nephel-nephelē [Gr.] cloud, mist. nephelometer
nephr-nephros [Gr.] kidney. Cf. ren-. paranephric
neur-neuron [Gr.] nerve. neuralgia
neutr-neuter [Gr.] neither. neutrophil
nev-naevus [L.] mole. nevolipoma
noci-noceo [L.] to injure. nociceptor
nod-nodus [L.] knot. nodosity
nom-nomos [Gr.] (from nemō deal out, distribute) law, custom. taxonomy
non-1non [L.] not. nondisjunction
non-2nona [L.] nine. nonapeptide
norm-norma [L.] rule. normotensive
nos-nosos [Gr.] disease. nosology
not-nōton [Gr.] back. notochord
nucle-nucleus [L.] (from nux, nucis nut) kernel. Cf. kary-. nucleocapsid
nutri-nutrio [L.] nourish. malnutrition
nyct-nyx, nyctos [Gr.] night. nyctophobia
nymph-nymphē [Gr.] bride. nymphomania, nymphotomy
ob-ob [L.] (b changes to c before words beginning with that consonant) against, toward. obtusion
oc-See ob-. occlude
oct-oktō [Gr.] or octo [L.] eight. octigravida
ocul-oculus [L.] eye. Cf. ophthalm-. oculomotor
-od-See –ode1. esthesodic
-ODE1hodos [Gr.] road, path. cathode. (See also hod-)
-ODE2See -oid. nematode
odont-odous, odontos [Gr.] tooth. Cf. dent-. orthodontia
odyn-odynē [Gr.] pain, distress. gastrodynia, odynophagia
-oideidos [Gr.] form. Cf. -form. hyoid
-olSee ole-. cholesterol
ole-oleum [L.] oil. oleoresin
olig-oligos [Gr.] few, small. Cf. pauci-. oligospermia
om-ōmos [Gr.] shoulder. omalgia
-omaōma [Gr.] noun-forming suffix. Used to denote a neoplasm. hepatoma, carcinoma
omphal-omphalos [Gr.] navel. omphalectomy
-oniōn [Gr.] something that goes. neutron
onc-1onkos [Gr.] bulk, mass. oncogenesis
onc-2onkos [Gr.] barb, hook. oncosphere
onch-See onc-2. Onchocerca
oneir-oneiros [Gr.] dream. oneirogenic
onych-onyx, onychos [Gr.] claw, nail. anonychia
oo-ōon [Gr.] egg. Cf. ov-. oogenesis
oophor-ōophoros [Gr.] bearing eggs. Cf. ovari-. oophorectomy
op-hōraō, op- [Gr.] see. heteropsia
ophthalm-ophthalmos [Gr.] eye. Cf. ocul-. exophthalmos
opisth-opisthen [Gr.] behind, at the back. opisthotonos
or-os, oris [L.] mouth. Cf. stom(at)-. intraoral
orb-orbis [L.] circle. suborbital
orchi-orchis [Gr.] testicle. Cf. test-. orchiopathy
organ-organon [Gr.] implement, instrument. organomegaly
orth-orthos [Gr.] straight, right, normal. orthopedics
oscill-oscillare [L.] to swing. oscillopsia
-osis-osis [Gr.] noun-forming suffix. Used to denote a process, particularly a disease. dermatosis, bacteriosis
osm-1osmē [Gr.] odor. osmophore
osm-2ōsmos [Gr.] impulse. osmoregulation
oss-os, ossis [L.] bone. Cf. ost(e)-. ossiferous
ost(e)-osteon [Gr.] bone. Cf. oss-. enostosis, osteoarthritis
-ostomystoma [Gr.] mouth. colostomy
ot-ous, ōtos [Gr.] ear. Cf. aur-. parotid, ototoxic
ov-ovum [L.] egg. Cf. oo-. synovia, ovovegetarian
ovari-ovarium [L.] ovary. Cf. oophor-. ovariopexy
oxy-oxys [Gr.] (y is sometimes dropped, often denoting relationship to oxygen). sharp. oxycephalic, oxidation
pachy-pachys [Gr.] thick. pachyderma
pag-pēgnymi, pag- [Gr.] fix, make fast. thoracopagus
palat-palatum [L.] palate. Cf. uran-. palatorrhaphy
pale-palaios [Gr.] old. paleocortex
pali(n)-palin [Gr.] backward, again. palikinesia, palingenesis
pan-pan [Gr.] all. pandemic
par-1pario [L.] bear, give birth to. primipara
par-2See para-. paroccipital
para-para [Gr.] (final a is sometimes dropped before words beginning with a vowel) beside, beyond. paracervical, paraoral, paramnesia
pariet-paries, parietis [L.] wall. parietofrontal
part-pario, partus [L.] bear, give birth to. parturition
path-pathos [Gr.] that which one undergoes, sickness. psychopathic, cardiopathy
pauci-paucus [L.] few. Cf. olig-. pauciarticular
pec-pēgnymi, pēg- [Gr.] (pēk- before t) fix, make fast. amylopectin. (See also pex-)
ped-1pais, paidos [Gr.] child. pediatrics
ped-2pes, pedis [L.] foot. pedicure, pedometer
pell-pellis [L.] skin, hide. pellagra
-pellentpello, pellentis, pulsus [L.] drive. chemorepellent
pen-penomai [Gr.] need, lack. neutropenia
pend-pendeo [L.] hang down. appendix
pent(a)-pente [Gr.] five. Cf. quint-. pentose, pentalogy
peps-peptō, peps- [Gr.] digest. eupepsia
pept-peptō [Gr.] digest. dyspeptic
per-per [L.] through. Cf. dia-. peroral
peri-peri [Gr.] around. Cf. circum-. periphery
pero-pēros [Gr.] maimed. perosplanchnia
pet-peto [L.] seek, tend toward. centripetal
pex-pēgnymi, pēg- [Gr.] (pēg- added to s becomes pēx-) fix, make fast. hepatopexy
pha-phēmi, pha- [Gr.] say, speak. dysphasia
phac-phakos [Gr.] lentil, lens. Cf. lent-. phacosclerosis. (Also spelled phak-)
phag-phagein [Gr.] eat. dysphagia
phak-See phac-. phakitis
phalang-phalanx, phalangos [Gr.] a line or array of soldiers. phalangectomy
phall-phallos [Gr.] penis. phalloplasty
phan-See phen-. phanerosis
pharmac-pharmakon [Gr.] drug. pharmacognosy
pharyng-pharynx, pharyng- [Gr.] throat. pharyngocele
-phas-phasis [Gr.] speech. aphasia
phe-phaios [Gr.] dun, dusky. pheomelanin
phen-phainō, phan- [Gr.] show, be seen. phosphene, phenocopy
pher-pherō, phor- [Gr.] bear, support. periphery
phil-phileō [Gr.] like, have affinity for. eosinophilia
phleb-phleps, phlebos [Gr.] vein. Cf. ven-. periphlebitis
phleg-phlogō, phlog- [Gr.] burn, inflame. phlegmon
phlog-See phleg-. phlogogenic
phob-phobos [Gr.] fear, dread. claustrophobia
phon-phōne [Gr.] sound. phonocardiography
phor-See pher-. Cf. -ferent. exophoria
phos-See phot-. phosphorus
phot-phōs, phōtos [Gr.] light. photophobia
phrag-phrassō, phrag- [Gr.] fence, wall off, stop up. Cf. sept-1. diaphragm
phrax-phrassō, phrag- [Gr.] (phrag- added to s becomes phrax-) fence, wall off, stop up. urethrophraxis
phren-phrēn [Gr.] mind, midriff. Cf. ment-. phrenoplegia, phrenotropic. (See also psych- and thym-2)
phthi-phthinō [Gr.] decay, waste away. phthisis
phy-phyō [Gr.] beget, bring forth, produce, be by nature. osteophyte
phyc-phykos [Gr.] seaweed. phycochrome
phyl-phylon [Gr.] tribe, kind. phylogeny
phylac-phylax [Gr.] guard. prophylactic
phyll-phyllon [Gr.] leaf. chlorophyll, phylloerythrin
phys-physaō [Gr.] blow, inflate. physometra
physe-physaō, physē [Gr.] blow, inflate. emphysema
physi-physis [Gr.] nature. physiology
phyt-phyton [Gr.] plant. phytobezoar, dermatophyte
picr-pikros [Gr.] bitter. picrogeusia
-piesispiesis [Gr.] a pressing or squeezing. anisopiesis
piez-piezo [Gr.] press. piezoelectricity
pil-pilus [L.] hair. epilation
pituit-pituita [L.] phlegm, rheum. pituitary
placent-placenta [L.] (from plakous [Gr.]) cake. extraplacental
plas-plassō [Gr.] mold, shape. rhinoplasty
platy-platy- [Gr.] broad, flat. platypodia
pleg-plēssō, pleg- [Gr.] strike. diplegia
pleo-pleiōn [Gr.] more. pleomorphism, pleiotropy. (Also spelled pleio-)
plet-pleo, -pletus [L.] fill. plethora
pleur-pleura [Gr.] rib, side. Cf. cost-. pleuralgia
plex-plēssō, plēg- [Gr.] (plēg- added to s becomes plēx-) strike. apoplexy
plic-plico [L.] fold. complication, plicate
pluri-plus, pluris [L.] more. pluriglandular
pne-pneuma, pneumatos [Gr.] breathing. orthopnea
pneum(at)-pneuma, pneumatos [Gr.] breath, air. pneumarthrosis, pneumatocele
pneumo(n)-pneumōn [Gr.] lung. Cf. pulmo(n)-. pneumoenteritis, pneumonotomy
pod-pous, podos [Gr.] foot. podiatry
poie-poieō [Gr.] make, produce. Cf. -facient. sarcopoietic
poikil-poikilos [Gr.] spotted, mottled, varied. poikiloderma
pol-polos [Gr.] axis of a sphere. unipolar
poli-polios [Gr.] gray. poliomyelopathy
poly-polys [Gr.] much, many. polyspermy
pont-pons, pontis [L.] bridge. pontocerebellar
por-1poros [Gr.] passage. poradenitis
por-2pōros [Gr.] callus. porokeratosis
-pos-posis [Gr.] a drink. hyperposia
posit-pono, positus [L.] put, place. repositor
post-post [L.] after, behind in time or place. postnatal, postrenal
pre-prae [L.] before in time or place. prenatal, prevesical
presby-presbys [Gr.] old man. presbyopia
press-premo, pressus [L.] press. pressoreceptive
pro-pro [Gr.] or pro [L.] before in time or place. prohormone, prolabium, prolapse
proct-prōktos [Gr.] anus. Cf. rect-. proctology
pros-prosō [Gr.] forward. prosodemic
prosop-prosōpon [Gr.] face. Cf. faci- prosopagnosia
prot-prōtos [Gr.] first. protoplasm, prototype
psamm-psammos [Gr.] sand. psammoma
pseud-pseudēs [Gr.] false. pseudoparaplegia
psych-psychē [Gr.] soul, mind. Cf. ment-. psychosomatic. (See also phren- and thym-2)
psychr-psychros [Gr.] cold. psychroalgia
pto-piptō, ptō [Gr.] fall. nephroptosis
ptyal-ptyalon [Gr.] saliva. ptyalism
pub-pubes [L.] adult. ischiopubic. (See also puber-)
puber-puber [L.] adult. puberty
pulmo(n)-pulmo, pulmonis [L.] lung. Cf. pneumo(n)-. pulmogram, cardiopulmonary
puls-pello, pellentis, pulus [L] drive. propulsion
punct-pungo, punctus [L.] prick, pierce. Cf. cente-. punctiform
pupill-pupilla [L.] girl or pupil. pupillometry
pur-pus, puris [L.] pus. Cf. py-. suppuration
py-pyon [Gr.] pus. Cf. pur-. spondylopyosis
pyel-pyelos [Gr.] trough, basin, pelvis. nephropyelitis
pyg-pygē [Gr.] rump. pygalgia
pykn-pyknos [Gr.] thick, frequent. pyknomorphous, pyknophrasia
pyl-pylē [Gr.] door, orifice. pylephlebitis
pyr-pyr [Gr.] fire. Cf. febr-. pyrogen
quadr-quadr- [L.] four. Cf. tetr(a)-. quadrigeminal
quasi-quasi [L.] as if, as though. quasidominance
quint-quintus [L.] fifth. Cf. pent(a)-. quintuplet
rachi-rachis [Gr.] spine. Cf. spin-. rachiodynia
radi-radius [L.] ray. Cf. actin-. irradiation, radiocarpal
re-re- [L.] back, again. retraction
rect-rectum [L.] rectum. Cf. proct-. rectocele
ren-renes [L.] kidney. Cf. nephr-. adrenal, renography
ret-rete [L.] net. retiform
retr-retro [L.] backwards. retrodeviation
rhabd-rhabdos [Gr.] rod. rhabdomyolysis
rhag-rhēgnymi, rhag- [Gr.] break, burst. hemorrhagic
rhaph-rhaphē [Gr.] suture. arteriorrhaphy
rhe-rheos [Gr.] flow. Cf. flu-. diarrheal
rhex-rhēgnymi, rhēg- [Gr.] (rhēg- added to s becomes rhēx-) break, burst. metrorrhexis
rhin-rhis, rhinos [Gr.] nose. Cf. nas-. rhinoplasty
rhiz-rhiza [Gr.] root. rhizotomy
rhod-rhodon [Gr.] rose. rhodopsin
rhytid-rhytis, rhytidos [Gr.] wrinkle. rhytidectomy
rot-rota [L.] wheel. rotation
rub(r)-ruber, rubri [L.] red. Cf. erythr-. bilirubin, rubrospinal
sacchar-sakcharon [Gr.] sugar. saccharimeter
sacr-sacrum [L.] sacred, sacrum. sacralgia
salping-salpinx, salpingos [Gr.] tube, trumpet. salpingitis
sangui(n)-sanguis, sanguinis [L.] blood. Cf. hem(at)-. sanguifacient, sanguineous
sapr-sapros [Gr.] rotten. saprophyte
sarc-sarx, sarkos [Gr.] flesh. sarcoma
scaph-skaphē [Gr.] skiff, light boat. scaphocephaly
scat-skōr, skatos [Gr.] dung. scatology
schis-schizō, schid- [Gr.] (schid- before t or added to s becomes schis-) split. Cf. fiss-. schistocyte, thoracoschisis. (Also spelled schiz-)
schiz-See schis-. schizonychia
scirrh-skirrhos [Gr.] hard. scirrhous
scler-sklēros [Gr.] hard. Cf. dur-. sclerosis
scoli-skolios [Gr.] twisted. scoliokyphosis
scop-skopeō [Gr.] look at, observe. endoscope
scot-skotos [Gr.] darkness. scotophobia
sect-seco, sectus [L.] cut. Cf. tom-. section
semi-semi [L.] half. Cf. hemi-. semiflexion
sens-sentio, sensus [L.] perceive, feel. Cf. esthe-. sensory
sep-sepō [Gr.] rot, decay. sepsis
37135saepio, saeptus [L.] fence, wall off, stop up. Cf. phrag-. septonasal
37500septum [L.] seven. Cf. hept(a)-. septuplet
ser-serum [L.] whey, watery substance. serosynovitis
sex-1sex [L.] six. Cf. hex(a)-. sextuplet
sex-2sexus [L.] sex. sexopathy
sial-sialon [Gr.] saliva. sialadenitis
sider-sidēros [Gr.] iron. sideroblast
sin-sinus [L.] hollow, fold. Cf. colp-. sinobronchitis
sinistr-sinister [L.] left. sinistrocerebral
-sis-sis [Gr.] suffix of action. amebiasis, psychosis, diagnosis
sit-sitos [Gr.] food. parasitic
solen-sōlēn [Gr. channel, gutter, pipe. solenonychia
solut-solvo, solventis, solutus [L.] loosen, dissolve, set free. Cf. ly-. dissolution
-solventSee solut-. resolvent
som(at)-sōma, somatos [Gr.] body. Cf. corpor-. psychosomatic, chromosome
somn-somnus [L.] sleep. somnambulism
spas-spaō, spas- [Gr.] draw, pull. spasm, spastic
spectr-spectrum [L.] appearance, what is seen. microspectroscope
sperm(at)-sperma, spermatos [Gr.] seed. spermicide, spermatozoon
spers-spargo, -spersus [L.] scatter. dispersion
sphen-sphēn [Gr.] wedge. Cf. cune-. sphenoid
spher-sphaira [Gr.] ball. hemisphere
sphygm-sphygmos [Gr.] pulsation. sphygmomanometer
spin-spina [L.] spine. Cf. rachi-. spinocerebellar
spir-speira [Gr.] coil. spirochete
spir(at)-spiro, spiratus [L.] breathe. spirometry, inspiratory
splanchn-splanchna [Gr.] entrails, viscera. neurosplanchnic
splen-splēn [Gr.] spleen. Cf. lien-. splenomegaly
spondyl-spondylos [Gr.] vertebra. spondylolisthesis
spongi-spongia [L.] sponge. spongioblastoma
spor-sporos [Gr.] seed. sporocyst, zoospore
squam-squama [L.] scale. desquamation
sta-histēmi, sta- [Gr.] make stand, stop. hemostasis
stal-stellō, stal- [Gr.] send. peristalsis. (See also -stol-)
staphyl-staphylē [Gr.] bunch of grapes, uvula. staphylococcus, staphyledema
stear-stear, steatos [Gr.] fat. Cf. adip-. stearate. (See also lip-)
steat-See stear-. steatorrhea
sten-stenos [Gr.] narrow, compressed. stenothorax
ster-stereos [Gr.] solid. cholesterol
sterc-stercus [L.] dung, feces. Cf. copr-. stercoroma
stern-sternon [Gr.] sternum. sternalgia, sternoschisis
steth-stēthos [Gr.] chest. stethoscope
sthen-sthenos [Gr.] strength. asthenia
-stol-stellō, stol- [Gr.] send. diastole
stom(at)-stoma, stomatos [Gr.] mouth, orifice. Cf. or-. anastomosis, stomatalgia
strep(h)-strephō, strep- (before t) [Gr.] twist. Cf. tors-. strephosymbolia, streptomycin. (See also stroph-)
strict-stringo, stringentis, strictus [L.] draw tight, compress, cause pain. constriction
-stringentSee strict-. astringent
stroph-strephō, stroph- [Gr.] twist. Cf. tors-. angiostrophe. (See also strep(h)-)
struct-struo, structus [L.] pile up (against). obstruction
styl-stilus [L.] stake, pole. stylohyoid, stylosteophyte
sub-sub [L.] (b changes to f and p before words beginning with those consonants) under, below. Cf. hypo-. sublingual
suf-See sub-. suffusion
sup-See sub-. suppository
super-super [L.] above, beyond, extreme. Cf. hyper-. supermotility
supra-supra [L.] above. supraduction
sy-See syn-. systole
sym-See syn-. symbiosis, symmetry, sympathetic, symphysis
syn-syn [Gr.] (n disappears before s, changes to l before l, and changes to m before b, m, p, and ph) with, together. Cf. con-. synarthrosis
syring-syrinx, syringos [Gr.] pipe, tube, fistula. syringocystadenoma
ta-See ton-. ectasia
tac-tassō, tag- [Gr.] (tag- changes to tak-, which becomes tac-, before t) order, arrange. atactiform
tach(y)-tachys [Gr.] swift. tachography, tachycardia
tact-tango, tactus [L.] touch. contact
taenia-taenia [L.] tape. taeniafuge. (Also spelled tenia-)
tars-tarsos [Gr.] a broad, flat surface. tarsorrhaphy, tarsoclasis
taur-taurus [L.] bull. taurodontism
taut-tautos [Gr.] same. tautomerism
tax-tassō, tag- [Gr.] (tag- added to s becomes tax-) order, arrange. ataxia
tect-See teg-. protective
teg-tego, tectus [L.] cover. integument
tel-telos [Gr.] end. telomere
tele-tēle [Gr.] at a distance. teleceptor
tempor-tempus, temporis [L.] time, temple. temporomandibular
tend(in)-tendo, tendines [L.] tendon. tendovaginal, tendinitis
ten(ont)-tenōn, tenontos [Gr.] (from teinō stretch) tightly stretched band. tenodynia, tenontology
tens-tendo, tensus [L.] stretch. Cf. ton-. extensor
terat-teras, teratos [Gr.] monster. teratoma
ter(ti)-ter [L.] thrice. Cf. tri-. termolecular, tertigravida
test-testis [L.] testicle. Cf. orchi-. testitis
tetr(a)-tetra- [Gr.] four. Cf. quadr-. tetradactyly, tetroxide
thanat-thanatos [Gr.] death, thanatophobia
the-tithēmi, thē- [Gr.] put, place. synthesis
thec-thēkē [Gr.] repository, case. thecostegnosis
thel(e)-thēlē [Gr.] teat, nipple. thelerethism, theleplasty
therap-therapeia [Gr.] treatment. chemotherapy
therm-thermē [Gr.] heat. Cf. calor-. diathermy
thi-theion [Gr.] sulfur. thiazole, thiocyanate
thigm-thigma [Gr.] touch. thigmotaxis
thorac-thōrax, thōrakos [Gr.] chest. thoracoplasty
-thrixSee trich-. monilethrix
thromb-thrombos [Gr.] lump, clot. thrombocytopenia
thym-1thymos [Gr.] thymus. thymoma
thym-2thymos [Gr.] spirit. Cf. ment-. dysthymia, thymoleptic. (See also phren- and psych-)
thyr-thyreos [Gr.] shield (shaped like a door [thyra]). thyroid
-tme-temnō, tmē- [Gr.] cut. axonotmesis
toc-tokos [Gr.] childbirth. dystocia
tom-temnō, tom- [Gr.] cut. Cf. sect-. appendectomy, tomography
ton-teino, ton-, ta- [Gr.] stretch, put under tension. Cf. tens-. peritoneum
top-topos [Gr.] place. Cf. loc-. topesthesia, isotope
tors-torqueo, torsus [L.] twist. Cf. strep(h)- and stroph-. torsion
tox(ic)-toxikon [Gr.] (from toxon bow) arrow poison, poison. toxemia, toxicology
trache-tracheia [Gr.] windpipe. tracheotomy
trachel-trachēlos [Gr.] neck. Cf. cervic-. trachelopexy
tract-traho, tractus [L.] draw, drag. protraction
trans-trans [L.] through. transaortic, transfection
traumat-trauma, traumatos [Gr.] wound. traumatic
trepo-trepō [Gr.] turn. trepopnea, treponema
tri-treis, tria [Gr.] or tri- [L.] three. Cf. ter(ti)-. trilaminar
trich-thrix, trichos [Gr.] hair. trichobezoar
trip-tribō [Gr.] rub. lithotripsy
trop-trepō, trop- [Gr.] turn, react. sitotropism
troph-trepō, troph- [Gr.] nurture. atrophy
tub-tubus [L.] pipe. tuboplasty
tuber-tuber [L.] swelling, node. tubercle
tympan-tympanon [Gr.] drum. tympanocentesis
typ-typos [Gr.] (from typto strike) type. atypical
typh-typhos [Gr.] fog, stupor. typhus
typhl-typhlos [Gr.] blind. Cf. cec-. typhlectomy
tyr-tyros [Gr.] cheese. tyrogenous
ul-1oulē [Gr.] scar. ulerythema
ul-2oulon [Gr.] gum. ulatrophy
ultra-ultra [L.] beyond. ultrastructure
uni-unus [L.] one. Cf. hen-. unilateral
ur-ouron [Gr.] urine. polyuria
uran-ouranos [Gr.] the vault of heaven, or the roof of the mouth. Cf. palat-. uranostaphyloplasty
ureter-ourētēr [Gr.] ureter. ureterography
urethr-ourēthra [Gr.] urethra. urethropexy
uter-uterus [L.] womb. Cf. hyster- and metr-2. uterorectal
vacc-vacca [L.] cow. vaccine
vagin-vagina [L.] sheath. invagination, vaginitis
varic-varix, varicis [L.] varicose vein. varicocele
vas-vas [L.] vessel. Cf. angi-. vascular
ven-vena [L.] vein. Cf. phleb-. venopressor
ventr-venter [L.] belly. ventrocystorrhaphy, ventriculotomy
vers-See vert-. inversion
vert-verto, versus [L.] turn. diverticulum
vesic-vesica [L.] bladder. Cf. cyst-. vesicovaginal
video-video [L.] see. videolaparoscopy
viscer-viscus, visceris [L.] internal organs. visceromotor
vit-vita [L.] life. Cf. bi-1. devitalize
vivi-vivus [L.] alive. viviparous
vuls-vello, vulsus [L.] pull, twitch. convulsion
xanth-xanthos [Gr.] yellow, blond. Cf. flav- and lute-. xanthochromia
xen-xenos [Gr.] strange, foreign. xenograft
xer-xēros [Gr.] dry. xeroderma
xiph-xiphos [Gr.] sword, xiphoid process. xiphodynia
-yl-hyle [Gr.] substance. carboxyl
zo-zoē [Gr.] life or zōon [Gr.] animal. microzoon
zyg-zygon [Gr.] yoke, union. zygodactyly
zym-zymē [Gr.] ferment. enzyme
Aaccommodation; adenine; adenosine; alanine; alveolar gas (as subscript); ampere; anode; anterior
A.L. annum (year)
Aabsorbance; activity; admittance; area; mass number
AIsecondary auditory cortex
AIIsecond auditory area
A2aortic second sound
aaccommodation; arterial blood (as subscript); atto-
a.L. annum (year); L. aqua (water); L. arteria (artery)
aacceleration; activity; specific absorptivity
āL. ante (before)
αalpha chain of hemoglobin; Bunsen coefficient; heavy chain of IgA; the probability of Type I error
AAachievement age; amino acid
aa.L. arteriae (arteries)
AAOamino acid oxidase
AASanabolic-androgenic steroid
AAVadeno-associated virus
ABL. Artium Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Arts)
ABCargon beam coagulator; aspiration biopsy cytology; avidin-biotin complex
ABCDAdriamycin (doxorubicin), bleomycin, CCNU (lomustine), and dacarbazine
ABEacute bacterial endocarditis
ABGarterial blood gases
ABIankle-brachial index
ABLBalternate binaural loudness balance
ABMTautologous bone marrow transplantation
ABParterial blood pressure
ABRauditory brainstem response
abs. feb.L. absente febre (while fever is absent)
abst, abstrabstract
ABVDAdriamycin (doxorubicin), bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine
ACacromioclavicular; air conduction; alternating current; axiocervical; Adriamycin (doxorubicin) and cyclophosphamide
a.c.L. ante cibum (before meals)
ACATacyl CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase
ACDacid citrate dextrose
ACEangiotensin-converting enzyme
ACGangiocardiography; apexcardiogram
AcGaccelerator globulin (factor V)
ACPacid phosphatase
ACTHadrenocorticotropic hormone
ADalcohol dehydrogenase; L. auris dextra (right ear)
ADAadenosine deaminase
ADCCantibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity
add.L. adde (add); L. addatur (let there be added)
ADHalcohol dehydrogenase; antidiuretic hormone
Adhib.L. adhibendus (to be administered)
ADLactivities of daily living
ad lib.L. ad libitum (at pleasure)
admov.L. admove (add); L. admoveatur (let there be added)
ADPadenosine diphosphate
ADPKDautosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
Ad pond. om.L. ad pondus omnium (to the weight of the whole)
ADHRautosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets
adst. feb.L. adstante febre (while fever is present)
Adv.L. adversum (against)
Ad 2 vic.L. ad duas vices (at two times, for two doses)
A-E, AEabove-elbow
AEDautomatic external defibrillator
Aeg.L. aeger, aegra (the patient)
AEPauditory evoked potential
aet.L. aetas (age)
AFatrial fibrillation
AFibatrial fibrillation
AFlatrial flutter
AFOankle-foot orthosis
AFPalpha fetoprotein
AFXatypical fibroxanthoma
AGatrial gallop
Agantigen; silver (L. argentum)
AGEadvanced glycation end product
AGEPacute generalized exanthematous pustulosis
AGEPCacetyl glyceryl ether phosphoryl choline
aggred. fed.L. aggrediente febre (while the fever is coming on)
Agit. vas.L. agitato vase (the vial being shaken)
AGTantiglobulin test
ahhyperopic astigmatism
AHAacetohydroxamic acid
AHFantihemophilic factor (factor VIII)
AHGantihemophilic globulin (factor VIII)
AHPAssistant House Physician
AHSAssistant House Surgeon
AIanaphylatoxin inactivator; aortic incompetence; aortic insufficiency; apical impulse; aromatase inhibitor; artificial insemination
AICCanti-inhibitor coagulant complex
AICDactivation-induced cell death; automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
AIDartificial insemination by donor
AIDSacquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AIHartificial insemination by husband
AIHAautoimmune hemolytic anemia
AILDangioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia
AIPacute intermittent porphyria
AISandrogen insensitivity syndrome
A-K, AKabove-knee
ALAaminolevulinic acid
ALARAas low as reasonably achievable (exposure dose of radiation)
ALAS5-aminolevulinate synthase
ALATalanine aminotransferase
ALGantilymphocyte globulin
ALLacute lymphoblastic leukemia
ALMacral-lentiginous melanoma
ALPalkaline phosphatase
ALMacral-lentiginous melanoma
ALSamyotrophic lateral sclerosis; antilymphocyte serum
ALTalanine transaminase
Alt. dieb.L alternis diebus (every other day)
Alt. hor.L. alternis horis (every other hour)
AML. Artium Magister (Master of Arts)
amametropia; meter angle; myopic astigmatism
AMANacute motor axonal neuropathy
AMEapparent mineralocorticoid excess
Amhmixed astigmatism with myopia predominating over hyperopia
AMIacute myocardial infarction
AMLacute myelogenous leukemia
AMPadenosine monophosphate
3′,5′-AMPcyclic AMP; cyclic adenosine monophosphate
amsamount of a substance
amuatomic mass unit
Ananodal; anode
ANAantinuclear antibodies
anat.anatomical; anatomy
ANCAantineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (or antibody)
ANCOVAanalysis of covariance
ANFantinuclear factor
ANNA-1type 1 antineuronal antibody
ANNA-2type 2 antineuronal antibody
ANOVAanalysis of variance
ANPatrial natriuretic peptide
ANSanterior nasal spine; autonomic nervous system
ANTUalphanaphthyl thiourea
ANUGacute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
AOankle orthosis; opening of the atrioventricular valves
APaction potential; angina pectoris; anterior pituitary; anteroposterior; arterial pressure
Apaf-1apoptotic protease activating factor 1
APBatrial premature beat
APCatrial premature complex; activated protein C
APCAanti−Purkinje cell antibody
APCCanti-inhibitor coagulant complex
APDatrial premature depolarization; pamidronate (amino-hydroxypropylidene diphosphonate)
APECEDautoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dysplasia; autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy
APFacidulated phosphate fluoride
APNadvanced practice nurse
APPamyloid precursor protein
APRIAST to platelet ratio index
APRNadvanced practice registered nurse
APSantiphospholipid (antibody) syndrome
APTT, aPTTactivated partial thromboplastin time
APUDamine precursor uptake (and) decarboxylation
AQachievement quotient
Aq.L. aqua (water)
Aq. dest.L. aqua destillata (distilled water)
Aq. pur.L. aqua pura (pure water)
Aq. tep.L. aqua tepida (tepid water)
ARalarm reaction; aortic regurgitation; artificial respiration
ara-Aadenine arabinoside
ARCAIDS-related complex; anomalous retinal correspondence
ARDacute respiratory disease (of any undefined form); acute respiratory distress
ARDSacute respiratory distress syndrome; adult respiratory distress syndrome
ARFacute renal failure
ARNacute retinal necrosis
AROAautosomal recessive ocular albinism
ARPKDautosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
ARTAccredited Record Technician; assisted reproductive technology; automated reagin test
ASaortic stenosis; arteriosclerosis; L. auris sinistra (left ear)
Asarsenic; astigmatism
ASAacetylsalicylic acid; argininosuccinic acid; antisperm antibody
5-ASA5-aminosalicylic acid
ASATaspartate aminotransferase
ASCTautologous stem cell transplantation
ASCVDarteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
ASFaniline, formaldehyde, and sulfur
ASHasymmetrical septal hypertrophy
ASHDarteriosclerotic heart disease
ASIAddiction Severity Index
ASOarteriosclerosis obliterans
Aspaspartic acid
asRNAantisense RNA
ASSanterior superior spine (of ilium)
ASTaspartate transaminase
ATatrial tachycardia
ATAalimentary toxic aleukia=
ATCCAmerican Type Culture Collection
ATGantithymocyte globulin
ATLadult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma
ATNtyrosinase-negative (ty-neg) oculocutaneous albinism
at noatomic number
ATPadenosine triphosphate
ATSantitetanic serum
at volatomic volume
at wtatomic weight
AUL. aures unitas (both ears together); L. auris uterque (each ear)
AuAustralia antigen; gold (L. aurum)
AUCarea under the curve
AULacute undifferentiated leukemia
AV, A-Vatrioventricular; arteriovenous
AVAanthrax vaccine adsorbed
AVNatrioventricular node
AVParginine vasopressin
AVRTatrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia
awuatomic weight unit
AZOORacute zonal occult outer retinopathy
Bbel; boron
Bmagnetic flux density
bbarn; base (nucleic acids); born
βbeta chain of hemoglobin
BABachelor of Arts
BACbacterial artificial chromosome
BACOPbleomycin, Adriamycin (doxorubicin), cyclophosphamide, Oncovin (vincristine), and prednisone
BAEPbrain stem auditory evoked potential
BALBritish antilewisite; biphenotypic acute leukemia
BANBritish Approved Name
BAObasal acid output
BATOboronic acid adduct of technetium oxime
BBBblood-brain barrier; bundle branch block
BBBBbilateral bundle branch block
BBTbasal body temperature
BCbone conduction
BCAAbranched-chain amino acids
B-CAVebleomycin, CCNU (lomustine), Adriamycin (doxorubicin), and vinblastine
BCDFB cell differentiation factors
BCFbasophil chemotactic factor
BCGbacille Calmette-Guérin; bicolor guaiac test; ballistocardiogram
BCGFB cell growth factors
BDNFbrain-derived neurotrophic factor
b.d.L. bis die (twice a day)
BDSBachelor of Dental Surgery
BDScBachelor of Dental Science
B-E, BEbelow-elbow
BFblastogenic factor
BFPbiologic false-positive
BFU-Eburst-forming unit-erythroid
BHAbutylated hydroxyanisole
BHCbenzene hexachloride
BHTbutylated hydroxytoluene
Bib.L. bibe (drink)
b.i.d.L. bis in die (twice a day)
B-K, BKbelow-knee
BKVBK virus
BMIbody mass index
BMPbone morphogenetic protein
BMRbasal metabolic rate
BMSBachelor of Medical Science
BMTbehavioral marital therapy; bone marrow transplantation
BNABasle Nomina Anatomica
BNPbrain natriuretic peptide
Bol.L. bolus (pill)
BOOPbronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia
BPblood pressure; British Pharmacopoeia
bpbase pair; boiling point
BPDbronchopulmonary dysplasia
BPHbenign prostatic hyperplasia
B PhBritish Pharmacopoeia
BPIbactericidal permeability increasing protein
BPIGbacterial polysaccharide immune globulin
BPRSBrief Psychiatric Rating Scale
BPVbovine papillomavirus
BRMbiologic response modifier
BSBachelor of Surgery; Bachelor of Science; blood sugar; breath sounds
BSAbody surface area
BSFB lymphocyte stimulatory factor
BSSBernard-Soulier syndrome
BTKBruton tyrosine kinase
BTUBritish thermal unit
Bull.L. bulliat (let it boil)
BUNblood urea nitrogen
But.L. butyrum (butter)
BVADbiventricular assist device
Ccanine (tooth); carbon; cathode; Celsius (scale); cervical vertebrae (C1–C7); clonus; closure; color sense; complement (C1–C9); compliance (subscripts denote the structure, e.g., CL lung compliance); contraction; coulomb; cylinder; cylindrical lens; cytidine; cytosine; large calorie
Ccapacitance; clearance (subscripts denote the substance, e.g., C1 or CIn inulin clearance); heat capacity
°Cdegree Celsius
ccenti-; small calorie
c.L. cibus (food); L. cum (with)
cmolar concentration; specific heat capacity; velocity of light in a vacuum
L. cum (with)
CAcardiac arrest; chronologic age; cold agglutinin; coronary artery; croup-associated (virus)
CA 125cancer antigen 125
caL. circa (about)
CABGcoronary artery bypass graft
CADcoronary artery disease; chronic actinic dermatitis
CAHcongenital adrenal hyperplasia
CAIScomplete androgen insensitivity syndrome
Callarge calorie (kilocalorie)
Calef.L. calefac (make warm); L. calefactus (warmed)
CALLAcommon acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen
CAMcell adhesion molecules; complementary and alternative medicine
cAMPcyclic adenosine monophosphate
CAPcatabolite (gene) activator protein
Cap.L. capiat (let him take)
CAPDcontinuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
Capsul.L. capsula (capsule)
CARcancer-associated retinopathy
CASAcomputer-aided (or assisted) semen analysis
CATcomputerized axial tomography
Cath.L. catharticus (cathartic)
CAVBcomplete atrioventricular block
CBL. Chirurgiae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Surgery)
cbccomplete blood count
CBFcerebral blood flow
CBGcorticosteroid-binding globulin
CCchief complaint
cccubic centimeter (on the JCAHO Do Not Use List)
CCAcongenital contractural arachnodactyly
CCATconglutinating complement absorption test
CCFcrystal-induced chemotactic factor
CCHScongenital central hypoventilation syndrome
CCPcomplement control protein; cyclic citrullinated peptide
CCPDcontinuous cycling peritoneal dialysis
CCUcoronary care unit; critical care unit
CDcadaveric donor; cluster designation; conjugata diagonalis; curative dose
CD50median curative dose
Cdcadmium; caudal; coccygeal
CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
CDDPcisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum)
cdfcumulative distribution function
CDGcongenital disorder of glycosylation
CDHcongenital dislocation of the hip
cDNAcomplementary DNA; copy DNA
CDPcytidine diphosphate
CEAcarcinoembryonic antigen
CEMcontagious equine metritis
CEPcongenital erythropoietic porphyria
cescentral excitatory state
CESDcholesteryl ester storage disease
CETPcholesteryl ester transfer protein
CFcarbolfuchsin; cardiac failure; Christmas factor; citrovorum factor
CFAPchronic functional abdominal pain
cffcritical fusion frequency
CFTcomplement fixation test
CFTRcystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator
CFUcolony-forming unit
CFU-Ccolony-forming unit-culture
CFU-Ecolony-forming unit-erythroid
CFU-GMcolony-forming unit–granulocyte-macrophage
CFU-Scolony-forming unit-spleen
CGDchronic granulomatous disease
CGHcomparative genomic hybridization
cGMPcyclic guanosine monophosphate
CGS, cgscentimeter-gram-second system
CHcrown-heel (length of fetus)
CH50, CH50total hemolytic complement
CHAOScongenital high airway obstruction syndrome
CJDCreutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Chart.L. charta (paper)
ChBL. Chirurgiae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Surgery)
CHDcongenital heart disease; coronary heart disease
ChDL. Chirurgiae Doctor (Doctor of Surgery)
CHFcongestive heart failure
CHLcrown-heel length (of fetus)
ChML. Chirurgiae Magister (Master of Surgery)
CHOChinese hamster ovary (cell)
CHOPcyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunomycin (doxorubicin), Oncovin (vincristine), and prednisone
CHOP-BLEOcyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunomycin (doxorubicin), Oncovin (vincristine), prednisone, and bleomycin
CIcardiac index; Colour Index
cib.L. cibus (food)
CIDPchronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
CIHCertificate in Industrial Health
CINcervical intraepithelial neoplasia
C1 INHC1 inhibitor
CKcreatine kinase
ClCchloride channel
CLIPcorticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide
CML. Chirurgiae Magister (Master of Surgery)
cm2square centimeter
cm3cubic centimeter
CMACertified Medical Assistant
CMAPcompound muscle action potential
CMDcerebromacular degeneration
CMFcyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil
CMHCcommunity mental health center
cm H2Ocentimeter(s) of water
CMIcell-mediated immunity
CMLcell-mediated lympholysis
c mmcubic millimeter
C-MOPPcyclophosphamide, Oncovin (vincristine), procarbazine, and prednisone
CMPcytidine monophosphate
c.m.s.L. cras mane sumendus (to be taken tomorrow morning)
CMTCalifornia mastitis test; Certified Medical Transcriptionist; Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
c.n.L. cras nocte (tomorrow night)
C3 NeFC3 nephritic factor
CNMCertified Nurse-Midwife
CNScentral nervous system
c.n.s.L. cras nocte sumendus (to be taken tomorrow night)
CNVcontingent negative variation
COcardiac output
Cocobalt; coccygeal (in vertebral formulas)
CoAcoenzyme A
CoA-SHcoenzyme A
COBScesarean-obtained barrier-sustained
COCcalcifying odontogenic cyst
cochl.L. cochleare (a spoonful)
cochl. amp.L. cochleare amplum (a heaping spoonful)
cochl. mag.L. cochleare magnum (a tablespoonful)
cochl. med.L. cochleare medium (a dessertspoonful)
cochl. parv.L. cochleare parvum (a teaspoonful)
Coct.L. coctio (boiling)
Col.L. cola (strain)
Colat.L. colatus (strained)
COLDchronic obstructive lung disease
Colet.L. coletur (let it be strained)
Collut.L. collutorium (mouth wash)
Collyr.L. collyrium (an eye wash)
Color.L. coloretur (let it be colored)
COMPcartilage oligomeric matrix protein
Comp.L. compositus (compound)
ConAconcanavalin A
Concis.L. concisus (cut)
Cons.L. conserva (keep)
Cont.L. contusus (bruised)
Contin.L. continuetur (let it be continued)
Cont. rem.L. continuetur remedium (let the medicine be continued)
COPcyclophosphamide, Oncovin (vincristine), and prednisone
COP-BLAMcyclophosphamide, Oncovin (vincristine), prednisone, bleomycin, Adriamycin (doxorubicin), and Matulane (procarbazine)
COPDchronic obstructive pulmonary disease
COPPcyclophosphamide, Oncovin (vincristine), procarbazine, and prednisone
Coq.L. coque (boil)
Coq. in s. a.L. coque in sufficiente aqua (boil in sufficient water)
Coq. s. a.L. coque secundum artem (boil properly)
Cort.L. cortex (bark)
CPcandle power; chemically pure
C3PAC3 proactivator (former name for factor B)
CPAPcontinuous positive airway pressure
CPCclinicopathological conference
CPDcitrate phosphate dextrose
CPDA-1citrate phosphate dextrose adenine
CPDDcalcium pyrophosphate deposition disease
C PedCertified Pedorthist
CPHCertificate in Public Health
CPICalifornia Personality Inventory; congenital palatopharyngeal incompetence
CPKcreatine phosphokinase
CPMcentral pontine myelinolysis; cyclophosphamide
cpmcounts per minute
CPPcerebral perfusion pressure
CPPDcalcium pyrophosphate dihydrate
CPPSchronic pelvic pain syndrome
CPRcardiopulmonary resuscitation
CPScarbamoyl phosphate synthetase
CPSIcarbamoyl phosphate synthetase I
CPSIIcarbamoyl phosphate synthetase II
cpscycles per second
CRcomplement receptor; conditioned response; crown-rump (length of fetus)
CR3complement receptor type 3
Crast.L. crastinus (for tomorrow)
CREGcross-reactive group (of HLA antigens)
CRFchronic renal failure
CRHcorticotropin-releasing hormone
CRLcrown-rump length (of fetus)
CRMcross-reacting material
CRNACertified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
cRNAcomplementary RNA
CRPC-reactive protein
CRPScomplex regional pain syndrome
CRRTcontinuous renal replacement therapy
CScesarean section; conditioned stimulus; coronary sinus; o-chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile
CSCFr. coup sur coup (blow on blow)
CSFcerebrospinal fluid; colony-stimulating factor
CSF-1macrophage colony-stimulating factor
CSIIcontinuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
CSMcerebrospinal meningitis
C-spinecervical spine
CSTcontraction stress test
CTcomputed tomography
CTBAcetrimonium bromide
CTLcytotoxic T lymphocytes
CTPcytidine triphosphate
Cucopper (L. cuprum)
Cuj.L. cujus (of which)
CVcardiovascular; closing volume; coefficient of variation
C.V.L. cras vespere (tomorrow evening); L. conjugata vera (true conjugate diameter of the pelvic inlet)
CVAcerebrovascular accident; costovertebral angle
CVIDcommon variable immunodeficiency
CVPcentral venous pressure; cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone
CVScardiovascular system; chorionic villus sampling
CXcircumflex artery
Cxcervix; convex
Cyath.L. cyathus (a glassful)
cyclic AMPcyclic adenosine monophosphate
cyclic GMPcyclic guanosine monophosphate
cylcylinder; cylindrical lens
Ddalton; deciduous (teeth); decimal reduction time; density; deuterium; died; diffusing capacity; diopter; distal; dorsal vertebrae (D1–D12); dose; duration; dwarf (colony)
D.L. da (give); L. detur (let it be given); L. dexter (right); L. dosis (dose)
DLdiffusing capacity of the lung
dday; deci-; deoxyribose
d.L. da (give); L. detur (let it be given); L. dexter (right); L. dosis (dose)
ddensity; diameter
Δchange (as in temperature); increment
δdelta chain of hemoglobin; heavy chain of IgD
DAdevelopmental age; diphenylchlorarsine
DADdelayed afterdepolarization
dADPdeoxyadenosine diphosphate
DAECdiffusely adherent Escherichia coli
DAFdecay accelerating factor
dAMPdeoxyadenosine monophosphate
D and Cdilatation and curettage
dATPdeoxyadenosine triphosphate
DAyDoctor of Ayurvedic Medicine
dB, dbdecibel
DBSdeep brain stimulation
DCdirect current; Doctor of Chiropractic
D & Cdilatation and curettage
DCAdesoxycorticosterone acetate
DCcdouble concave
dCDPdeoxycytidine diphosphate
DCFdirect centrifugal flotation
DCHDiploma in Child Health
DCISductal carcinoma in situ
dCMPdeoxycytidine monophosphate
DCOGDiploma of the College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (British)
dCTPdeoxycytidine triphosphate
DCxdouble convex
d.d.L. detur ad (let it be given to)
DDHdevelopmental dysplasia of the hip
DDP, cis-DDPcisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum)
DDSdiaminodiphenylsulfone (dapsone); Doctor of Dental Surgery
DDScDoctor of Dental Science
Deb. spis.L. debita spissitudine (of the proper consistency)
Dec.L. decanta (pour off)
Decoct.L. decoctum (a decoction)
Decub.L. decubitus (lying down)
de d. in d.L. de die in diem (from day to day)
DEFdecayed, extracted, filled
Degdegeneration; degree
Deglut.L. deglutiatur (let it be swallowed)
Dep.L. depuratus (purified)
dest.L. destilla (distill); L. destillatus (distilled)
destil.L. destilla (distill)
Det.L. detur (let it be given)
Det. in dup., Det. in 2 ploL. detur in duplo (let twice as much be given)
D. et s.L. detur et signetur (let it be given and labeled)
DFPdiisopropyl fluorophosphate
DFTdefibrillation threshold
DGCdystrophin-glycoprotein complex
dGDPdeoxyguanosine diphosphate
dGMPdeoxyguanosine monophosphate
dGTPdeoxyguanosine triphosphate
DHdelayed hypersensitivity
DHA2,8-dihydroxyadenine; docosahexaenoic acid
DHADmitoxantrone hydrochloride (dihydroanthracenedione dihydrochloride)
DHFdihydrofolate; dihydrofolic acid
DHFRdihydrofolate reductase
DHgDoctor of Hygiene
DHomDoctor of Homeopathic Medicine
DHPG3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol; ganciclovir (9-[(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxy)methyl] guanine)
DHPR6,7-dihydropteridine reductase
DHSdehydrated hereditary stomatocytosis
DHyDoctor of Hygiene
DICdiffuse intravascular coagulation; disseminated intra-vascular coagulation
Dieb. alt.L. diebus alternis (on alternate days)
Dieb. tert.L. diebus tertiis (every third day)
Dig.L. digeratur (let it be digested)
dil.L. dilue (dilute, dissolve)
Diluc.L. diluculo (at daybreak)
dilut.L. dilutus (diluted)
dim.L. dimidius (one half)
D. in p. aeq.L. divide in partes aequales (divide into equal parts)
DIPdistal interphalangeal
Dir. prop.L. directione propria (with proper direction)
DISDiagnostic Interview Schedule
DISHdiffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
DISIDAdisofenin (diisopropyl iminodiacetic acid)
Dist.L. distilla (distill)
Div.L. divide (divide)
DJDdegenerative joint disease
DKAdiabetic ketoacidosis
DLdiffusing capacity of the lung
DLEdiscoid lupus erythematosus
DMdiabetes mellitus; diphenylamine chlorarsine
DMARDdisease-modifying antirheumatic drug
DMDDoctor of Dental Medicine
DMFdecayed, missing, filled; dimethylformamide
DMRDDiploma in Medical Radio-Diagnosis (British)
DMRTDiploma in Medical Radio-Therapy (British)
DMSAsuccimer (meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid)
DMSOdimethyl sulfoxide
DNdibucaine number
DNAdeoxyribonucleic acid
DNBdinitrobenzene; Diplomate of the National Board (of Medical Examiners)
DNRdo not resuscitate
DODoctor of Osteopathy
DOAdead on arrival
Donec alv. sol. fueritL. donec alvus soluta fuerit (until the bowels are opened, i.e., until a bowel movement occurs)
DPDoctor of Pharmacy; Doctor of Podiatry; L. directione propria (with proper direction)
DPHDiploma in Public Health
DPMDiploma in Psychological Medicine; Doctor of Podiatric Medicine
DPTdiphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine
DRreaction of degeneration
DREdigital rectal examination
DRGDiagnosis-Related Group
DrPHDoctor of Public Health
DRPLAdentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy
DSCDoctor of Surgical Chiropody
DSDdisorder of sexual development
dsDNAdouble-stranded DNA
DSMDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
dsRNAdouble-stranded RNA
DTdiphtheria and tetanus toxoids
Dtduration tetany
DTaPdiphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine
D.T.D.L. datur talis dosis (give of such a dose)
dTDPdeoxythymidine diphosphate
DTHdelayed-type hypersensitivity
DTIC, Dticdacarbazine
dTMPdeoxythymidine monophosphate
DTPdiphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine
DTPAdiethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid
dTTPdeoxythymidine triphosphate
DUBdysfunctional uterine bleeding
DUHdyschromatosis universalis hereditaria
dUMPdeoxyuridine monophosphate
Dur. dolor.L. durante dolore (while the pain lasts)
dUTPdeoxyuridine triphosphate
dvdouble vibrations
DVMDoctor of Veterinary Medicine
DVTdeep vein thrombosis; deep venous thrombosis
Eelastance; energy; expectancy; electromotive force; illumination; electric intensity; redox potential
Ehredox potential
standard reduction potential
eelementary unit of electric charge; the base of natural logarithms
εepsilon chain of hemoglobin; heavy chain of IgE; molar absorptivity
ηabsolute viscosity
EACerythrocyte, antibody, and complement
EACAepsilon-aminocaproic acid
EADearly afterdepolarization
ead.L. eadem (the same)
EAEexperimental allergic encephalomyelitis
EAECenteroadherent Escherichia coli
EAggECenteroaggregative Escherichia coli
EAHFeczema, asthma, hay fever
EARexpired air resuscitation
Ea. R.Ger. Entartungs-Reaktion (reaction of degeneration)
EAVelectroacupuncture after Voll
EBelementary body
EBCTelectron beam computed tomography
EBLenzootic bovine leukosis
EBVEpstein-Barr virus
ECEnzyme Commission
ECDethyl cysteinate dimer
ECFextracellular fluid; eosinophil chemotactic factor; extended care facility
ECF-Aeosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis
ECIelectrocerebral inactivity
ECLSextracorporeal life support
ECMextracellular matrix
ECMOextracorporeal membrane oxygenation
ECSelectrocerebral silence
ECTelectroconvulsive therapy
EDeffective dose; emergency department; erectile dysfunction; erythema dose
ED50median effective dose
EDReffective direct radiation; electrodermal response
EDRFendothelium-derived relaxing factor
EDTAethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
EDVend-diastolic volume
EEEeastern equine encephalomyelitis
EENTeyes, ears, nose, and throat
EERPextended endocardial resection procedure
EFAessential fatty acid
EGFepidermal growth factor
EGTAegtazic acid
EHBFestimated hepatic blood flow
EHDPetidronate (ethane-1-hydroxy-1,1-diphosphonate)
EHECenterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
EIerythema infectiosum
EIAenzyme immunoassay
EIECenteroinvasive Escherichia coli
EITerythrocyte iron turnover
Ejusd.L. ejusdem (of the same)
ELBWextremely low birth weight
ELISAenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
EMBeosin−methylene blue
EMFelectromotive force
Emp.L. emplastrum (a plaster)
EMSEmergency Medical Service
emul.L. emulsum (emulsion)
ENAextractable nuclear antigens
EnaCepithelial sodium channel
ENTears, nose, and throat
EPevoked potential
EPAeicosapentaenoic acid
EPECenteropathogenic Escherichia coli
EPMprogressive myoclonic epilepsy
EPPerythropoietic protoporphyria
EPRelectron paramagnetic resonance; electrophrenic respiration
EPSPexcitatory postsynaptic potential
ERemergency room; endoplasmic reticulum; estrogen receptor
ERBFeffective renal blood flow
ERCPendoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
ERGICendoplasmic reticulum−Golgi intermediate compartment
ERMegrin, radixin, and moiesin
ERPendocardial resection procedure
ERPFeffective renal plasma flow
ERVexpiratory reserve volume
ESEGer. elektrostatische Einheit (electrostatic unit)
ESFerythropoietic stimulating factor
ESPextrasensory perception
ESRelectron spin resonance; erythrocyte sedimentation rate
ESRDend-stage renal disease
ESTelectric shock therapy; electroshock therapy; expressed sequence tag
esuelectrostatic unit
ESVend-systolic volume
ETECenterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
ETFelectron transfer flavoprotein
ET-NANBenterically transmitted non-A, non-B hepatitis
eVelectron volt
EWHOelbow-wrist-hand orthosis
Exhib.L. exhibeatur (let it be given)
FFahrenheit (scale); farad; fertility (plasmid); fluorine; formula; French (scale); phenylalanine; visual field
F.L. fiat (let there be made)
Fcoefficient of inbreeding; faraday; force
F1first filial generation
F2second filial generation
°Fdegree Fahrenheit
ffemto-; focal length
FAfatty acid; fluorescent antibody
FABFrench-American-British (classification)
Fabfragment, antigen-binding
Facbfragment, antigen-and-complement-binding
FACDFellow of the American College of Dentists
FACOGFellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
FACPFellow of the American College of Physicians
FACRFellow of the American College of Radiology
FACSFellow of the American College of Surgeons; fluorescence-activated cell sorter
FACSMFellow of the American College of Sports Medicine
FADflavin adenine dinucleotide
FADH2the reduced form of flavin adenine dinucleotide
F and Rforce and rhythm (of pulse)
FAPfamilial adenomatous polyposis
FAPHAFellow of the American Public Health Association
fasc.L. fasciculus (bundle)
FBGfasting blood glucose
FCfragment, crystallizable
FDAFood and Drug Administration; L. fronto-dextra anterior (right frontoanterior [position of the fetus])
FDHfamilial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia
FDPfibrin degradation products; fibrinogen degradation products; L. fronto-dextra posterior (right frontoposterior [position of the fetus])
FDTL. fronto-dextra transversa (right frontotransverse [position of the fetus])
F-dUMP5-fluorodeoxyuridine monophosphate
FENafractional excretion of sodium
FeNaexcreted fraction of filtered sodium
Feiron (L. ferrum)
Feb. dur.L. febre durante (while the fever lasts)
FEFforced expiratory flow
Fem. intern.L. femoribus internus (at the inner side of the thighs)
FEPfree erythrocyte protoporphyrin
Ferv.L. fervens (boiling)
FESfat embolism syndrome; functional electrical stimulation; functional endoscopic sinus surgery
FEVforced expiratory volume
FFAfree fatty acids
FFTflicker fusion threshold
F.h.L. fiat haustus (let a draft be made)
FIAfluorescence immunoassay; fluorescent immunoassay; fluoroimmunoassay
FIACFellow of the International Academy of Cytology
FICDFellow of the International College of Dentists
FICSFellow of the International College of Surgeons
FIGLUformiminoglutamic acid
FIGOFédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d’Obstétrique (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) (classification)
FISHfluorescence in situ hybridization
FITCfluorescein isothiocyanate
FIVfeline immunodeficiency virus
FLAL. fronto-laeva anterior (left frontoanterior [position of the fetus])
F.l.a.L. fiat lege artis (let it be done according to rule)
fl drfluid dram
Flor.L. flores (flowers)
fl ozfluid ounce
FLPL. fronto-laeva posterior (left frontoposterior [position of the fetus])
FLTL. fronto-laeva transversa (left frontotransverse [position of the fetus])
F.M.L. fiat mistura (make a mixture)
FMNflavin mononucleotide
FMNH2the reduced form of flavin mononucleotide
FNHfocal nodular hyperplasia
FNSfunctional neuromuscular stimulation
FNTCfine needle transhepatic cholangiography
F.p.L. fiat potio (let a potion be made)
fpfreezing point
FPGfasting plasma glucose
F.pil.L. fiant pilulae (let pills be made)
Fract. dos.L. fracta dosi (in divided doses)
FRCfunctional residual capacity
FRCPFellow of the Royal College of Physicians
FRCP(C)Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada
FRCPEFellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
FRCP(Glasg)Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow qua Physician
FRCPIFellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland
FRCSFellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
FRCS(C)Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada
FRCSEdFellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
FRCS(Glasg)Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow qua Surgeon
FRCSIFellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
FRCVSFellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
FRETfluorescence resonance energy transfer
FRFPSGFellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
FRSFellow of the Royal Society
Frust.L. frustillatim (in small pieces)
F.s.a.L. fiat secundum artem (let it be made skillfully)
FSFfibrin-stabilizing factor (factor XIII)
FSGfocal segmental glomerulosclerosis
FSGSfocal segmental glomerulosclerosis
FSHfollicle-stimulating hormone
FSH/LH-RHfollicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone−releasing hormone
FSH-RHfollicle-stimulating hormone−releasing hormone
Ft.L. fiat, fiant (let there be made)
Ft. mas. div. in pil.L. fiat massa dividenda in pilulae (let a mass be made and divided into pills)
Ft. pulv.L. fiat pulvis (let a powder be made)
FUDR, FUdRfloxuridine (5-fluorouracil deoxyribonucleoside)
FUOfever of unknown origin
FUSfeline urological syndrome
FVCforced vital capacity
Ggauss; giga-; glycine; gravida; guanine; guanosine
Gconductance; G force; Gibbs free energy; gravitational constant
gstandard gravity
γgamma chain of fetal hemoglobin; heavy chain of IgG
GABAγ-aminobutyric acid
GADgeneralized anxiety disorder; glutamic acid decarboxylase
GALTgut-associated lymphoid tissue
GAPDglyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
GargL. gargarisma (gargle)
GAVEgastric antral vascular ectasia
GBMglomerular basement membrane
GBSGuillain-Barré syndrome
GCgas chromatography
g-cal.gram calorie
GCSGlasgow Coma Scale
G-CSFgranulocyte colony−stimulating factor
GDMgestational diabetes mellitus
GDPguanosine diphosphate
Gel. quav.L. gelatina quavis (in any kind of jelly)
GERDgastroesophageal reflux disease
GESgastric electrical stimulation
GeVgigaelectron volt (one billion electron volts)
GFAPglial fibrillary acidic protein
GFRglomerular filtration rate
GGRglobal genome repair
GHgrowth hormone
GHAglucoheptonate (gluceptate)
GH-RHgrowth hormone–releasing hormone
GIFTgamete intrafallopian transfer
GIPgastric inhibitory polypeptide
GISTgastrointestinal stromal tumor
GLgreatest length
gl.L. glandula (gland)
GLCgas-liquid chromatography
GLIglucagon-like immunoreactivity
GLPglucagon-like peptide
Gluglutamic acid
GMCGeneral Medical Council (British)
GM-CSFgranulocyte-macrophage colony−stimulating factor
GMKgreen monkey kidney (cells)
GMOgenetically modified organism
GMPguanosine monophosphate
3′, 5′-GMP, cyclic GMPcyclic guanosine monophosphate
GMSGomori methenamine silver
Gn-RHgonadotropin-releasing hormone
GOTglutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase
GPgeneral paresis; general practitioner
GPCRG protein−coupled receptor
G6PDglucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
GPTglutamic-pyruvic transaminase
Grad.L. gradatim (by degrees)
GRHgrowth hormone−releasing hormone
GSCgas-solid chromatography
GSHreduced glutathione
GSSGerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome
GSSGoxidized glutathione
gt.L. gutta (drop)
GTHgonadotropic hormone
GTNgestational trophoblastic neoplasia
GTPguanosine triphosphate
GTTglucose tolerance test
gtt.L. guttae (drops)
Guttat.L. guttatim (drop by drop)
Gutt. quibusd.L. guttis quibusdam (with a few drops)
GVHgraft-versus-host (disease)
GVHDgraft-versus-host disease
GXTgraded exercise test
HGer. Hauch (breath, used to describe bacterial colonies); henry; histidine; Hounsfield unit; hydrogen; hyperopia
H0null hypothesis
H1alternative hypothesis
Haalternative hypothesis
hhecto-; hour
h.L. hora (hour)
hPlanck’s constant; height
HAhemadsorbent; hemagglutinin; hepatitis A
HAAhepatitis-associated antigen
HAARThighly active antiretroviral therapy
HAIbemagglutination inhibition (test)
H and Ehematoxylin-eosin (stain)
HANEhereditary angioneurotic edema
HAPEhigh-altitude pulmonary edema
HAThypoxanthine-aminopterin-thymidine (medium)
Haust.L. haustus (a draft)
HAVhepatitis A virus
HBhepatitis B
HBchepatitis B core (antigen)
HBcAghepatitis B core antigen
HbCVHaemophilus b conjugate vaccine
HBEHis bundle electrogram
HBehepatitis B e (antigen)
HBeAghepatitis B e antigen
HbPVHaemophilus b polysaccharide vaccine
HBshepatitis B surface (antigen)
HBsAghepatitis B surface antigen
HBVhepatitis B virus
HCHospital Corps
HCG, hCGhuman chorionic gonadotropin
HCMhypertrophic cardiomyopathy
HCPhereditary coproporphyria
HCVhepatitis C virus
HDhemodialysis; Huntington disease
H.d.L. hora decubitus (at bedtime)
HDCVhuman diploid cell (rabies) vaccine
HDLhigh-density lipoprotein
HDL-Chigh-density-lipoprotein cholesterol
HDNhemolytic disease of the newborn
HDPoxidronate (hydroxymethylene diphosphonate)
HDVhepatitis D virus
H & Ehematoxylin-eosin (stain)
HEDGer. Haut-Einheits-Dosis (unit skin dose)
HeGFhuman epidermal growth factor
HEKhuman embryo kidney (cell culture)
HELhuman embryo lung (cell culture)
HEMPAShereditary erythroblastic multinuclearity with positive acidified serum
HEPhepatoerythropoietic porphyria
Herb. recent.L. herbarium recentium (of fresh herbs)
HERVhuman endogenous retroviruses
HETEhydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid
HEVhepatitis E virus
HFHageman factor (factor XII); high frequency
Hfrhigh frequency of recombination
Hgmercury (L. hydrargyrum)
HGAhuman granulocytic anaplasmosis
HGBVhepatitis GB virus
HGEhuman granulocytic ehrlichiosis
HGFhepatocyte growth factor
HGGhuman gamma globulin
HGH, hGHhuman growth hormone
hGHrhuman growth hormone recombinant
HGPRThypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase
HGVhepatitis G virus
HHThydroxyheptadecatrienoic acid
HIhemagglutination inhibition (test)
5-HIAA5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid
HIDAhepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid
HIDShyperimmunoglobulinemia D syndrome
HIEShyper-immunoglobulin E syndrome
HIVhuman immunodeficiency virus
HKAFOhip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis
Hllatent hyperopia
HLAhuman leukocyte antigens
HLHShyoplastic left heart syndrome
Hmmanifest hyperopia
HMDPoxidronate (hydroxymethylene diphosphonate)
hMGhuman menopausal gonadotropin
HMOhealth maintenance organization
HMPAOhexamethylpropyleneamine oxime
HMSNhereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
HMWKhigh-molecular-weight kininogen
HMW-NCFhigh-molecular-weight neutrophil chemotactic factor
HNPCChereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
hnRNAheterogeneous nuclear RNA
hnRNPheterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein
HOhand orthosis; hip orthosis
HOCMhypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
HOPhydroxydaunomycin (doxorubicin), Oncovin (vincristine), and prednisone
Hor. decub.L. hora decubitus (at bedtime)
Hor. interm.L. horis intermediis (at the intermediate hours)
Hor. un. spatioL. horae unius spatio (at the end of one hour)
HPhouse physician
HPETEhydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid
HPFhigh-power field
HPL, hPLhuman placental lactogen
HPLChigh-performance liquid chromatography
HPRThypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase
HPTAhepatopoietin A
HPVhuman papillomavirus
HRAhigh right atrial (electrogram)
HRCThigh-resolution computed tomography
HRFhistamine-releasing factor; homologous restriction factor
HRPhorseradish peroxidase
HRThormone replacement therapy
HShouse surgeon
h.s.L. hora somni (at bedtime)
HSAhuman serum albumin
HSANhereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy
hs-CRPhigh-sensitivity C-reactive protein
HSRhomogeneously staining regions
HSVherpes simplex virus
5-HT5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin)
Httotal hyperopia
HTACShuman thyroid adenylate cyclase stimulators
HTChomozygous typing cells
3H-TdRtritium-labeled thymidine
HTLV-1human T-lymphotropic virus 1
HTLV-2human T-lymphotropic virus 2
HTLV-IIIhuman T-cell lymphotropic virus type III (human immunodeficiency virus)
HuIFNhuman interferon
HUVShypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis syndrome
HVAhomovanillic acid
HVLhalf-value layer
Iincisor; inosine; iodine; isoleucine
Ielectric current; intensity (of radiant energy); ionic strength
IABinfra-aortic balloon (counterpulsation)
IABPinfra-aortic balloon pump
IADLinstrumental activities of daily living
IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency
IAHAimmune adherence hemagglutination assay
IAPinhibitor of apoptosis protein
IAPPislet amyloid polypeptide
IBinclusion body
IBCiron-binding capacity
IBDinflammatory bowel disease
IBFimmunoglobulin-binding factor
IBSirritable bowel syndrome
ICinspiratory capacity; irritable colon
ICAM-1intercellular adhesion molecule 1
ICAM-2intercellular adhesion molecule 2
ICCsinterstitial cells of Cajal
ICDimplantable cardioverter-defibrillator; International Classification of Diseases (of the World Health Organization); intrauterine contraceptive device
ICFintracellular fluid
ICPintracranial pressure
ICSHinterstitial cell−stimulating hormone (luteinizing hormone)
ICSIintracytoplasmic sperm injection
ICTinsulin coma therapy
ICUintensive care unit
IDintradermal; inside diameter; infective dose
ID50median infective dose
Id.L. idem (the same)
IDAiminodiacetic acid
IDD, IDDMinsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1 diabetes mellitus)
IDLintermediate-density lipoprotein
IFintrinsic factor
IFAimmunofluorescence assay
IgAimmunoglobulin A
IgDimmunoglobulin D
IgEimmunoglobulin E
IGFinsulinlike growth factor
IgGimmunoglobulin G
IGIVimmune globulin intravenous (human)
IgMimmunoglobulin M
IGTimpaired glucose tolerance
IHDischemic heart disease
IHSSidiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
ILTinfectious laryngotracheitis
ILVENinflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus
ImD50median immunizing dose
IMFinframammary fold
IMPAincisal mandibular plane angle
IMVintermittent mandatory ventilation
IMViC, imvicindole, methyl red, Voges-Proskauer, and citrate
in d.L. in dies (daily)
Inf.L. infunde (pour in)
INHisonicotine hydrazine (isoniazid)
INNInternational Nonproprietary Name
InsP3inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate
IOLintraocular lens
IOPintraocular pressure
IORTintraoperative radiotherapy
IPintraperitoneal; isoelectric point
IP3inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate
IPDintermittent peritoneal dialysis
IPPBintermittent positive pressure breathing
IPSIDimmunoproliferative small intestine disease
IPSPinhibitory postsynaptic potential
IPSSinferior petrosal sinus sampling
IPVpoliovirus vaccine inactivated
IQintelligence quotient
IRMAimmunoradiometric assay
IRVinspiratory reserve volume
ISinsertion sequence; intercostal space
ISAintrinsic sympathomimetic activity
ISOInternational Standards Organization
ITPidiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; inosine triphosphate
ITTinsulin tolerance test
IUInternational unit (on the JCAHO Do Not Use List)
IUDintrauterine device
IUGRintrauterine growth restriction; intrauterine growth retardation
IUIintrauterine insemination
IVCinferior vena cava
IVFin vitro fertilization
IVPintravenous pyelogram; intravenous pyelography
IVRTisovolumic relaxation time
IVSinterventricular septum (of heart)
JAKJanus kinase
JCVJC virus
JIAjuvenile idiopathic arthritis
JRAjuvenile rheumatoid arthritis
juscul.L. jusculum (soup or broth)
Kkelvin; lysine; potassium (L. kalium)
Kequilibrium constant
Kaacid dissociation constant
Kbbase dissociation constant
Kddissociation constant
Keqequilibrium constant
KM, KmMichaelis constant
Kspsolubility product constant
KWion product of water
kBoltzmann constant; rate constant
κdielectric constant; one of the two types of immunoglobulin light chains
KAFOknee-ankle-foot orthosis
kbpkilobase pairs (1000 base pairs)
kD, kDakilodalton
keVkiloelectron volt (1000 electron volts)
kg-callarge calorie
kjknee jerk
KPkeratic precipitates
KSKaposi sarcoma
KUBkidney, ureter, and bladder
kVpkilovolts peak
Llambert; left; leucine; light chain; liter; lung; lumbar vertebra (L1-L5)
L.L. libra (pound)
Lluminance; self-inductance
L0limes nul (dose)
L+, L+limes tod (dose)
L0limes nul (dose)
lformer symbol for liter (now replaced by L)
l.L. ligamentum (ligament)
llength; levo-
λdecay constant; one of the two types of immunoglobulin light chains; wavelength
L0limes nul (dose)
L & Alight and accommodation (reaction of pupils)
LAClaparoscopic-assisted colectomy
LADeft axis deviation; leukocyte adhesion deficiency
LAEleft atrial enlargement
Lag.L. lagena (flask)
LAHleft anterior hemiblock
LAIVlive, attenuated influenza vaccine
LAOleft anterior oblique (position of the fetus)
LAPleukocyte adhesion protein; leukocyte alkaline phosphatase
LASIKlaser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis
Lat. dol.L. lateri dolenti (to the painful side)
LATSlong-acting thyroid stimulator
LATS-plong-acting thyroid stimulator protector
LAVlymphadenopathy-associated virus (human immunodeficiency virus)
LAVHlaparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy
lbpound (L. libra)
LBBBleft bundle branch block
LBPlow back pain
LBWlow birth weight (infant)
LCAleft coronary artery; leukocyte common antigens
LCATlecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase
LCISlobular carcinoma in situ
LCMlymphocytic choriomeningitis
LCRlocus control region
LDlethal dose; light difference
LD50median lethal dose
LDAleft displacement of the abomasum; left dorsoanterior (position of the fetus)
LDHL-lactate dehydrogenase
LDLlow-density lipoprotein
LEleft eye; lupus erythematosus
LEMSLambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome
leslocal excitatory state
LETlinear energy transfer
Lflimes flocculating (dose)
LFAleft frontoanterior (position of the fetus)
LFA-1leukocyte function–associated antigen 1
LFA-2leukocyte function–associated antigen 2
LFA-3leukocyte function–associated antigen 3
LFPleft frontoposterior (position of the fetus)
LFTleft frontotransverse (position of the fetus)
LGAlarge for gestational age
LGBlaparoscopic gastric banding
LHluteinizing hormone
LH-RHluteinizing hormone–releasing hormone
LIAleukemia-associated inhibitory activity
LIFleft iliac fossa; leukocyte inhibitory factor
lig.ligament; ligamentum
ligg.L. ligamenta (ligaments)
Liq.L. liquor (liquid)
LLLleft lower lobe (of lung)
LMlight minimum; linguomesial
LMAleft mentoanterior (position of the fetus)
LMFlymphocyte mitogenic factor
LMOliving modified organism
LMPleft mentoposterior (position of the fetus); last menstrual period; latent membrane protein
LMTleft mentotransverse (position of the fetus)
LMWKlow-molecular-weight kininogen
lnnatural logarithm
LNMPlast normal menstrual period
LNPFlymph node permeability factor
LOAleft occipitoanterior (position of the fetus)
LOAELlowest observed adverse effect level
Loc. dol.L. loco dolenti (to the painful spot)
LOELlowest observed effect level
LOHloss of heterozygosity
LOPleft occipitoposterior (position of the fetus)
LOTleft occipitotransverse (position of the fetus)
Lot.L. lotio (lotion)
LPlumbar puncture
LPFlow-power field
LPHleft posterior hemiblock; lipotropic hormone
LPNlicensed practical nurse
LPRlaryngopharyngeal reflux
LPVlymphotropic papovavirus
Lrlimes reacting (dose)
LRDliving related donor
LRRleucine-rich repeat
LSAleft sacroanterior (position of the fetus)
LScAleft scapuloanterior (position of the fetus)
LScPleft scapuloposterior (position of the fetus)
LSDlysergic acid diethylamide
LSOlumbosacral orthosis
LSPleft sacroposterior (position of the fetus)
L-spinelumbar spine
LSTleft sacrotransverse (position of the fetus)
LTFlymphocyte-transforming factor
LTRlong terminal repeats
LULleft upper lobe (of lung)
LVADleft ventricular assist device
LVEDPleft ventricular end-diastolic pressure
LVEDVleft ventricular end-diastolic volume
LVETleft ventricular ejection time
LVHleft ventricular hypertrophy
LVNlicensed vocational nurse
Mlow frequency component of the first heart sound; methionine; molar; morgan; mucoid (colony); myopia
M.L. misce (mix); L. mistura (a mixture)
Mmutual inductance; molar mass; molar
M1mitral valve closure
Mrrelative molecular mass
mmedian; meter; milli-
m.L. musculus (muscle); minim
mmass; molal
μelectrophoretic mobility; heavy chain of IgM; linear attenuation coefficient; micro-; micron; population mean
MAMaster of Arts; mental age; meter angle
MAAmacroaggregated albumin
MACmembrane attack complex; minimal alveolar concentration; Mycobacterium avium complex
Mac.L. macerare (macerate)
MADDmultiple acyl CoA dehydrogenation deficiency
MAFmacrophage-activating factor
Mag.L. magnus (large)
MAISmild androgen insensitivity syndrome; minimal androgen insensitivity syndrome
MALTmucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
Man., Manip.L. manipulus (a handful)
Man. pr.L. mane primo (early in the morning)
MAOmaximal acid output; monoamine oxidase
MAOImonoamine oxidase inhibitor
MAPmean arterial pressure; microtubule-associated protein
MAPKmitogen-activated protein kinase
mascmass concentration
Mas. pil.L. massa pilularum (pill mass)
MASTmilitary (or medical) anti-shock trousers
MATmultifocal atrial tachycardia
Matut.L. matutinus (in the morning)
MBMedicinae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Medicine)
m.b.L. misce bene (mix well)
MBCminimal bactericidal concentration
MBLmannose-binding lectin
MBPmajor basic protein; myelin basic protein
MCL. Magister Chirurgiae (Master of Surgery); Medical Corps
MCDmean of consecutive differences
MCEmyocardial contrast echocardiography
MCFmacrophage chemotactic factor
MCFAmedium-chain fatty acid
MCHmean corpuscular hemoglobin
MCHCmean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
MCI/MImethylchloroisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone
MCMIMillon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory
MCPmembrane cofactor protein
Mcpsmegacycles per second (million cycles per second)
MCSmechanical circulatory support
M-CSFmacrophage colony-stimulating factor
MCTmean circulation time
MCVmeningococcal conjugate vaccine; mean corpuscular volume
MCV4meningococcal conjugate vaccine
MDL. Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Medicine)
MDAmethylenedioxyamphetamine; L. mento-dextra anterior (right mentoanterior [position of the fetus])
MDFmyocardial depressant factor
MDPmethylene diphosphonate; L. mento-dextra posterior (right mentoposterior [position of the fetus])
MDRmultidrug resistance; multiple drug resistance
MDTL. mento-dextra transversa (right mentotransverse [position of the fetus])
MEDminimal effective dose; minimal erythema dose
MEDLARSMedical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System
MENmultiple endocrine neoplasia
MEPmaximum expiratory pressure
mEq, meqmilliequivalent
MESAmicrosurgical epididymal sperm aspiration
MeSHMedical Subject Headings
M. et sig.L. misce et signa (mix and write a label)
MeVmegaelectron volt (one million electron volts)
M. flac.L. membrana flaccida (pars flaccida membranae tympanicae)
MFRmonthly fecundity rate
M. ft.L. mistura fiat (let a mixture be made)
μgmicrogram (on the JCAHO Do Not Use List)
MGUSmonoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
MHA-TPmicrohemagglutination assay−Treponema pallidum
MHCmajor histocompatibility complex
MImyocardial infarction
MIBG, mIBGiobenguane (m-iodobenzylguanidine)
MICminimal inhibitory concentration
MIDminimum infective dose
MIFmigration inhibition factor; migration inhibitory factor
min.L. minimum (a minim)
MIOminimal identifiable odor
MIPmaximum inspiratory pressure
MIRLmembrane inhibitor of reactive lysis (protectin)
MISmüllerian-inhibiting substance
mist.L. mistura (a mixture)
Mit.L. mitte (send)
MJDMachado-Joseph disease
MKmonkey lung (cell culture)
MKSmeter-kilogram-second system
MLAL. mento-laeva anterior (left mentoanterior [position of the fetus])
MLBWmoderately low birth weight (infant)
MLCmixed lymphocyte culture; minimal lethal concentration
MLDmedian lethal dose; minimum lethal dose
MLNSmucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
MLPL. mento-laeva posterior (left mentoposterior [position of the fetus])
MLRmixed lymphocyte reaction
MLTL. mento-laeva transversa (left mentotransverse [position of the fetus])
MMmucous membrane
MMFmycophenolate mofetil
mm Hgmillimeter of mercury
MMIHSmegacystis-microcolon–intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome
MMPmatrix metalloproteinase
MMPIMinnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
MMRmeasles-mumps-rubella (vaccine)
MMRVmeasles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccine live
MMSEMini-Mental State Examination
MNGIEmitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy
MOMedical Officer
Mod. praesc.L. modo praescripto (in the way directed)
MODYmaturity-onset diabetes of youth
Mol wt, mol wtmolecular weight
MOPPmechlorethamine, Oncovin (vincristine), procarbazine, and prednisone
MORCMedical Officers Reserve Corps
Mor. dict.L. more dicto (in the manner directed)
Mor. sol.L. more solito (in the usual way)
MOTTmycobacteria other than tubercle bacilli
mpmelting point
MPDmaximum permissible dose
MPHMaster of Public Health
MPSmononuclear phagocyte system; mucopolysaccharidosis
MPSVmeningococcal polysaccharide vaccine
MRmitral regurgitation
MRAMedical Record Administrator; magnetic resonance angiography
MRACPMember of Royal Australasian College of Physicians
MRCPMember of the Royal College of Physicians
MRCPEMember of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
MRCP(Glasg)Member of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow qua Physician
MRCPIMember of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
MRCSMember of the Royal College of Surgeons
MRCSEdMember of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
MRCSIMember of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
MRCVSMember of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
MRDminimum reacting dose
MRDMmalnutrition-related diabetes mellitus
MRImagnetic resonance imaging
mRNAmessenger RNA
MRSAmethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MSMaster of Science; Master of Surgery; mitral stenosis; multiple sclerosis
MSAmultiple system atrophy
MSEMental Status Examination
MSGmonosodium glutamate
MSHmelanocyte-stimulating hormone
MSImicrosatellite instability
MSLmidsternal line
MSLTmultiple sleep latency test
MS/MStandem mass spectrometry
MSUDmaple syrup urine disease
MTMedical Technologist
MTCmedullary thyroid carcinoma
MTDmaximum tolerated dose
mtDNAmitochondrial DNA
MTHFRmethylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
MTOCmicrotubule organizing center
MTPmicrosomal triglyceride transfer protein
m.u.mouse unit
MUAPmotor unit action potential
MUCmaximum urinary concentration
Muc.L. mucilago (mucilage)
MUGAmultiple gated acquisition (scanning)
MUPmotor unit potential
MVmegavolt (million electron volts); minute volume; L. Medicus Veterinarius (veterinary physician)
M-VACmethotrexate, vinblastine, Adriamycin (doxorubicin), and cisplatin
MVPmitral valve prolapse
MVVmaximal (or maximum) voluntary ventilation
MWmolecular weight
Nnewton; nitrogen; normal (solution)
NAvogadro’s number; neutron number; normal (solution); number; population size
NAAvogadro’s number
nnano; neutron; refractive index
n.L. nervus (nerve)
n(haploid) chromosome number; refractive index; sample size
nDrefractive index
vdegrees of freedom; frequency; kinematic viscosity; neutrino
NANomina Anatomica; numerical aperture
Nasodium (L. natrium)
NAATnucleic acid amplification test
NADnicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; no appreciable disease
NAD+the oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
NADHthe reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
NADPnicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
NADP+the oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
NADPHthe reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
NANN-acetylneuraminic acid
NANBHnon-A, non-B hepatitis
NAPnasion, point A, pogonion
NASHnonalcoholic steatohepatitis
NATnucleic acid test
NBSNational Bureau of Standards (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
NBTnitroblue tetrazolium
NBTEnonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis
NCFneutrophil chemotactic factor
NCHSNational Center for Health Statistics
NCINational Cancer Institute
NCVnerve conduction velocity
NDDoctor of Naturopathy
nDNAnuclear DNA
NDVNewcastle disease virus
Nd:YAGneodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (laser)
NEDno evidence of disease
NEFAnonesterified fatty acids
NERnucleotide excision repair
NFNational Formulary
NGFnerve growth factor
NIDD, NIDDMnon–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes mellitus)
NIPHSnoninsulinoma pancreatogenous hypoglycemia syndrome
NMNnicotinamide mononucleotide
NMRnuclear magnetic resonance
NMSneuroleptic malignant syndrome
nn.L. nervi (nerves)
NNRTInon-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor
No.numero (to the number of)
NOAELno observed adverse effect level
Noct.L. nocte (at night)
Noct. maneq.L. nocte maneque (at night and in the morning)
NOELno observed effect level
NOMIDneonatal-onset multisystem inflammatory disease
non repetat.L. non repetatur (do not repeat)
NORnucleolar organizing region
NPNnonprotein nitrogen
NPOL. nil per os (nothing by mouth)
NRCnormal retinal correspondence
NREMnon-rapid eye movement
NRIselective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
NSnormal saline
NSAIAnonsteroidal antiinflammatory analgesic (or agent)
NSAIDnonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug
NSCLCnon-small cell lung carcinoma
NSIADnephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis
NSILAnonsuppressible insulin-like activity
NSRnormal sinus rhythm
NSTnonstress test
NTPnormal temperature and pressure; National Toxicology Program
NUGnecrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
nvCJDnew variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
NVSnutritionally variant streptococci
NYDnot yet diagnosed
OGer. ohne Hauch (without breath, used to describe bacterial colonies); oxygen
O.L. oculus (eye)
OAocular albinism
OAEotoacoustic emissions
OAFosteoclast activating factor
OAPOncovin (vincristine), ara-C (cytarabine), and prednisone
OATornithine aminotransferase
OCAoculocutaneous albinism
OCDobsessive-compulsive disorder
OCToptical coherence tomography; ornithine carbamoyltransferase; oxytocin challenge test
ODL. oculus dexter (right eye); Doctor of Optometry; optical density; outside diameter; overdose
ODAL. occipito-dextra anterior (right occipitoanterior [position of the fetus])
ODCorotidine 5-phosphate decarboxylase
ODDDoculodentodigital dysplasia
ODPL. occipito-dextra posterior (right occipitoposterior [position of the fetus])
ODTL. occipito-dextra transversa (right occipitotransverse [position of the fetus])
OFDoral-facial-digital (syndrome)
OGTToral glucose tolerance test
OIosteogenesis imperfecta; oxygenation index
OICosteogenesis imperfecta congenita
OITosteogenesis imperfecta tarda
OLL. oculus laevus (left eye)
Ol.L. oleum (oil)
OLAL. occipito-laeva anterior (left occipitoanterior [position of the fetus])
OLPL. occipito-laeva posterior (left occipitoposterior [position of the fetus])
OLTL. occipito-laeva transversa (left occipitotransverse [position of the fetus])
o.m.L. omni mane (every morning)
OMDDoctor of Oriental Medicine
Omn. bih.L. omni bihora (every two hours)
Omn. hor.L. omni hora (every hour)
Omn. noct.L. omni nocte (every night)
OMPAoctamethyl pyrophosphoramide
Om. quar. hor.L. omni quadrante hora (every quarter of an hour)
o.n.L. omni nocte (every night)
OPRTorotate phosphoribosyltransferase
OPVpoliovirus vaccine live oral
ORoperating room
ORFopen reading frame
ORSoral rehydration salts
ORToral rehydration therapy
OSL. oculus sinister (left eye)
OSAobstructive sleep apnea
OSASobstructive sleep apnea syndrome
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration
OTold term (anatomy); Old tuberculin
OTCover the counter; ornithine transcarbamoylase
OTDorgan tolerance dose
OUL. oculus uterque (each eye)
OVDocclusal vertical dimension
ozounce (It. onza)
Ppara; peta-; phosphate group; phosphorus; poise; posterior; premolar; proline; pupil
Ppower; pressure; probability
P1parental generation
P2pulmonic second sound
Pco2carbon dioxide partial pressure (carbon dioxide tension)
Po2oxygen partial pressure (oxygen tension)
ppico-; proton; short arm of a chromosome
p150, 95glycoprotein p150,95
pmomentum; (in statistics) the probability that a specific event will occur
IIproduct (in mathematics)
πthe ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle, approximately 3.1415926536; osmotic pressure
Φmagnetic flux
PAphysician assistant; posteroanterior; pulmonary artery
Papascal; protactinium
PAB, PABAp-aminobenzoic acid
PACpremature atrial complex
PACUpostanesthesia care unit
PAFplatelet activating factor
PAGEpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
PAHp-aminohippuric acid; phenylalanine hydroxylase
PAHAp-aminohippuric acid
PAIplasminogen activator inhibitor
PAISpartial androgen insensitivity syndrome
PALSperiarterial lymphoid sheath
PAMprimary amebic meningoencephalitis
l-PAMl-phenylalanine mustard
PANpolyarteritis nodosa
PAOpeak acid output
PAPperoxidase-antiperoxidase (technique)
PARpseudoautosomal region
Par. aff.L. pars affecta (the part affected)
Part. aeq.L. partes aequales (equal parts)
Part. vic.L. partitis vicibus (in divided doses)
PASp-aminosalicylic acid; periodic acid-Schiff (reaction)
PASAp-aminosalicylic acid
PASGpneumatic antishock garment
PATparoxysmal atrial tachycardia
PAWPpulmonary artery wedge pressure
PBPharmacopoeia Britannica
Pblead (L. plumbum)
PBBpolybrominated biphenyl
PBIprotein-bound iodine
PBPCperipheral blood progenitor cells
PCphosphocreatine; phosphatidylcholine
p.c.L. post cibum (after meals)
PCApassive cutaneous anaphylaxis
PCBpolychlorinated biphenyl
PcBnear point of convergence
PCCprothrombin complex concentrate
PCDpterin-4α-carbinolamine dehydratase
PCECpurified chick embryo cell (vaccine)
PCIpercutaneous coronary intervention
Pco2carbon dioxide partial pressure (carbon dioxide tension)
PCOSpolycystic ovary syndrome
PCPphencyclidine hydrochloride; Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
PCRpolymerase chain reaction; protein catabolic rate
PCTporphyria cutanea tarda
PCVpacked-cell volume
PCV7pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine
PCWPpulmonary capillary wedge pressure
PDprism diopter; interpupillary distance; peritoneal dialysis
PDApatent ductus arteriosus; posterior descending (coronary) artery
PDTphotodynamic therapy
PEphosphatidylethanolamine; phycoerythrin; pulmonary embolism
PEApulseless electrical activity
PEARSporcine epidemic abortion and respiratory syndrome
PEEPpositive end-expiratory pressure
PEFpeak expiratory flow
PEFRpeak expiratory flow rate
PEGpercutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy; pneumoencephalography; polyethylene glycol
PEG-ADAPEG-adenosine deaminase
PEMprotein-energy malnutrition
PENpharmacy equivalent name
PEPphosphoenolpyruvate; preejection period
PETpositron emission tomography
PETNpentaerythritol tetranitrate
PFESpelvic floor electrical stimulation
PFOpatent foramen ovale
PGprostaglandin; Pharmacopoeia Germanica
PGADpersistent genital arousal disorder
PGDpreimplantation genetic diagnosis
PGD2, PGE2, PGF2a, PGI2symbols for various prostaglandins
PGLparaganglioma syndrome
PhPharmacopeia; phenyl
PHA1pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1
pharpharmaceutical; pharmacopeia; pharmacy
Phar BL. Pharmaciae Baccalaureus (Bachelor of Pharmacy)
Phar CPharmaceutical Chemist
Phar DL. Pharmaciae Doctor (Doctor of Pharmacy)
Phar GGraduate in Pharmacy
Phar ML. Pharmaciae Magister (Master of Pharmacy)
pharmpharmaceutical; pharmacopeia; pharmacy
Pharm DL. Pharmaciae Doctor (Doctor of Pharmacy)
PhBBritish Pharmacopoeia
PhDL. Philosophiae Doctor (Doctor of Philosophy)
PhGGraduate in Pharmacy; Pharmacopoeia Germanica
PHNpostherpetic neuralgia; public health nurse
PMDSpersistent müllerian duct syndrome
PHPPAp-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid
PIphosphatidylinositol; protease inhibitor
PIDpelvic inflammatory disease
PIEpulmonary interstitial emphysema; pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia
PIFprolactin-inhibiting factor; peak inspiratory flow
Pil.L. pilula (pill); L. pilulae (pills)
PIPproximal interphalangeal
PIP2phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate
PITplasma iron turnover
PJRTpermanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia
PJTparoxysmal junctional tachycardia
PKpyruvate kinase
PKU, PKU1phenylketonuria
PLEDperiodic lateralized epileptiform discharge
PLEVApityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta
PLPproteolipid protein
PLTprimed lymphocyte typing
PLTPphospholipid transfer protein
PMIpoint of maximal impulse
PMMApolymethyl methacrylate
PMNpolymorphonuclear; polymorphonuclear neutrophil
PMRproportionate mortality ratio
PMSpremenstrual syndrome
PNSperipheral nervous system
PNETperipheral neuroectodermal tumor; primitive neuro-ectodermal tumor
PNHparoxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
POL. per os (by mouth, orally)
PO2, PO2oxygen partial pressure (oxygen tension)
pO2, pO2oxygen partial pressure (oxygen tension)
POApancreatic oncofetal antigen
Pocill.L. pocillum (a small cup)
Pocul.L. poculum (cup)
poly Apolyadenylate; polyadenylic acid
POMPprednisone, Oncovin (vincristine), methotrexate, and Purinethol (6-mercaptopurine)
Pond.L. pondere (by weight)
PORproblem-oriented record
Post sing. sed. liq.L. post singulas sedes liquidas (after every watery bowel movement)
pot AGTpotential abnormality of glucose tolerance
POTSpostural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
PPL. punctum proximum (near point of accommodation)
PPDpurified protein derivative (tuberculin)
PPIproton pump inhibitor
PPLOpleuropneumonia-like organisms
ppmparts per million
PPRpeste des petits ruminants
PPSVpneumococcal vaccine polyvalent
Pptprecipitate; prepared
PRprosthion; pulmonic regurgitation; L. punctum remotum (far point of accommodation)
Prpraseodymium; presbyopia; prism
PRApanel-reactive antibody
P. rat. aetat.L. pro ratione aetatis (in proportion to age)
prev AGTprevious abnormality of glucose tolerance
PRFprolactin-releasing factor
PRKphotorefractive keratectomy
PRL, Prlprolactin
p.r.n.L. pro re nata (according to circumstances)
PROPeer Review Organization; Professional Review Organization
PROMpremature rupture of membranes
PrPprion protein
PRUperipheral resistance unit
PSphosphatidylserine; pulmonary stenosis
psper second
PSAprostate-specific antigen
P450SCCcholesterol monooxygenase (side-chain-cleaving)
PSEportal-systemic encephalopathy; portosystemic encephalopathy
psipounds per square inch
PSMpresystolic murmur
PSMAprostate-specific membrane antigen
PSROProfessional Standards Review Organization
PSTIpancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor
PSVTparoxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
PTprothrombin time
PTAplasma thromboplastin antecedent (factor XI)
PTCphenylthiocarbamide; plasma thromboplastin component (factor IX)
PTCApercutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
PteGlupteroylglutamate; pteroylglutamic acid
pterthe end of the short arm of a chromosome
PTFEpolytetrafluoroethylene (polytef)
PTHparathyroid hormone
PTPS6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase
PTRApercutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty
PTS6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase
PTSDposttraumatic stress disorder
PTTpartial thromboplastin time
PUBSpercutaneous umbilical blood sampling
PUFApolyunsaturated fatty acid
pulv.L. pulvis (powder)
PUOpyrexia of unknown origin
PUPPPpruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy
PUVApsoralen plus ultraviolet A (therapy)
PVCpolyvinyl chloride
PVLperiventricular leukomalacia
PVPpolyvinylpyrrolidone (povidone)
PVSpermanent vegetative state; persistent vegetative state
PWAperson with AIDS
PWMpokeweed mitogen
PZDpartial zona dissection
PZIprotamine zinc insulin
Qelectric charge; heat; reaction quotient
Q10temperature coefficient; ubiquinone
Qrate of blood flow
qthe long arm of a chromosome
q.L. quaque (each, every)
qelectric charge, ubiquinone; (in statistics) the probability of an alternative event occurring
q.d.L. quaque die (every day) (on the JCAHO Do Not Use List)
q.h.L. quaque hora (every hour)
q.i.d.L. quater in die (four times a day)
q.l.L. quantum libet (as much as desired)
QNSQueen’s Nursing Sister (of Queen’s Institute of District Nursing)
qnsquantity not sufficient
q.p.L. quantum placeat (as much as desired)
q.q.h.L. quaque quarta hora (every four hours)
Qq.hor.L. quaque hora (every hour)
QS2electromechanical systole
q.s.L. quantum satis (sufficient quantity)
q.suff.L. quantum sufficit (as much as suffices)
qterthe end of the long arm of a chromosome
quadrupl.L. quadruplicato (four times as much)
Quat., quat.L. quattuor (four)
Quinq.L. quinque (five)
Quint.L. quintus (fifth)
Quotid.L. quotidie (daily)
q.v.L. quantum vis (as much as you please); L. quod vide (which see)
Rarginine; organic radical; Rankine (scale); rate; expiratory exchange ratio; Réaumur scale; resistance; respiration; rhythm; right; roentgen; rough (colony)
R.L. remotum (far)
Rresistance; gas constant
RA, RAWairway resistance
ReReynolds number
RxL. recipe (take)
rdrug resistance; ring chromosome
rcorrelation coefficient; distance; radius; drug resistance
rsSpearman rank correlation coefficient
ρcorrelation coefficient
RArheumatoid arthritis
RAASrenin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
RADright axis deviation
radradian; radiation absorbed dose
rad.L. radix (root)
RAEright atrial enlargement
RAIUradioactive iodine uptake
RAOright anterior oblique (position of the fetus)
RASrenal artery stenosis; renin-angiotensin system
RASTradioallergosorbent test
RAVRous-associated virus
RBBBright bundle branch block
RBCred blood cell; red blood (cell) count
RBC ITred blood cell iron turnover
RBDREM sleep behavior disorder
RBErelative biological effectiveness
RBPretinol binding protein
RCAregulator of complement activation; right coronary artery
rCBFregional cerebral blood flow
rcpreciprocal translocation
RCTrandomized controlled trial
RCUred cell utilization
RDreaction of degeneration; Registered Dietitian
RDArecommended dietary allowance; right displacement of the abomasum
RDEreceptor-destroying enzyme
REradium emanation; right eye; retinol equivalent
Rect.L. rectificatus (rectified)
Redig. in pulv.L. redigatur in pulverem (let it be reduced to powder)
Red. in pulv.L. reductus in pulverem (reduced to powder)
REMrapid eye movements; reticular erythematous mucinosis
Rep.L. repetatur (let it be repeated)
RESreticuloendothelial system
RFradio frequency; rheumatoid factor
RFAright frontoanterior (position of the fetus)
RfDreference dose
RFIrenal failure index
RFLPrestriction fragment length polymorphism
RFPright frontoposterior (position of the fetus)
RFTright frontotransverse (position of the fetus)
RGNRegistered General Nurse (Scotland)
RGOreciprocating gait orthosis
r-HuEPOrecombinant human erythropoietin
RIDradial immunodiffusion
RIFresistance-inducing factor; right iliac fossa; rifampin
RINDreversible ischemic neurologic deficit
RIPAradioimmunoprecipitation assay
RISCRNA-induced silencing complex
RISTradioimmunosorbent test
RLFretrolental fibroplasia
RLLright lower lobe
RMAright mentoanterior (position of the fetus)
RMLright middle lobe
RMPright mentoposterior (position of the fetus)
RMTright mentotransverse (position of the fetus)
RNregistered nurse
RNAribonucleic acid
RNAiRNA interference
RNase I, RNase Apancreatic ribonuclease
ROAright occipitoanterior (position of the fetus)
robrobertsonian translocation
ROPright occipitoposterior (position of the fetus)
ROTright occipitotransverse (position of the fetus)
RPEretinal pigment epithelium
RPFrenal plasma flow
R PhRegistered Pharmacist
RPLNDretroperitoneal lymph node dissection
rpmrevolutions per minute
RQrespiratory quotient
RRARegistered Record Administrator
rRNAribosomal RNA
RSAright sacroanterior (position of the fetus)
RScAright scapuloanterior (position of the fetus)
RSCNRegistered Sick Children’s Nurse
RScPright scapuloposterior (position of the fetus)
RSPright sacroposterior (position of the fetus)
RSTright sacrotransverse (position of the fetus)
RSVrespiratory syncytial virus; Rous sarcoma virus
RTArenal tubular acidosis
RTFresistance transfer factor
RULright upper lobe
RVresidual volume; Rotavirus (or rotavirus); rotavirus vaccine
RVArabies vaccine adsorbed
RVADright ventricular assist device
RVHright ventricular hypertrophy
Ssacral vertebrae (S1−S5); serine; siemens; smooth (colony); spherical lens; substrate; sulfur; Svedberg unit
S.L. signa (mark)
S1first heart sound
S2second heart sound
S3third heart sound
S4fourth heart sound
SfSvedberg flotation unit
s.L. semis (half); L. sinister (left)
L. sine (without)
ssample standard deviation
s–1reciprocal second
σstandard deviation
S.A.L. secundum artem (according to art)
SAAGserum-ascites albumin gradient
SACHsolid ankle cushion heel
SADseasonal affective disorder
SADSSchedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia; sudden adult arrhythmia (or arrhythmic) death syndrome
S.A.L.L. secundum artis leges (according to the rules of art)
SAPsphingolipid activator protein (saposin)
SARSsevere acute respiratory syndrome
SARS-CoVSARS-associated coronavirus
SBsinus bradycardia
Sbantimony (L. stibium)
SBEsubacute bacterial endocarditis
SBFTsmall bowel follow-through
SBMAspinobulbar muscular atrophy
SBPspontaneous bacterial peritonitis
SCclosure of semilunar valves; secretory component; subcutaneous
SCATsheep cell agglutination test
ScDL. Scientiae Doctor (Doctor of Science)
ScDAL. scapulo-dextra anterior (right scapuloanterior [position of the fetus])
scDNAsingle copy DNA
ScDPL. scapulo-dextra posterior (right scapuloposterior [position of the fetus])
SCFAshort-chain fatty acid
SChEserum cholinesterase
SCIspinal cord injury
SCIDsevere combined immunodeficiency
ScLAL. scapulo-laeva anterior (left scapuloanterior [position of the fetus])
SCLCsmall cell lung carcinoma
ScLPL. scapulo-laeva posterior (left scapuloposterior [position of the fetus])
SCMState Certified Midwife
scu-PAsingle chain urokinase-type plasminogen antivator
SDskin dose; standard deviation
SDAL. sacro-dextra anterior (right sacroanterior [position of the fetus])
SDEspecific dynamic effect
SDPL. sacro-dextra posterior (right sacroposterior [position of the fetus])
SDSsodium dodecyl sulfate
SDS-PAGESDS−polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
SDTL. sacro-dextra transversa (right sacrotransverse [position of the fetus])
SEstandard error; sphenoethmoidal suture
SEDskin erythema dose
semel in d.L. semel in die (once a day)
Semih.L. semihora (half an hour)
SEPsomatosensory evoked potential
Sept.L. septem (seven)
seq. luceL. sequenti luce (the following day)
SERMselective estrogen receptor modulator
Serv.L. serva (keep; preserve)
SEWHOshoulder-elbow-wrist-hand orthosis
SF-1steroidogenic factor 1
SFEMGsingle fiber electromyography
SGAsmall for gestational age
SGOTserum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase
SGPTserum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase
SHBGsex hormone−binding globulin
SHHSonic Hedgehog (gene)
SHMLsinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (Rosai-Dorfman disease)
SIstimulation index; Système International d’Unités (International System of Units)
SIADsyndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis
SIADHsyndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
s.i.d.L. semel in die (once a day)
SIDSsudden infant death syndrome
sig.L. signa (mark)
Sig. n. pro.L. signa nomine proprio (label with the proper name)
SIMVsynchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation
sing.L. singulorum (of each)
Si non val.L. si non valeat (if it is not enough)
Si op. sitL. si opus sit (if it is necessary)
siRNAsmall interfering RNA
SISIshort increment sensitivity index
SIVsimian immunodeficiency virus
Si vir. perm.L. si vires permittant (if the strength will permit)
SKYspectral karyotype
SLAL. sacro-laeva anterior (left sacroanterior [position of the fetus])
SLACscapholunate advanced collapse
SLEsystemic lupus erythematosus
SLOscanning laser ophthalmoscope
SLPL. sacro-laeva posterior (left sacroposterior [position of the fetus])
SLTL. sacro-laeva transversa (left sacrotransverse [position of the fetus])
Sm 153-EDTMPsamarium Sm 153 lexidronam
SMOsupramalleolar orthosis
SMONsubacute myelo-opticoneuropathy
SMRstandardized morbidity ratio; standardized mortality ratio
S.N.L. secundum naturam (according to nature)
Sntin (L. stannum)
SNAPsensory nerve action potential
SNGFRsingle nephron glomerular filtration rate
snoRNAsmall nucleolar RNA
snoRNPsmall nucleolar ribonucleoprotein
SNPsingle nucleotide polymorphism
SNRIserotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
snRNAsmall nuclear RNA
snRNPsmall nuclear ribonucleoprotein
SNSsympathetic nervous system
SOsphenooccipital synchondrosis
SOBshortness of breath
SOFASSocial and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale
solv.L. solve (dissolve)
SOMIsternal-occipital-mandibular immobilizer
S. op. s., S.O.S.L. si opus sit (if it is necessary)
sp.L. spiritus (spirit)
SPAsperm penetration assay
SPCAserum prothrombin conversion accelerator (factor VII)
SPECTsingle-photon emission computed tomography
SPFspecific-pathogen free; sun protection factor
sp grspecific gravity
sphspherical; spherical lens
spir., Spt.L. spiritus (spirit)
SRstimulation ratio
SRBCsheep red blood cell
SRFskin reactive factor
SRHsomatotropin-releasing hormone
SRIFsomatotropin release–inhibiting factor
SRNState Registered Nurse (England and Wales)
SRS-Aslow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis
SRTspeech reception threshold; speech recognition threshold
ss.L. semis (half)
SSDsource-skin distance
ssDNAsingle-stranded DNA
SSPEsubacute sclerosing panencephalitis
SSRsimple sequence repeat
SSRIselective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
ssRNAsingle-stranded RNA
SSSsick sinus syndrome; specific soluble substance
s.s.s.L. stratum super stratum (layer upon layer)
S.S.V.L. sub signo veneni (under a poison label)
STsinus tachycardia
St.L. stet (let it stand); L. stent (let them stand)
STATsignal transducer and activator of transcription
stat.L. statim (at once, immediately)
STDsexually transmitted disease
STEsubperiosteal tissue expander
STECShiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli
STEMIST elevation myocardial infarction
STIsexually transmitted infection; systolic time intervals
STPstandard temperature and pressure (0°C and 760 mm Hg)
STPDstandard temperature and pressure (dry)
STRshort tandem repeat
STRPshort tandem repeat polymorphism
STSserologic test for syphilis
su.L. sumat (let him take)
Sub fin. coct.L. sub finem coctionis (toward the end of boiling)
SUDSsudden unexplained death syndrome
sum.L. sumat (let him take); L. sumendum (to be taken)
SUNCTshort-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing
SUZIsubzonal insemination
SVsinus venosus; simian virus; stroke volume
SV40simian virus 40
SVCsuperior vena cava
SVTsupraventricular tachycardia
Syr.L. syrupus (syrup)
Tintraocular tension; tesla; threonine; thymine; thymidine; tetanus toxoid; thoracic vertebrae (T1−T12); triangulation number
Tabsolute temperature; transmittance; twisting number
T1/2half-life; half-time
T1tricuspid valve closure
Tmmelting temperature; transport maximum; tubular maximum
ttemperature; time
t1/2half-life; half-time
τmean life; torque
TATerminologia Anatomica; toxin-antitoxin
TAAtumor-associated antigen
TACtetracaine, epinephrine (adrenaline), and cocaine (solution)
TAD6-thioguanine, ara-C (cytarabine), and daunomycin
TATThematic Apperception Test; toxin-antitoxin
TBGthyroxine-binding globulin
TBItraumatic brain injury; total body irradiation
TBIITSH-binding inhibitory immunoglobulins
TBWtotal body water
TCAtricyclic antidepressant
TCID50median tissue culture infective dose
TCMtraditional Chinese medicine
TCMIT cell−mediated immunity
TCRT cell antigen receptor; transcription-coupled repair
TCVtotal cell volume
TD50median toxic dose
Tdtetanus and diphtheria toxoids
TDATSH-displacing antibody
Tdapdiphtheria and reduced tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine
TDItoluene diisocyanate
T1DMtype 1 diabetes mellitus
T2DMtype 2 diabetes mellitus
t.d.s.L. ter die sumendum (to be taken three times a day)
TdTterminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase
TeBGtestosterone-estradiol–binding globulin
TEDthreshold erythema dose
TEEtransesophageal echocardiography
TEMtransanal endoscopic microsurgery
TENStranscutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
TEOAEtransient evoked otoacoustic emissions
TEPPtetraethyl pyrophosphate
TESEtesticular sperm extraction
TETtreadmill exercise test; tubal embryo transfer
TFtransfer factor
TFFtrefoil factor
TGEtransmissible gastroenteritis
TGFtransforming growth factor
TGNtrans-Golgi network
TGTthromboplastin generation test
THtyrosine hydroxylase
THAtotal hip arthroplasty
THAMtris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (tromethamine)
THFtetrahydrofolate; tetrahydrofolic acid
TIAtransient ischemic attack
TIBCtotal iron-binding capacity
t.i.d.L. ter in die (three times a day)
tinct.L. tinctura (tincture)
TIPStransjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
TIVtrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine
TJAtotal joint arthroplasty
TKthymidine kinase
TKAtotal knee arthroplasty
TLCtotal lung capacity; thin-layer chromatography
TLItotal lymphoid irradiation
TLSOthoracolumbosacral orthosis
TLVthreshold limit value
TMAtrimellitic anhydride
TMDtemporomandibular disorder
TMItransmandibular implant
TMSTtreadmill stress test
Tnnormal intraocular tension
TNDtransmissible neurodegenerative disease (prion disease)
TMEtotal mesorectal excision
TMJtemporomandibular joint
TMJDtemporomandibular joint disorder
TNFtumor necrosis factor
TNMtumor-nodes-metastasis (staging)
TNStranscutaneous nerve stimulation
TORCHtoxoplasmosis, other agents, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex (syndrome)
TPA, t-PAtissue plasminogen activator
TPHATreponema pallidum hemagglutination assay
TPNtotal parenteral nutrition; triphosphopyridine nucleotide
TPPthiamine pyrophosphate
TRtricuspid regurgitation
TRAtumor rejection antigen (tumor-specific transplantation antigen)
TRALItransfusion-related acute lung injury
TRAPSTNF-receptor–associated periodic syndrome
TRHthyrotropin-releasing hormone
Trid.L. triduum (three days)
Trit.L. tritura (triturate)
tRNAtransfer RNA
troch.L. trochiscus (troche)
TRUturbidity reducing unit
TRUStransrectal ultrasonography
TStest solution; tricuspid stenosis
TSAtumor-specific antigen
TSCtuberous sclerosis complex
TSDTay-Sachs disease
TSEtransmissible spongiform encephalopathy (prion disease)
TSFtriceps skinfold
TSHthyroid-stimulating hormone
T-spinethoracic spine
TSTAtumor-specific transplantation antigen
TTtherapeutic touch; thrombin time
TTVthrombotic threshold velocity
TUtuberculin unit
TUIPtransurethral incision of the prostate
TULIPtransurethral laser-induced prostatectomy
TUMTtransurethral microwave thermotherapy
TUNAtransurethral needle ablation
TURtransurethral resection
TURBTtransurethral resection of bladder tumor
TURPtransurethral resection of the prostate
tus.L. tussis (a cough)
TUVPtransurethral vaporization of the prostate
TWZtriangular working zone
TXA2thromboxane A2
TXB2thromboxane B2
Uinternational unit of enzyme activity; unit (on the JCAHO Do Not Use List); uracil; uranium; uridine
uatomic mass unit
UDPuridine diphosphate
ult. praes.L. ultimum praescriptus (last prescribed)
UMPuridine monophospate
ung.L. unguentum (ointment)
UPPurethral pressure profile
URRurea reduction ratio
USANUnited States Adopted Names
USPUnited States Pharmacopeia
USRDSUnited States Renal Data System
Ut dict.L. ut dictum (as directed)
Utend.L. utendus (to be used)
UTIurinary tract infection
UTPuridine triphosphate
UVAultraviolet A
UVBultraviolet B
UVCultraviolet C
Vvaline; vanadium; vision; volt; volume
Vvoltage; volume
Vmaxmaximum velocity of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction
VTtidal volume
v.L. vena (vein)
vvelocity; voltage
VAvisual acuity
VACvincristine, dactinomycin, and cyclophosphamide
VACTERLvertebral, anal, cardiac, tracheal, esophageal, renal, and limb (association)
VADventricular assist device
VAMPvincristine, methotrexate, 6-mercaptopurine, and prednisone
VATERvertebral defects, imperforate anus, tracheoesophageal fistula, radial and renal dysplasia (association)
VATSvideo-assisted thoracic (or thoracoscopic) surgery
VBGvertical banded gastroplasty
VCvital capacity
VCUvoiding cystourethrography
VCUGvoiding cystourethrogram; voiding cystourethrography
VDvenereal disease
VDHvalvular disease of the heart
VDRLVenereal Disease Research Laboratories
VEEVenezuelan equine encephalomyelitis
VEGFvascular endothelial growth factor
VEPvisual evoked potential
Vesic.L. vesicula (a blister)
VFvocal fremitus
vfvisual field
VFibventricular fibrillation
VFlventricular flutter
VHDLvery-high-density lipoprotein
VIGvaccinia immune globulin
VIPvasoactive intestinal polypeptide
VISAvancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus
VLAvery late activation (antigen)
VLBWvery low birth weight (infant)
VLCDvery low calorie diet
VLDLvery-low-density lipoprotein
VMAvanillylmandelic acid
VMDL. Veterinariae Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)
VNSvagal nerve stimulation
VNTRvariable number tandem repeats; variable number of tandem repeats
VPvariegate porphyria
VPBventricular premature beat
VPCventricular premature complex
VPDventricular premature depolarization
VPFvascular permeability factor
VPRCvolume of packed red cells
VRvocal resonance
VREvancomycin-resistant enterococci
VRSAvancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
VSvolumetric solution
VSGvariable surface glycoprotein
VTventricular tachycardia
vv.L. venae (veins)
v/vvolume (of solute) per volume (of solvent)
VVSvulvar vestibulitis syndrome
VWvessel wall
vWFvon Willebrand factor
VZIGvaricella-zoster immune globulin
Wtryptophan; tungsten (Ger. Wolfram); watt
Wwork; writhing number
WAISWechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
WBCwhite blood cell; white blood cell count
WEEwestern equine encephalomyelitis
WHHLWatanabe heritable hyperlipidemic (rabbit)
WHOWorld Health Organization; wrist-hand orthosis
WISCWechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
WNVWest Nile virus
w/vweight (of solute) per volume (of solvent)
XKienböck unit; xanthine; xanthosine
sample mean
XISTX-inactivation−specific transcript (gene)
XMPxanthosine monophosphate
XOANX-linked ocular albinism (Nettleship-Falls)
XUexcretory urography
Ytyrosine; yttrium
YACyeast artificial chromosome
Zatomic number; impedance
ZESZollinger-Ellison syndrome
ZIFTzygote intrafallopian transfer
ZSRzeta sedimentation ratio
Zz.L. zingiber (ginger)
Fear of:Phobia
bad mensclerophobia
barren spacecenophobia, kenophobia
bearing a deformed childteratophobia
beatingmastigophobia, rhabdophobia
beesapiphobia, melissophobia
being aloneautophobia, eremophobia, monophobia
being beatenmastigophobia, rhabdophobia
being buried alivetaphephobia
being enclosedclaustrophobia, clithrophobia
being laughed atcatagelophobia, katagelophobia
being locked inclithrophobia
being looked atscopophobia, scoptophobia
being scratchedamychophobia
being touchedaphephobia, haphephobia, haptephobia
being uncleanautomysophobia
being unclothedgymnophobia, nudophobia
bloodhematophobia, hemophobia
blushingereuthophobia, erythrophobia
body defect, imaginarydysmorphophobia
brain diseasemeningitophobia
bridge, crossinggephyrophobia
building, being insidedomatophobia
burial alivetaphephobia
cancercancerophobia, cancerphobia, carcinomatophobia, carcinophobia
catsailurophobia, galeophobia, gatophobia
changekainophobia, kainotophobia, neophobia
childbirthmaieusiophobia, tocophobia
chokinganginophobia, pnigophobia
coldcheimaphobia, cryophobia, psychropophobia
colorschromatophobia, chromophobia
contaminationcoprophobia, molysmophobia, mysophobia, scatophobia
crossing a bridge or rivergephyrophobia
crossing a streetdromophobia
crowdsdemophobia, ochlophobia
darknessachluphobia, noctiphobia, nyctophobia, scotophobia
dead bodiesnecrophobia
deathnecrophobia, thanatophobia
deformed child, bearingteratophobia
dental operationsodontophobia
devils or the devildemonophobia, satanophobia
dirtcoprophobia, mysophobia, rhypophobia, rupophobia
dirtiness, personalautomysophobia
diseasenosophobia, pathophobia
disease, specificmonopathophobia
disorderataxiophobia, ataxophobia
draftsaerophobia, anemophobia
eatingcibophobia, phagophobia, sitophobia
emptinesscenophobia, kenophobia
enclosed spacesclaustrophobia
everythingpanophobia, panphobia, pantophobia
excrementcoprophobia, scatophobia
fearing or fearsphobophobia
female genitalseurotophobia
feverfebriphobia, pyrexiophobia
filthmysophobia, rhypophobia, rupophobia
filth, personalautomysophobia
floggingmastigophobia, rhabdophobia
foodcibophobia, phagophobia, sitophobia
fresh airaerophobia
germsmicrobiophobia, microphobia
ghostsphasmophobia, demonophobia
glasscrystallophobia, hyalophobia
hairtrichopathophobia, trichophobia
heart diseasecardiophobia
heavensiderophobia, uranophobia
heightsacrophobia, hyposophobia
hellhadephobia, stygiophobia
hereditary disease or hereditypatroiophobia, patriophobia
high objectsbatophobia
home, returning tonostophobia
horsesequinophobia, hippophobia
housesdomatophobia, oikophobia
human societyanthropophobia
humiliationcatagelophobia, katagelophobia
inherited diseasepatroiophobia, patriophobia
insanitylyssophobia, maniaphobia
insectsacarophobia, entomophobia
instrument of punishmentrhabdophobia
large objectsmegalophobia
left or objects to the leftlevophobia
lightningastraphobia, astrapophobia, keraunophobia
lonelinesseremophobia, monophobia
malignancycancerophobia, cancerphobia, carcinomatophobia, carcinophobia
many thingspolyphobia
messinessataxiophobia, ataxophobia
microorganismsmicrobiophobia, microphobia
minute objectsacarophobia, microbiophobia, microphobia
mirrorseisoptrophobia, spectrophobia
naked body or nakednessgymnophobia, nudophobia
names or naming or being namedonomatophobia
neglecting dutyparalipophobia
new thingskainophobia, kainotophobia, neophobia
nightachluphobia, noctiphobia, nyctophobia
northern lightsauroraphobia
noveltykainophobia, kainotophobia, neophobia
nuditygymnophobia, nudophobia
oceannautophobia, thalassophobia
odor, personalautomysophobia, bromidrosiphobia
odorsolfactophobia, osmophobia, osphresiophobia
one’s own voicephonophobia
oneselfautophobia, monophobia
open spacesagoraphobia, agyiophobia
painalgophobia, odynophobia
parasitesacarophobia, parasitophobia
passing high objectsbatophobia
personal odor or uncleanlinessautomysophobia, bromidrosiphobia
phobia, development ofphobophobia
points or pointed objectsaichmophobia
poisoniophobia, toxiphobia, toxicophobia
public placesagoraphobia, agyiophobia
rabiescynophobia, lyssophobia
rain or rainstormsombrophobia
rectal excretacoprophobia, scatophobia
ridiculecatagelophobia, katagelophobia
right or objects to the rightdextrophobia
rivers, crossinggephyrophobia
rodmastigophobia, rhabdophobia
sacred objectshierophobia
scratch, receivingamychophobia
seanautophobia, thalassophobia
sexual intercoursecoitophobia, cypridophobia, cypriophobia
sexual loveerotophobia
sharp objectsaichmophobia, belonephobia
sicknessnosophobia, pathophobia
sin or sinningenosiophobia, hamartophobia, peccatiphobia
sitting down, the actcathisophobia, kathisophobia
skin, animaldoraphobia
skin diseasedermatosiophobia
skin lesiondermatophobia
small objects or animalsmicrobiophobia, microphobia
smelling badautomysophobia, bromidrosiphobia
solitudeautophobia, eremophobia, monophobia
soundsacousticophobia, phonophobia
speakingglossophobia, laliophobia, lalophobia
speaking aloudphonophobia
specific diseasemonopathophobia
specific wordonomatophobia
spidersarachnephobia, arachnophobia
standing upstasiphobia
standing up and walkingstasibasiphobia
stating untruthsmythophobia
street, crossingdromophobia
streetsagoraphobia, agyiophobia
talkinglaliophobia, lalophobia
taste or tastinggeumaphobia
thinkingphronemophobia, psychophobia
thunderastraphobia, astrapophobia, brontophobia, keraunophobia, tonitrophobia
touchingaphephobia, haphephobia, haptephobia
travelhodophobia, dromophobia
tuberculosisphthisiophobia, tuberculophobia
uncleanliness, selfautomysophobia
venereal diseasecypridophobia, cypriphobia
voidscenophobia, kenophobia
wateraquaphobia, hydrophobia, nautophobia
wind instrumentsaulophobia
womengynephobia, gynophobia
word, specificonomatophobia
workergasiophobia, ponophobia